PD Tip #36: Communication


As psychics we need to learn a whole new way of communicating.

A psychic ‘hears’ with their physical ears, and also with clairaudience – that is, psychic hearing.  We psychics also ‘hear’ with our clairsentience – that is the sense that allows us to feel and interpret vibrations. Sound is, after all, vibration. 

We also ‘hear’ with our eyes – our clairvoyance.  That is to say, that people who are psychic actually see a lot more than non-psychics.  They will catch a fleeting facial expression that is gone before a non-psychic person would even register it, or see and absorb information about someone’s posture and demeanor that all but a person trained in body language would miss.  What I am saying is that a psychic person ‘hears’ with all of their physical and non-physical (psychic) senses.

Because of that, psychics often know more about their friends, family members, and loved ones than those folks want them to know.  Psychic people often know someone’s deepest secrets without that person having ever confided them.  And that level of ‘hearing’ and ‘knowing’ can get us into a lot of trouble.  Unless your loved one understand these things about you, they will often feel invaded, exposed, betrayed, suspicious of their psychic partner or friend, and begin to become more and more secretive.

Untrained psychics often have a lot of trouble maintaining a lasting and loving relationship because of this extreme level of ‘hearing’ the actual vibration of other people through these many different means.

Through training we come to understand that when we are in ‘reading mode’ and want to know all these things we turn all our receptive senses on….but when we are simply hanging out with friends, we must force ourselves to put them into a neutral or ‘off’ position, even though we may constantly have the urge to turn on our psychic senses to come to the aid of a friend with a problem, or because we are suspicious of whether our partner is telling us the truth about something or not.

The fact is, if we want to live successfully in the same ‘world’ as our loved ones, we have to be able to turn our empathy and our ‘psychic hearing’ systems off, as well as to be able to turn them on when we need them.

Likewise, we psychics must also be careful of how we speak.  If you are naturally empathic, which most psychics are, your empathy works two ways – in a receptive way, that allows you to ‘read’ another’s emotions, and in a generative way, that allows you to project your own emotions to others. 

Most great orators and all good sales men and women have both of these qualities well developed – they use their receptive empathy to ‘hear’ what the people they are speaking to want to hear, and their generative empathy to modulate their voice tone and cadence and to project their emotion through the sound of their voice to draw people into what they are saying.  This is a great tool for a teacher, a public speaker, a politician, or a sales person – but you need to remember as you develop your own psychic skills that using your communication for coercion has no place at home if you don’t want to push your loved ones away. 

You see the problem with this ‘intense communication’ that uses projective empathy is that over time other people always recognize what you are doing and begin to avoid you.  Note too, that is you are hoping to become a professional psychic, this particular skill should NEVER be used with a client, even if you are dead certain that what you are telling them would help them.  That would simply be unethical.

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