Psychic Development Tip #37 Eating Tips


Many people who are working hard to develop their psychic skills are totally unaware of how their diet and eating habits might be affecting their developing abilities, and vice versa.  Some psychics even end up putting on a whole lot of weight overeating or eating the wrong things because they have become too sensitive and are unwittingly using the digestive process to help them ‘shut down’ instead of using the many psychic tools available to them.

There are a few basic truths you should be aware of, regarding food, and also a few pitfalls you can easily avoid that will help both your readings and your health!

Firstly, not all food has the same density, energetically speaking.  If you are getting ready to do a reading and you enjoy a big steak before doing it, you’re going to have a much harder time keeping your energy up for the reading than if you’d just had a simple salad instead.  You will also probably have to work harder to connect with that very dense food moving through your digestive tract.  Protein is definitely a necessary part of your diet for long term energy and health, but is far harder to digest than vegetables, so the energy you could have used for your reading in this scenario is going to your stomach instead. 

Before doing a reading I usually don’t eat at all, or if I am hungry, I eat a piece of fruit or have a salad.  I am, however, very careful to have adequate amounts of protein in my diet.  Think of meats and fish and their accompanying fats as supplying your long-term energy reserves and helping to give you the strength to face up to whatever life hands you.  In many respects they are the backbone of your diet.

After doing any psychic work it’s normal to feel hungry.  It’s pretty amazing how much energy you can expend doing what we do.  This is again a place where many psychics err, in that they reach for the quick fix – they go for those simple carbs and sugars like a candy bar or a favorite snack, and they watch the extra pounds accumulate on their body.  This is where a small amount of your favorite protein – even a protein drink, can be a huge help.  Save the sweets and snacks for deserts.  Look to protein for your energy needs.  In an emergency, try a piece of whole fruit.  That will give you a quick energy fix but doesn’t deplete your B vitamins the way a candy bar would.

Likewise, as you are attempting to develop your psychic skills to a level where you always know they are there, in the background, ready to be called upon, it’s important to be aware of the density of the foods you are eating too, as denser foods tend to raise your projectivity and aggression levels, whereas less dense foods make you more receptive which is what most psychics are shooting for. 

Meat is the densest food, and beef is the densest meat, followed by pork, and then fowl.  Fish of all kinds comes next, with salt water fish being denser than fresh, and finally vegetables and then fruits.

This information is not to advocate any specific diet, as that is, of course, specific to each person and their health and activity needs.  But it is good to know how food affects you because you’ll be able to benefit by becoming conscious of what you need to eat depending upon your activity.

For example, when I am out in a crowded environment, I want to have a denser meal in me to help keep me grounded and to give me that slow release of energy that will help me deal with the crowds.  Keep that in mind around the holidays, and you’ll have an easier time shopping this year!

Most people don’t think of the food they eat as the fuel they need to live their best day, but that is exactly what it is.  When you begin to think of food as one more tool in your psychic tool-bag, what you eat will begin to work for you in expanding your developing psychic skills.

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