May 2019 Astrolights

As the Sun conjuncts with Uranus in Taurus in the second house on April 23rd, we have a brief glimpse of the opportunities concerning the use of our resources such as money, real estate, our possessions and abilities. Be wary this day to notice everything that comes into our purview. We will see little indicators of what is up and coming for us and how we can best utilize our resources and time for our best growth and comfort. The new Moon in Taurus on the 4th will give us the starting gate for our sojourns. Stay awake and aware. This will be as if a door is quickly opening and then shutting.

With Mercury and Venus both in Aries in the first house we will have an up front seat as to how our needs and desires for independence and exploration will cross currents with our career and its attending responsibilities. With the Moon beginning its month in Pisces, it will be important for us to recognize our personal boundaries and how far, actually, those responsibilities would and should reach. Are you accomplishing them because they’re necessary or because you’re being guilted into responding by those who are unwilling to do their own work? Right now, proper discrimination is of the utmost importance.

On the 15thand 16th, respectively, Venus moves into Taurus and Mars moves into Cancer. Venus will bring us the focus and opportunity to choose how we want to act regarding our resources and Mars will bring us the actions and understanding of how those choices will affect our home, family and sense of security. If there is any movement expected concerning real estate, it will show itself then.

On the 18ththe Moon will become full in Scorpio. This will bring our attention to what kind and how much support we are receiving from others. It will also make us aware of what others expected to gain from us for their participation. Be careful not to allow this interplay to turn into a battle for dominance. The Taurus/Scorpio axis is all about the balance of money, power and possessions. In lower vibrations it becomes a power struggle. In higher vibrations it becomes a fair and balanced perception and integration of resources toward a common cause or project. Be as wide minded as you are able.

On the 21st the Sun and Mercury both move into Gemini. Be prepared for things to speed up quite a bit. It may also require you to make many trips to diverse areas to bring your efforts under one roof that you may consolidate your forces. Be wary of scattering your energy through others feigning helplessness and expecting you to “fix” them. You don’t want to succumb to “the bum’s rush.” Obligation should be a process of carefully thought out choice not a rushed coercion by others through induced guilt.


   Click here for Astrological Coaching with John Maerz



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