Psychic Development Tip #52 – You Are Psychic


The world today is progressive and far more open to the psychic-intuitive field than ever before.  Best selling books on empathy, for example, are more and more common.  Most television shows have an element of intuition or even outright psychism in them. 

But that doesn’t mean that your friends and family will easily accept that YOU are psychic.  There is an old saying – “A prophet is never a prophet in his home town”.

I’ve been teaching psychic development for over 40 years and I believe one of the greatest blocks that developing students face is lack of support from those close to them, and sometimes even actual opposition or undermining might occur.

For someone just opening their psychic gifts, that lack of support, even subtle unintentional undermining, can hold back, delay, even stunt your abilities.

That’s why, in my level 1 course, I work so hard with my students to instill positive reinforcement and confidence.  As a beginner, that MUST be one of your primary areas of focus. 

An old friend of mine used to say, when someone discounted her intuition, “I know what I know.”  Then she would drop the subject.  But she wouldn’t allow her belief in herself to be shaken.  If you are serious about pursuing your own intuitive, psychic development, you MUST do the same thing she did.  And you must learn to trust yourself.  In my level 1 class I have you keep a do-good book, recording all of your psychic experiences each day.  It’s purpose is to help you build confidence in your abilities.

Let me recount an early experience of my own, by way of pointing out how very serious this is.

I was already a professional psychic.  I was studying Tai Chi Ch’uan with a teacher I highly respected.  He shared a business proposition a friend had made to him, and asked my opinion, as a psychic.  I immediately ‘knew’ the proposition was bad for him, and said so.  Instead of accepting that, he said, “How do you know that insight is really coming to you, as a message from your Guides, and that it’s not just your own fear and distrust of my friend, prompting it? Because I liked and respected him, I doubted the information I received.  The affect of that self-doubt was instant and frightening.  All of my psychic senses shut down.  The colorful, sensational world I lived in as a fully awakened psychic became drab and dull.  It was as if I’d suddenly lost part of my sight, my hearing, my ability to feel sensations.  That’s when I realized how deeply our psychic senses integrate with our physical ones. 

Of course, I realized instantly what had happened.  I vowed never to doubt what I’d ‘received’ again.  I accept that I could misinterpret information received, but I never again doubted ‘what’ I’d received. Nevertheless, it took me years to regain the sensitivity and psychic skills I’d lost in just that one moment of self-doubt.  My prediction about his business proposition proved correct, and he lost a great deal of money.  He later apologized.  But that didn’t help me.  I felt I’d lost far more than him.

Please remember my story.  We are all psychic.  You already have some amazing skills and abilities.  Don’t ever doubt them.  Don’t let them be shut down because you allowed yourself to be undermined.  Unfortunately, it’s usually the people we love, respect, and believe in, that can cause us the most damage.  Surround yourself to the best of your ability with people who are supportive of you.  Make as much use as you can of the communities on my website.  You will always find supportive people there.

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