Psychic Development Tip #19 - Your Psychic Helmet

Psychic Development Tip #19 - Your Psychic Helmet
 This psychic development tip is so simple, and so effective.  You're gonna love it! It's especially good for beginners, but can be used by anyone.  Oh, and this one is NOT in any of my books, programs or videos!
 If you are having trouble with mind-noise, or staying grounded, or focusing, or connecting with your Higher Self or Guides, or disconnecting from the overemotional or pushy people around you, this is going to become your favorite tool in your psychic tool-box!
When you first beging to realize you are out of balance, or having trouble focusing, visualize yourself putting on a diving-bell type helmet.  You know, the kind that people wear if they want to walk on the sea bottom that has an air hose coming out the top and going up to the surface.  
 Your helmet is 2" thick metal with a safety-glass visor with a metal cage in front of it.  It covers your entire head and a metal chest plate drops down in front of your chest insulating your lungs and heart, and another metal plate drops down behind you, insulating your neck, shoulders, and back of your heart.  It's heavy, so it weighs you down and keeps you grounded.  The metal insulates you from the emotional and mental energies floating through the environment around you.  Inside that helmet is stillness.  Your connection to the outer world is visual through your protected visor, and energetic, as life force energy, oxygen, and information from your Higher Self and Guides continues to come to you through the 'air' hose coming out the top of the helmet.
  Wow!  Try it next time you meditate.  Or next time you are in a noisy, chaotic environment that's making it difficult to focus.  Or next time you are around a pushy, overwhelming person!  Those of you who are suffering from environmental stress and overwhelm are going to love this!

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