Psychic Development Tip #31 Sending and Receiving Ethics


By now you understand that telepathy is a natural human ability and that we all do it, although most of us are unconscious about it.  You also now know that empathy, that is sending or receiving emotions to or from another, is also a natural human ability that is closely linked to telepathy, and often just as unconscious.  In my last few Psychic Development tips you learned how to become conscious and aware when you are sending or receiving energetically via telepathy or empathy, and how these skills can be developed and controlled. 

Now it’s time to consider some ethics that conscious telepaths and empaths need to learn and employ.    

The first thing to understand about ethics is that when you wonder whether something you are doing is ethical or not, just ask yourself if you would like it if it were done to you.  Let that honest answer guide all of your uses of telepathy and empathy.  

The second thing you need to remember is that it is always wrong to interfere with the free will of another.  So using your telepathic or empathic ability to influence their thoughts, emotions, and decisions is wrong.  Using it to help them understand your point of view, but without any coercion, is not only fine, it’s desirable as often words alone cannot give full expression to something you want to communicate.  

It’s also helpful to turn your empathy and telepathy switches on  when listening to someone explain something as it will help you to fully understand what they are talking about.  But it’s NOT okay to impatiently dig into their mind for the answer you seek because they are taking too long to deliver it, or even because they don’t want to give it to you!  You MUST respect their free will just as you would want them to respect yours. 

Let these two major concepts guide you and you’ll soon be developing a powerful code of ethics of your own that you can be proud of.

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