Psychic Development Tip #43 – Clairsentience and the World of Energy


 Clairsentience is so important for everyone who wishes to truly understand the world we live in, and participate fully in it, that I devote and entire level to it in my 6-level psychic development system, The Anastasi System of Psychic Development.  It is certainly imperative that you work hard to develop this sense if you wish to be a professional psychic, or even if your desire is to just develop and use your psychic senses to help family members and friends.

This is the most versatile of all of the “claire’s”.  Your clairsentience is your ability to feel, “read”, and manipulate life-force, electro-magnetic energy.  As you understand and develop this skill, you’ll be able to feel the auras or energy fields around people and things, as well as the energy in a place.  You’ll be able to use your clairsentience to enter what I call the world-wide psychic web, to track where something you feel energetically is coming from, as well as to do deep readings and even health scans on people who ask you to do them.

Your clairsentience will enable you to actually feel the energy of your higher self, your guides, and even people who have passed on.  You can use the energy for energetic or psychic healing too.

Clairsentience is an ability all of us humans are born with, and that most of us use unknowingly all of our lives.  When you feel that feeling of coercion that some sales people use when trying to sell you something, that energetic push is them using their clairsentience to manipulate your energy field with their own, and also it’d you using your clairsentience to recognize that energetic push and either welcome it or push it, and the salesperson, away.  Needless to say, clairsentience is also a major component of sexual relationships, responsible for the energetic flow between two people that either becomes an attraction, or a repulsion.

Study of the martial arts, especially Chi Kung and also Tai Chi Chu’an, builds your energy field and also increases your awareness of your clairsentience.  Likewise, doing the Chakra Exercise I teach in my Psychic Development Level 1 and that you can find for free on my website also build and strengthens your energy field and your ability to become more conscious of your clairsentience.

Here’s a quick exercise that will help you to feel your own aura, and get started feeling and building your energy:

Hold your hands in front of you and clap them together hard, so you can feel your palms buzzing.  Hold them palms facing one another in front of you, about two inches apart.  Take three very deep, diaphragmatic breaths, and as you breath in each time, visualize white light entering your crown, and moving down into your chest.  Fill your chest with the light, and then exhale it out through your arms and into your hands and fingers.  After doing this three times, begin to rotate your palms around one another as if you are rolling a ball between them.  Some people find it easier to focus on the energy building up if their eyes are closed. Sometimes that energy ball actually feels hot and or squishy.

When if feels like you’ve got a 3-5” diameter ball built up, very slowly pull your hands apart, still concentrating on what you feel is occurring with the energy between your palms.  For many people, it feels like you’re pulling taffy apart.  Keep moving your hands apart until you feel the energy diminishing, the slowly bring them back together, as if you are playing an accordion.  Keep doing this exercise until you can feel the energy between your palms easily.  

Doing this exercise will help you to become more conscious of energy, and will help you to build the energy you can direct through your hands.  If you want to practice feeling the energy of another person, you can do the same thing but you’d be holding your palms over theirs, and also you need to visualize psychic protective gloves so that you don’t inadvertently absorb their energy, or project yours into them.

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