PD Tip #42 – Develop Your Clair’s


You now know that each one of your physical senses has a psychic counterpart that is the physical sense actually expanding into the energetic world of psychic phenomenon.   This expansion as you develop your psychic senses gives you the ability to absorb and deliver information from the unseen world around us.

Traditionally, these psychic counterparts (actually expansions) of your physical senses are called your ‘clairs’.  Clairvoyance, most commonly known to everyone, is ‘clear seeing’, or seeing with your ‘third eye’.  Essentially that means you are able to see things in the energetic world, that the average person cannot see.  Clairaudience is ‘clear hearing’.  Likewise, that allows you to hear sounds, voices, and vibrations beyond the limits of human hearing, that the average person cannot hear.  Clairalience is ‘clear smelling’ and is often the first ‘clair’ to be developed or expanded.  For example, I always know when food in the oven is done because I get a powerful scent of it, even though my physical sense of smell is very poor.  One of my colleagues gets a scent of rotting meat that no one else can smell when he enters a place or encounters a person who is not good for him.  Clairalience also expands your ability to taste, and often can warn you if a food you are about to eat is ‘off’ and might make you ill.   Clairsentience or ‘clear feeling’ expands your capacity for physical feeling, giving the ability to feel energy and auras.  Clairsentience is often your most important psychic ability.  It has many offshoots. One offshoot of it is your empathy, that is feeling the emotional energy another person emits almost as if it is your own, or being able to project your own feelings energetically to another.  Another offshoot is your ability to feel the vibration of an object or person, that we psychics call psychometry.  A third offshoot is your proximity sense – that is, the ability to feel another person energetically as they approach, or even to ‘read’ their energy from a distance.  There are many other offshoots of clairsentience, that will automatically develop over time, as you allow your physical sense of touch and feeling to expand into the energetic, psychic realm.  One of the offshoots of being able to feel and read vibration, which is what you are really doing as your clairsentience develops, is to be able to send and receive thoughts (telepathy), and also to be able to ‘track’ thought and vibration so you know where or from who a thought or feeling may be coming.  There are many vibrational levels, from the dense levels of emotion and empathy to the very subtly vibrations of thought and inspiration and even the higher vibrations of your Guides, and being able to perceive the future, that clairsentience opens the door to as it develops.     

At this point you should be saying to yourself, yes, I’ve had some, or all of those experiences occasionally, so I am beginning to recognize that I have psychic, energetic senses expanded from my physical ones already, but how can I learn to develop them, finely hone them, and control them so I can turn them on and off at will?

In The Anastasi System of Psychic Development, that I developed to teach all these things, and more, the first things we start with are meditation, protection, and developing your clair’s.  Meditation, because it centers you to learn everything I will be teaching, protection so you will be safe as you learn and expand your senses into the unseen realms, and the clair’s, as they are the foundation for all of the psychic work you will ever do, whether it be empathic coaching, or inspiration for solutions on your job, or using psychic tools like tarot, or a pendulum, or automatic writing, or even energetic healing, and more.

As a beginner, seeking to develop your clair’s, your most important first step is to begin recording all of your psychic experiences where you recognize your clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, clairalience, empathy, telepathy, psychometry, etc. at work.  The act of recognition will stimulate your unconscious mind to expand its natural abilities further and further beyond the physical.  Imagine your subconscious that actually controls the expansion of your psychic senses as a small child that blossoms as you give it recognition.  Your positive response is essential to your development.  Whatever happens, record it.  Don’t judge it.  You can use your mind to understand whatever you experience, and its implications, later.  The important thing now, is positive recognition.  Before long, you will be having so many psychic experiences, or what I call ‘Do Goods’ when I work with my students, that you’ll need a whole book for them!

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