November 2021 Astrological Predictions


Astrological and Psychic Predictions for November 2021

The Fire Signs:

If you are a Fire Sign, Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, here’s an overview of what’s going on for you this November:

As a Fire Sign, this month you’ll be focusing on finding and developing talents, abilities and skills that may have the potential to set you free from a financial burden or a job that you are ready to leave or expand into something more.  This is a growth month for you and that growth will show in your career goals and aspirations, and in the way you are taking care of your physical body and personal needs. You are realizing your life needs to be more than just working and scraping by. Enjoy the month as you begin to establish freedom for yourself in your life. Now that Pluto is direct most of those old blocks are fast-falling away.  Have a Happy Thanksgiving, wherever you are! Now let’s look at what’s going on for each Fire Sign in November, 2021:

Aries -
This is a great month to get back on track Aries.  What is your greatest desire?  You’ve had plenty of time to sort through your wants, needs, and dreams.  It’s time to set some goals now, and begin your next journey!  This month needs to be about your finding your own center and being on track with yourself, above all.  Relationships are likely to be filled with misunderstandings and trust issues right now, so step back for a bit and observe before you speak or act and you’ll find things go a bit more smoothly.  This is especially important now, as the holiday season begins. You may be encountering many people you haven’t seen in a long while, and though personal differences may still seek to divide you, it’s time to decide your course of action before you allow circumstances to make your decisions for you.  Your intuition is strong now.  Let it be your guide, not your temper or your fears. Get this holiday season off to the right start and set the stage for your happiest and most fulfilling experience.  Enjoy!

Leo -
This month you may find your perfectionism is at odds with your capabilities, Leo.  If you don’t sacrifice some of those perfectionist qualities, you’re going to dislike yourself all month!  The trick will be to find the happy balance between doing what is creative and brings you joy, and doing what you don’t like or don’t have the skill for, and knowing when it’s time to turn a project over to someone else who does, or accept that it’s not going to meet your standards!  At home you need to keep an eye on someone’s health (or a fur-baby), because they are either hiding or fully out of touch with what’s wrong themselves.  You will experience the expected resistance and manipulative co-dependency, so play it cool.  Change is all around you this month, and although you are probably not the one initiating it, you will be the one to lead the way to a resolution of all the issues and situations that arise.  Yes, I know it’s all very emotional and you are tired of carrying everything on your shoulders, but remember the old saying – “God never gives you anything greater than you have the capacity to bear”.  So, whatever comes your way this holiday season, learn and grow from the challenges and enjoy the rest!

Sagittarius -
 With the Moon starting the month out in your astrological house of life goals, aspirations, and your career, Sagittarius, all of these things are sure to be on your mind this month.  As a matter of fact, a powerful T-Square and the support of friends and groups will make it nearly impossible to resist the urge to step forward to begin to embrace your dreams.  Don’t be surprised when opportunities for travel come your way.  Take them all, if you can.  You are beginning to embrace the freedom your soul desires.  Involving yourself in new educational programs, or an creating online business of your own, has winning possibilities!  Many past opportunities that you missed or were unable to respond to are returning this month.  It’s a good time to look at the buffet of opportunity around you and make your selections.  There is nothing to lose here, only possible gains.  It’s time to leave your fears behind.  Find a friend or a therapist to discuss those deep things that have been holding you back with.  Pay attention to your dreams and most certainly to your intuition.  A wonderful Holiday Season is beginning.

The Earth Signs:

If you are an Earth Sign, you are a Taurus, a Virgo or a Capricorn, here’s an overview of what’s going on for you this November:

All the Earth Signs are experiencing a Grand Trine this month!  That is wonderful for all of you!  This is like having a little angel on your shoulder that nearly guarantees that provided you are flexible but clear and focused, the money, people, and physical support you need to complete your goals this month will be provided! Yes, of course each Fire Sign has it’s own challenges too this month, but that little Angel will give you the extra energy, lift and push to make this month and everything you do hugely successful! Now let’s look at what’s going on for each Earth Sign in November, 2021:

Taurus -
Wow, Taurus, this will be quite a month for you!  On the 19th there’s a Lunar Eclipse that begins a year-long cycle of eclipses that will affect your Sun Sign!  This first one is the most important.  As it’s a Lunar Eclipse it signals a year of high emotions, but also great insight and intuition.  It speaks of the importance of family and health issues over this next year.  This month, specifically, there may be a male figure at home or at work whose actions and/or health is powerfully affecting your environment.  Stay tuned to your strong intuition as you will generally ‘get’ what’s coming ahead of time and will be prepared for it if you are paying attention to those inner feelings, and even your dreams.  You, and some of the people you are close to, are also accident prone this month so do yourself the favor of consciously slowing down.  You’ll be happy you did!  Meanwhile, expect lots of blocks and distractions all month.  That’s easy to deal with if you know how.  Just let whatever you are doing go, for the moment, and put your attention on something else.  You can come back to it later, when the energy is flowing again!

Virgo -
This is an emotional month for you Virgo, filled with ups and downs as you are alternately surprised and disillusioned by some important people in your life.  On the ‘up’ side, if you’re single, it’s a good month for finding that special someone!  All month long you’ll be dealing with distractions and if you allow it, you’ll feel pushed and pulled in a thousand directions.  Do yourself a favor and carve out some space for yourself immediately and hang onto it.  That will help your temper!  The Grand Trine in the Earth Signs this month will help you out materially and financially, but will also attract those people and situations that will cost you money, time and labor, so be careful how you spend those dollars!  People and situations to watch out for include children (yours or someone else’s), pets, and distant friends or family who may come to visit. If someone close to you (or you) have any health issues, those are likely to act up now too!  In spite of all that, you are sure to have a happy beginning to your holidays this year!

Capricorn -
This is a great month to forward your career and any special goals you have, Capricorn.  You’ve been waiting so long, it seems, and now there is so much going on you’re going to have a challenge to just keep up with it!  Forming partnerships and relationships that are mutually supportive in all areas of your life is crucial right now. You can’t obtain the results you want alone.  Don’t be afraid to discuss your ideas and goals, but do it with the right people.  It is time now to be open in order to gain the most help and support in your endeavors.  This may be difficult for you to do as you have kept your secrets for so long.  You may have been surrounded in the past by people who hid the truth or used misdirection.  The key now, is to find the right people to support you in your endeavors.  Trust your intuition, and the actions you see the people around you taking, not their words, and you’ll choose your friends and supporters well.  It’s time for self-trust! Have a wonderful beginning to your holiday season.  Do yourself a favor and take time out to enjoy a great holiday experience with your family of choice.  What healing this will bring!

The Air Signs:

If you are an Air Sign, that is, you are a Gemini, a Libra, or an Aquarius, here’s an overview of what’s going on for you this November:

The Air Signs are getting a Grand Trine in Air this month that will help all social engagements and all communications to flow better than usual for you.  If you have financial, legal, business or Government related things going on, there should be an easily obtained and positive result.  Involvements with friends, groups and organizations of all kinds should be smooth and productive.  Now let’s see what’s happening for each of the Air Signs in November 2021:

Gemini -
Don’t be surprised to encounter people from your past this month, Gemini, and you may even have old relationship issues or similar situations pop up too.  Think of this as an opportunity to approach things in a new way.  Let the old patterns in your life dissolve and replace them with new, desirable and productive ones.  You are experiencing a Grand Trine to your Sun this month which includes your ruling planet, Mercury.  Mercury is all about communication.  It’s a great time to talk things out with your partner or spouse, to lay future plans that are mutually fulfilling, and even to get an action plan set up that helps you get on track with your dreams.  Home life and family will be the focus for a lot of your attention this month; that means an awesome and probably big holiday celebration, with lots of cooking and decorating. If you like home projects you’ll be sure to have the opportunity for lots of fun and creativity!  Meanwhile, expect the unexpected because there are some surprises in store for you that could involve your children, fur-babies, or a person you relate to as a child.

Libra -
Your energy level should be high all month Libra, as the transiting Sun begins starts the month out in your Solar 1st house. The Grand Trine all of the Air Signs are enjoying is super-energizing too!  Remember though, all this extra energy is only good if you focus it on what you want.  It’s really easy to get wrapped up in drama and in distracting and unproductive escapist behaviors. But once you are focused on something positive and growth oriented, his month is a great month to communicate your ideas and creative insights, especially regarding business, money, and future planning in both your personal and professional life.  You will be heard, and what’s more, understood.  This is a healing time for you for sure!  Someone in your immediate or extended family, perhaps a woman that you may have some power struggles with, may influence your decision about how you wish to involve yourself with family going forward.  Be sure you’re your choice is from your own heart. 

Aquarius -
Opportunities for travel connected to your work or perhaps a major shift in your life that you’ve been working towards for some time, are coming to you this month, Aquarius.  You will find yourself needing to support either you’re your significant other or a partner or other special person in your life and may feel this is in conflict with your personal aims and goals, and also feel blocked by financial pressures. Remember, as an Air Sign, you are getting the energy and power of a Grand Trine in Air this month, so, there are all manner of solutions to these dilemmas once you allow yourself to see the big picture and think out of the box.  Look for alternate means to solve your challenges.  Embrace flexibility.  Sacrifice perfectionism.  Take the first step without having the guarantee the second will be supported, and trust your intuition and abilities to find the next step, and the next, as you stay focused on your goal.  Have a wonderful Holiday Season, and enjoy it with the support of friends and family of choice.  Expect some happy surprises!

The Water Signs:

If you are a Water Sign, that is, you are a Cancer, a Scorpio or a Pisces, here’s an overview of what’s going on for you this November:

Travel opportunities, a financially beneficial move of your home or business, and or options to invest in or make money from online or educational things is available to you this month.   There will be a lot of activity in the family and at home, and you should be ready for some unexpected and unforeseen events.  These could involve health issues or manipulative family members.  Stay flexible.  Now, here’s what’s happening for each of the Water Signs in November 2021:

Cancer -
You seem to be dealing with constant decisions all month long, Cancer.  Whether to travel or stay home, keep a commitment or not, who to visit and who not to, whether to put money into a future dream or spend it on something you’d like right now, whose family or relationship issue to get involved with and whose to stay out of…and the list goes on.  Don’t expect someone else to step in and help – the decision-making falls on you, and if you fail to take on that responsibility the people in your life will torture you until they are finally forced to choose, and you won’t like the choices they ultimately make.  When you take the helm and lead, you will be satisfied with the results, and everyone else will be happier too.  You may not want that ‘mommy’ role – but this month it will really work well for you, whether you are a man or a woman! You may also discover that everyone responds well to your nurturing, compassionate, caretaker side. That is your best tool for flipping any arguments, relationship issues, or even conflicts at work all month long. 

Scorpio -
This is your month, Scorpio, in so many ways!  First off, Happy Birthday!  Next, you should be aware that this month’s Lunar Eclipse on the 19th  opposes your Sun sign so will activate all kinds of old relationship issues and possible health issues as well!  The Universe is asking you to show how you’ve grown and moved on from old unfulfilling relationships and behaviors, and that you are ready to move on to new growth-oriented ones!  Here’s a hint.  Your focus should be on yourself!  What makes you feel happy?  What makes you feel bad?  Let your feelings be your compass. This is not just about sex, Scorpio!  This involves ALL of your relationships!  Meanwhile, the Moon’s Nodes will accompany the eclipses all year too, and will alternately cause you to bounce back and forth between old patterns and new opportunities for growth in all areas of your life, all year long!  You should definitely begin keeping an eclipse diary starting on the 1st of the month, and continue it through to Christmas, as your journal will be a glimpse into all the things you’ll be experiencing for the next year! This year’s holiday season should be a very special one for you!

Pisces -
You may be feeling stuck and held back by financial limitations or legal, business, or Government restrictions right now, Pisces. Your challenge is to get out of your own way and take the actions that you know you need to if you are to free yourself from your current restrictive situation.  The thing is, I don’t have to tell you how to do that – you already have a good handle on it.  So, what is stopping you from taking action?  Are you waiting for someone to give you a green light, to tell you it’s ok?  Well, here it is.  It’s time!  It’s time to overcome your fear of failure, your fear of making a wrong choice, your fear of criticism, of not having support, of letting someone down, and all those other fears you are imagining too.  It’s time to trust the little voice inside that is your own, alone.  As soon as you stop focusing on all the reasons that ‘you can’t’ you’re going to find support coming from your mate, partner, or a close friend.  You’re going to see the action you need to take to bring in those finances you need and the support to draw in even more.  When you be able to trust your intuition to lead you to the right people, businesses and institutions instead of fearing it.  Have a very happy and fulfilling Holiday Season!


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