Psychic Development Tip #40 - Trust Yourself


This psychic development tip was inspired by tip #39, which is about observing and choosing your thoughts carefully.  When I channeled that tip from my Guides, it prompted me to remember a grave mistake I once made that had multiple consequences.  You see, because I respected someone, I accepted their statement and belief over what my intuition and instincts told me was true.  Here’s what happened.

I was studying Tai Chi Ch’uan with a teacher I deeply respected both for his ability and his teaching skills.  One day he introduced me to a couple who had made him a business proposition.  On the surface they seemed very nice, friendly and honest.  But there was an undercurrent that made me very uncomfortable.  I knew I wouldn’t trust them.  I had a strong feeling that they were an unscrupulous pair.  My psychic skills were only budding back then, so I was hesitant to say anything about my strong feeling of distrust, until he candidly asked me my opinion.  He knew I was psychic, so I had no problem responding with the truth – that they set all of my psychic senses on instant defense, and I wouldn’t trust them if I were him.

He responded with a question.  He asked me if I could possibly be projecting my own trust issues onto them.  He reasoned that my distrust wasn’t something I was picking up energetically from them that was based in reality, but rather that my aversion to them, may have come from some unconscious source within me, making me distrust them.  Perhaps then, they really were trustworthy.

This set up an immediate conflict in me.  His comment was reasonable.  I both trusted and respected him.  It was natural for me to assume his reasoning was accurate, and my psychic impression was wrong.

Wow!  As soon as I drew that conclusion, as soon as my belief in myself was shaken to the core by this man I trusted, all of my psychic senses turned off.  It was a terrible feeling.  That is the first time I really understood how much I relied on them.  How every one of my psychical senses had a psychic overlay that allowed me to see better, feel more, hear better, think more clearly, and so on.  It was nothing short of catastrophic. It was as if my Guides were saying, “Ok, you are rejecting these abilities?  Doubting their validity? So, let’s just turn them off, and you can live in a normal world now”.

I lived in that normal world for a long time while I worked very hard, using all the tools I now teach to my students to re-open my psychic abilities.  So, the good part of this story is my shutting down and having to re-open my psychic skills is what gave me the ability to teach you to open yours.  The bad part was the agony of loss, the emptiness, that followed the loss of those abilities.

As for my teacher, he did make the deal with the couple in question, and they did embezzle him out of many thousands of dollars – but by the time the school of life taught him that lesson, mine had already been learned.

I learned that although I might sometimes misinterpret a feeling, thought, emotion, or other psychic impression I receive energetically or from my Guides, that impression itself is real. 

Do not ever doubt your intuitive, psychic impressions.  They are real, and they are your navigation system to lead a healthier and happier life.

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