Psychic Development Tip #39 – Observe and Choose Your Thoughts Carefully


Psychic Development Tip #39 – Observe and Choose Your Thoughts Carefully

One of the first things my Guides taught me was that our Universe was created by the mind of God, and that all of the thoughts, ideas, and inventions that ever were and ever will be were born at that moment.  This concept explains why ‘inventions’ often pop up on different parts of our planet at the same time.  When we are ‘evolved’ enough to ‘receive’ a new idea or concept, several people may very well be able to receive it at the same time.  So, of course each thinks the other has stolen his or her idea!  Meanwhile, in truth, that idea was hanging out for a millennia waiting for the mind, or minds, that would be able to understand it and use it.  So, you see there really is no ‘original’ thought – but there is the creative use of concepts that are newly appreciated and understood.

When you are capable of understanding a new idea, and creatively applying it to solve a problem in your world, the world sees you as a creative and innovative thinker.  And indeed, you are.  When ideas come to you in this way, you are following the path of evolution God has left for you and it benefits you and mankind as well.

But our minds are curious, active things, and are constantly seeking out new thoughts that aren’t necessarily coming from a higher source.  We may, for example, be ‘picking up’ the thoughts of someone we live or work with, and assume they are our own.  Or we may be replaying a scenario we experienced in our childhood home, and unconsciously adapt the thought and consequent behavior pattern of one of our parents.  Often those thoughts lead us into choosing an action plan that leads to unhappiness in our lives.

It’s important to get into the habit of becoming aware of and observing your thoughts before you act on them.  Ask yourself, is that something I would think?  If the thought is out of character for you, be assured, it’s not your own.  Often the ‘flavor’ of the thought can tell you who initiated it – but that is a topic for a future tip.  For now, just let that thought go, if you determine it’s not yours, especially if it’s not a thought that would prove beneficial to you if you acted on it.  This is also a good technique for working through ‘inherited’ behavior patterns that you may not want to repeat.  Catch yourself as soon as you think the thought, recognize it’s not a thought you want to act on, and let it go.  If you do that often enough you will change your own ‘inherited’ behavior pattern.

Be proud of your uniqueness.  Recognize that there is no original thought, but that you can consciously choose thoughts that are beneficial to you and help you to create the world that you wish to live in.  We are all creators of our lives, and the building blocks are all around you in the thoughts you allow yourself to think and act upon.

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