Psychic Development Tip #8: Telepathy tip #1


One of the most fun psychic skills to develop is telepathy, and it's easy to do! Telepathy involves both sending thoughts and receiving thoughts, and believe it or not, they are very different skills! Most people, whether they know it or not, are naturally very good receivers. We are all also capable of sending thoughts, but that seems to be a bit harder to do, consciously at least.

Most people are totally unconscious of their innate telepathic ability, although we all use it all the time! I love to watch people unconsciously sending and receiving thoughts as they interract, already using psychic skills they don't even know they possess! In so many ways, it's like watching a beautiful dance as we all subconsciously send and receive thoughts with one another, and act on them, all unknowingly!

In every interpersonal interaction there is a sender and a receiver. Or there can be one sender and many receivers. For example every child in the family knows when mom is mad, what she's mad about, when she'd going to talk about it, and even what she's going to do about it just about the very moment she makes up her own mind about it! In that case both empathy (feeling another's emotions, in this case mom's anger) and telepathy could be involved - and that makes the telepathy so much stronger!
You see, we are all already telepaths. We just don't know it!

Have you ever had the experience of showing up in the same color, or maybe even the same outfit, as your friend? Or picking up the phone to call your friend just as they were calling you? Both of these are examples of telepathy in action. Recently I observed a young woman and her boyfried in this telepathic dance of life. Her young man stepped away to get her a hamburger. Another young man, thinking she by herself, started to approach her, but never got there. Her date, telepathically picking up on the other young man's intention, spun on his heel, walked fast to cut the other gentleman off, and went back to his girlfried, making up a story of needing to find out what she wanted on her hamburger. She remained totally unaware of this little telepathic dance played by these two young men, who may have even been unaware themselves.

Telepathy is very subtle. This is why, though we all use it, most of us remain unaware of the force it represents in our lives. For years as I was growing up, I found myself buying all the same clothes and home decorations as my sister, often even at different stores, never knowing I'd duplicated her purchases until she wore it or I saw it on display in her home. She was my older sister and I looked up to her. I wanted to be like her. That made her the sender and me the receiver in our relationship. Just like the mom was the sender in her relationship with her children in the above incident, and the young man approaching the other man's girlfriend was the sender in my first example, above.

The best way to take your own telepathy off of the unconscious back burner in your mind and step it up to a useable skill is to first become aware of when it's active, for example showing up in the same outfit as your friend, and then determining whether you or your friend was the sender. If your friend was the one who suggested you go on the outing, it's likely they were the sender as they were the 'leader' in that situation. Also, sometimes you can determine the sender by backtracking and finding out who decided to wear that outfit first. There's your sender.

So the first step in developing your telepathy is to recognize that you have it. To do that, you need to become aware of it when it happens. Stop dismissing those incidents as 'chance' and start writing them down. Just giving recognition in that way will increase the flow of examples, and your ability to be conscious when telepathy is ocurring. Next, see if you can determine the sender and the receiver. Pay attention to how that felt when the interchange was happening. When you can identify a feeling, you can repeat it on purpose.

Good luck! What a wonderfully fun time you are going to have exploring the world of telepathy and participating in this 'new dance'.

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