Psychic Development Tip #9 - Telepathy Tip #2


Psychic Development Tip #9 - Telepathy Tip #2

As your psychic abilities begin to unfold, so does your ability to both recognize and utilize your telepathy.

Have you ever been listending to the words someone is speaking to you, and 'known' they were not true? If you were experiencing this recognition through your empathy it would feel like a sense of repulsion or even a feeling of 'yuck!'.

When you get that 'knowing', or sometimes even hear words in your mind that are contradicting what the other person is saying it's telepathy. Sometimes it's hard to separate your own thoughts from the thoughts you are receiving from the other person, but with practice it gets easier and easier.

As I told you in Psychic Development Tip #8, there are two types of telepathy - the generative, sending telepathy, and the receptive, receiving telepathy. When you experience the thoughts the other person is actually thinking, that is the receptive telepathy at work.

It is potentially an invaluable aid in all of your interpersonal relationships because through telepathy you can know the truth about what's really occurring. Don't worry about doing harm by 'reading' another person's innermost thoughts; when you are in what I call receptive mode you simply cannot read anything except what is being projected at you.

Practice 'listening' with your physical ears, your empathy AND your telepathy. You will be amazed at all that you begin to hear!


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