March 2019 Psychic Development Tip #6 - Do Goods


March 2019 Psychic Development Tip #6 - Do Goods

One thing I like to remind my psychic development students of right from the start is to be continually aware of their 'Do Goods' and to keep a record of them.

Recognizing and applauding your "Do Goods" is one of the most important cornerstones of developing your psychic ability. In fact, it's so important to do this that in my classes we actually do a sort of show and tell, where we share our "Do Goods" with each other, adding still more impact to their importance.

I am sure right now you are asking yourself, "What is a 'Do Good'?"

By now you know I firmly believe everyone is psychic. Yes, even you! But in Western society most of us have been trained from birth to ignore and even override our psychic impressions, so by adulthood our psychic abilities have often become repressed.

When we show up for a date wearing the same color combination as our partner we call that a coincidence. When we pick up the phone just as our friend is calling, that is just luck. When we take a different route home from work one day and later learn there was a traffic accident on our normal route that doesn't even register as the precognitive event it was.

If we are even aware of it we just think we lucked out by deciding to take the alternate route that afternoon. We have been taught to dismiss our psychic impressions. In all these small ways we focus our attention away from our God-given intuition, each time diminishing it. Over time these things happen less and less frequently until for many of us, they cease all together.

So one of the first steps in re-discovering your psychic ability is to start recognizing when you are using it! I call these experiences 'Do Goods'.

I recommend that you, like my students, begin a Do-Good book. Write down the times you know before someone answers the phone if it's a man or a woman on the other end. Record the mornings you leave for work late, but still make it on time because every traffic light along the route is somehow green when you pass it. Note the sentences you finish for your friend, or the times you begin talking about the same subject at the same moment. Write down the time you suddenly felt a headache coming on, and then your friend complained of their headache they'd had all day.

All of these Do Goods are actually your psychic senses hard at work to help you relate to the world we live in more fully and to give you help navigating life's little hiccoughs. As you begin actually paying attention to your psychic impressions, and add more energy and focus by writing them down and perhaps even sharing them with others, something pretty amazing beginsto happen.

By giving your psychic awareness attention you are energizing that part of your being. You are telling your psychic self, "I appreciate your help and the extra information you are giving me about my life". The result is that very quickly you will begin to get more and more Do Goods! For many people, this is when their psychic self really begins to wake up!

Go ahead and start your own Do Good book. Before long, you will have so many to record each day that you'll start to take the little ones, like always feeling your spouse or partner coming home before they walk in the door, for granted, and you'll be saving the space in your Do Good book for the big juicy ones, like buying that extra steak before your partner told you they were bringing the boss home for dinner.

There is a very special benefit to working with a Do Good book as well - soon your life will be filled with all these little extras that will make life itself so much easier and more fulfilling.

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