March Astrolights 2020

March will be a powerful month with Saturn moving from Capricorn into Aquarius. Although both Capricorn and Aquarius are ruled by Saturn, the emphasis of Saturn’s effect changes from earthly practicalities to social and humanitarian foci. What kind of organizations do you belong to? What are the causes and social issues that you feel passionate about? Who are your friends and what kind of people are they? What are your hopes and aspirations? All these things are now going to take a dominant position in your daily activities. You will revisit the career and practicality issues in July through December again but now and after December the changes you must make must be assessed and determined if not put in place.
As Venus moves into Taurus on the 5th you will be able to determine how your resources and abilities may figure into your changing goals and connections. Venus’ ingress into Taurus will also give you the opportunity to decide what vales and resources to keep and build and which values and resources have outlived their usefulness. This, in the long run, will give you a clarified self-identification.

A full Moon in Virgo on the 9th and Mercury turning direct in Aquarius on the 10th will bring a laser focus to all the issues and decisions you have to make. As Mercury moves into Pisces on the 16th you will be able to get a better handle on any fears that might surface and interfere with any of the changes you might want to make but feel insecure about.
On the 20th we will have the Spring Equinox, on the 22nd Saturn will make its ingress to Aquarius and there will be a new Moon in Aries on the 24th. This will be like the starter gun firing for all the decisions and chosen actions to begin to take place.

On the 30th Mars will move into Aquarius. This will give energy to all the changes, hopes and expectations we begin to have about our coming future. This will also energize a whole gamut of humanitarian issues. Be careful not to let political correctness overpower where you apply your personal energy. Your future should be chosen by you not the current social dictates for homogenizing us with mediocrity.          

   Click here for Astrological Coaching with John Maerz

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