Psychic Development Tip #22 and We Create Our World Tip #2


I want to follow up immediately with to PD Tip #21/We Create Our World Tip #1 by giving a tip here to help you to 'let go'. 

When you read, watched or listened to Tip #21 you probably realized at the end just how important letting go is to the whole process of breaking patterns and that of course allows us to begin to manifest the new life we want for ourselves, free of past patterns.

Here is a simple tip I have learned to use in my meditations and also in my daily life, that will help you enormously and is so, so, simple to do.

It involves breathing.

I first discovered this when doing sitting meditation in which I was taught to maintain my focus on my breath, and in my case, I was taught to breathe in for the count of eight, hold for a count of four, and breathe out for a count of 8, then back in and repeat the process.

Well, after breathing in that pattern for a while, I began to realize that after slowly releasing my breath to a count of 8, I wasn't ready to breath in. So I just sat with my lungs empty. I didn't refill them until an automatic reaction to breathe back in was triggered. Over time my slow exhalation became even slower, as I learned to release my breath without haste, mostly allowing the weight of my body to compress all the air in my lungs until they really were empty. The period I was able to sit with lungs empty was extended. Never forced, the extension occurred as I 'allowed' myself to sit in emptiness and stillness. Then that automatic quick refreshing breath in was triggered.

What I discovered, is that after all the breath was released, and before the next breath in was triggered, is a space that is magical, and powerful. It's the space between the thoughts. It's the space between life and death. It's the space where all patterns cease to exist. It's the space where old things are released and new things are born. It's the space where you can get in touch with your real and authentic self.

Experienced meditators have mostly all accessed this space. But following my directions above, you can too, and you can learn to use this exercise to change your patterns, to alter the flow of energy around you, to increase your energy, and to improve the fine-tuning of your focused thought.

Special Note: As this technique does alter your brain pattern and over oxygenates your brain (temporarily) you should NOT use it while operating heavy equipment or driving a car.

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