Psychic Development Tip #16 - Spread the Love


Psychic Development Tip # 16 - Spread the Love

Have you noticed that when you are around someone who is terribly negative, or who is super stressed, anxious, or even antagonistic that not only do you feel uncomfortable, but everyone else around that person does too?

I'm going to tell you a simple exercise you can do using breath control that you can use to quickly calm, center and ground yourself, and then how you can use your breath combined with visualization to permeate the entire environment with a loving, calming, uplifting energy that will quickly change everyone's attitude almost instantly.

I just love this simple little tool I'm about to give you for your psychic tool-box!

This exercise starts with your recognizing that you're being exposed and possibly even drawn into some unpleasant energy that you want to avoid. When you recognize that feeling, root yourself to the earth right where you are and take a moment to focus on your breath. Feel the way it comes in and out of your chest.

Are you breathing with your upper chest? You are already being affected by the stressfull energy. Not to worry. Correct your breathing. Take deep complete breaths that first fill your belly, then the bottom of your lungs, and finally the top of them.

We call those 'Great Breaths'. Exhale each breath completely too in reverse order, first breathing out the air at the top of your lungs, the the bottom, then finally sucking in your belly to rid yourself of the residual air there. Do that three times. Return to your normal breathing pattern and notice how calm you feel.

Now for the exciting part. Take another Great Breath visualizing white light coming in the top of your head at the same time, and hold it on the inhalation to the count of five. Then when you exhale that Great Breath visualize white light flowing out of your nose with your breath and filling the entire space around you. Take another Great Breath and pull more white light in through the top of your head and as you exhale push your breath to fill the entire room, or even a house, a store, a shopping mall or event center with that grounded, centered, calm energy. Then take a final Great Breath and this time as you exhale visualize white pink loving light covering every place your breath has filled.

Now take a moment to observe the lightness and joy coming from all the people who a short time ago were feeling sad, stressed, or even angry. Don't worry about forcing your will on anyone...anyone who REALLY wants to hang onto their nasties can just leave this wonderful space you've created.


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