Monthly Specials for July 2024


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Offer #1 – 
   I am offeringmy ‘What’s Happening in Your Next 3 Months’ targeted reading at a special discount this month.  Normally $300, you can get this reading for yourself or a friend (or both) for only $250!  This reading can change your life for the better, or at least help to move you in the direction you want to go, towards the success you want to achieve, towards the love you need and want in your life towards the freedom you most desire.
    Prediction is what my Guides and I are most well known for.  We have been able to help to guide people through a maze of life’s complications, seeing your next life step before it occurs.  We can help you to be prepared for the unexpected, to change what can be changed, and to survive and flourish when passing through those things you cannot change.  So many of my clients right now are at a crossroads in life – it is exactly at such a time that a What’s Happening in Your Next 3 Months targeted reading by me and my Guides is an invaluable asset.
    Your reading will only take about a half hour of your time, and costs only $250 during July.  You will get a recording of your session with me, and your astrology chart showing the current planetary transits. You can have your reading by telephone, which is the preference used my most of my clients, or if you have a computer or internet capable device, on GoToMeeting with full video.  There’s no time to waste as spots for this session with me are filling up fast.  Your reading must be booked between July 1st and 31st, and used before December 31st, 2024. Enter code save50

Offer #2:  
    Many of you reading or listening to this have been waiting for a year or more for my Kabbala Pathworking Class to run again.  I have good news! It will be starting again on July 10th and runs every Wednesday for about 6 months.  Don't worry about missing any sessions, everything will be recorded. This is a life-changing program, one of the most important programs that I teach.  It is for anyone who is interested in their spiritual journey, and their own evolution.  Kabbala Pathworking is learning about the journey of the soul and the Kabbala through direct experience via guided visualization.  It is amazingly transformative for you, for your family and friends, and for your entire life, in a good way.  Whatever your roadblocks, goals, difficult choices may be, the Kabbala will help you to gain perspective and see your own journey through new eyes.  Over the many years I have taught it, I have been amazed over and over again by the huge life transitions so many of my students have successfully made on their own with the support of this program.  The course is part self-study and part live online interaction with me and our group as you meet with fellow 'travelers' from all over the world.  There is a community group that is highly interactive.  You will also receive my Kabbala Pathworking book along with the entire pre-recorded program in your own online permanent library.  This class will change your life, in an amazingly positive way, opening your heart and mind, and helping to develop your higher intuition.  Many of my psychic development students take this class to heighten their already very well-developed psychic senses.

There are no longer any early bird discounts for this program, but it is still offered at the amazingly low price of $595.  That includes:

A digital copy of my Kabbala Pathworking book that sells on Amazon for $21.90
A first lesson that gives a wonderful overview of the Kabbala in a very understandable and easy to absorb format, along with a sample ‘Path’ to give you the feeling of what the process of pathworking can do for you.  This lesson alone is worth $50 or more.
23 guided visualizations on MP3 that gradually move you through direct inner experiences, opening your body, your mind, your emotions, and your spirit to higher energetic frequencies that become a permanent part of who you are.  We do one Path per week.  When I taught this class live this part of the class alone was sold for $460.
Downloadable mandalas that you can color to help you focus and fully enter each Path.  Returning students like to re-color their mandalas, which often shows the new direction of their growth when compared to their first-time mandala.  These paths utilize universal symbolism and speak directly to your subconscious mind. The pictures themselves stimulate your growth as you color them.
24 pre-recorded video group discussions in which I highlight the areas each Path is helping you with and address the most common questions.  This part of the program, when done live, was itself worth $250.
Weekly live group coaching calls with me to answer questions, discuss experiences, guide you, and highlight important transitionary markers.  You get recordings of all of these sessions. If sold separately, this part of the program alone would sell for $500.
A private community group that is very interactive and helps you to explore your growth and reactions, your dreams, and even life experiences related to whatever Path we are on.
You also get all of this in your own online library, accessible from any internet capable device, including your cell phone!  Your group calls with me are recorded and sent to you separately. Your library for this course is yours forever, so you can go back over these Paths any time you need a ‘refresher’!

    This class is worth over $1,200, and I offer it to my students at $595. That’s a savings of over $600.       

    To the best of my knowledge, it is the only Kabbala Pathworking class available anywhere, for any amount.  Why am I offering it at this incredible low price?  It’s because the World needs it.  You need it, especially right now, whether or not you even know that.  This will be the most transformative thing you have ever done for yourself.  

    Please sign up now on

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