Monthly Specials for May, 2023


Here’s my first offer:  

For most of us dealing with these uncertain times right now, our primary focus is on our futures.  How much money will we have, where will we live, what will happen to our work and career?  How will our health be, and how will our relationships with be going forward? What are our debts, and how do we get out of debt and stay that way? What are, were, and will be our and our family’s greatest challenges going forward?   My Guides and I can help answer these questions.  We have the ability to help you to see your future clearly enough to know what is coming for you and your family’ specifically to help you to achieve freedom from worry, and happiness, both now and in the future. 

My Guides and I can also to help you prioritize the steps you need to take, to achieve whatever dreams you have that you feel will help make you whole, and not just survive this time, but flourish and even go beyond where you previously were.  We can help you find your way through the maze of opportunity and avoid those inevitable pitfalls that most people will be subjected to.  We can help to make YOUR path forward faster and easier than you thought it could be, warning you of potential problems along the way, all by using astrology, tarot, and channeled insights from my Guides and yours.

To celebrate Mother’s Day, I am offering this unique one half hour reading special by me and my Guides for $240.  That is 20% off of my regular rate for a channeled reading.  This offer must be purchased between May 1st thru 31st, and openings are limited, so call or email NOW if you want to be assured of a spot.  You can use the reading, once purchased, any time between May 1st and December 31st, 2023.  You can even gift it to a friend who you know would benefit from it!  Purchase this reading on my website and my assistant will be in touch with you to schedule it. Use Code MOMSPEC23 to get the discount. 

Here's my second offer:  

Those of you who have been studying with me for a while and are ready to take the next step, or have had your eye on a special group of classes that you want to take, will find that this offer makes your dream totally possible!

When you purchase any educational program on my website at full price, you can purchase a second program of equal or lesser value for 50% off!  This includes all of my pre-recorded self-study programs as well as in-person online programs, but it does not include my VIP membership program.

Both of your purchases must be made between May 1st - May 31st, 2023, but there is no expiration date for when you need to take the classes.  Pre-recorded programs will immediately be added to your personal online library so you can study at your leisure.   You can take both programs yourself, or gift the second to someone special! 

How does this special opportunity work? Just purchase your first program at the regular price, then email my assistant, Lisa, and let her know that you want to purchase a second program at the 50 % discount.  Remember, the second program must be of equal or lesser value!  Also, if you are gifting the second program to another, you will need to supply their name and email address when you purchase it.

Here's my third offer:   

Many of you reading or listening to this have been eagerly waiting for a year or more for my Kabbala Pathworking Class to run again.  I have good news! It will be starting again on July 5th and will meet every Wednesday for about 6 months.  Don't worry about missing any sessions, everything will be recorded. This is a life-changing program, one of the most important programs that I teach.  It is for anyone who is interested in their spiritual journey, and their own evolution.  Kabbala Pathworking is learning about the journey of the soul and the Kabbala through direct experience via guided visualization.  It is amazingly transformative for you, for your family and friends, and for your entire life, in a good way.  Whatever your roadblocks, goals, difficult choices may be, the Kabbala will help you to gain perspective and see your own journey through new eyes.  The course is part self-study and part live online interaction with me and our group as you meet with fellow 'travelers' from all over the world.  This class comes with an online community group that is highly interactive and will help you to grow and evolve.  You will also receive my Kabbala Pathworking book whose paper version sells for $21.90 on Amazon, along with the entire pre-recorded program in your own online permanent library where you can review the entire program over and over again.

I am offering my Kabbala Pathworking class to new students for an amazing $100 off from May 1st through 31st!  Use CODE  KAPATH23 to get this discount.
     The class is normally sold for $597.  Right now, you can get the entire program for $497!

      This early enrollment opportunity is limited.  Don't wait.  Sign up now!


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