Psychic Development Tip #45 – Telepathy


Telepathy is a very interesting psychic skill that you see at work around you all the time.  Have you ever admired something someone was wearing, thinking, “how pretty is that”, and then they touched the item you were admiring?  Or a friend popped into your mind…and a few minutes later they called you?  Or you fretted about not having enough milk for coffee, and later your spouse came home with a quart of milk, saying, “I thought we might be getting low on milk.”?

These examples of telepathy are common.  We all experience them, and more, every day.  In fact, most of us have become so accepting of our telepathy at work that we just chalk it up to chance instead of recognizing it for what it is.  It is a psychic skill.  It is telepathy.  And it is so common that we all take it for granted.

Though these examples show you how common it is, developing your telepathic skills into a tool that you can use on command is not as easy as you might think. 

All of us are what I call receptive telepaths.  Imagine for a moment that we all possess a sort of ‘radio antennae’ that is programmed to be sensitive to all that concerns us.  That’s essentially what the receptive part of your telepathy is like.  When someone is thinking a thought that concerns you, you unconsciously ‘pick up’ that thought, and often act on it.  That is why in the above examples the person looked at the pretty item they were wearing when you admired it, why you thought of your friend just before they called you, and why your spouse brought home the milk!  The key word in this observation, though, is unconsciously.  One of the reason’s it’s difficult for people to recognize and develop their telepathy skill, is that although they use it all the time, they use it unconsciously.

So, the first challenge when developing this skill, is to bring it to conscious awareness.  When I teach my beginning level students in my Psychic Development Level 1 class, I encourage them to create a ‘Do-Good’ book, or journal.  I have them write into the journal all of the psychic experiences they have each day.  Many of those psychic experiences, as you can see, are telepathic. 

Keeping your Do-Good book, or if you would rather, call it your Psychic Journal or Telepathy Record, or whatever works for you, is a very good way to start waking yourself up to recognizing when your telepathy is working.  As you look back over each day and record these examples, you’ll soon begin to find that they increase in frequency, and that you begin to recognize them even as they are occurring – which is, of course, what you want.

It’s also a good idea to begin a meditative practice or some kind of moving meditation such as Yoga or Tai Chi Ch’uan to calm your mind.  It is much, much easier to recognize an incoming thought when your mind is calm; it’s like your mind becomes a pool of still water that can readily feel someone else’s thought like the one drop of water that hits that still surface. 

Only when you can recognize that a thought you are thinking is not your own can you choose to accept it or not.  Think, for a moment, about how important that is to the life you want to lead.

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