November PD Tip #27 – What To Eat?


Many of my students experience difficulty meditation, quieting their mind, and stilling their emotions during the early stages of their psychic development.  This, and other factors, have led me to a long-term study of the affects of food and drink on our psychic faculties.  Here are my observations.     

First, let’s talk about food.  Most of us don’t pay a lot of attention to what we eat, and when we do eat, we are either eating for quick fuel or enjoyment. Few people pay attention to how their energy level plummets when they over eat, or eat ‘heavy’ foods like steak or a big turkey dinner,  or how they become hyper, over active, and nervous when they eat too much sugar.  But if you start to look back at what you’ve eaten in the last few hours when you experience these simple physical symptoms, you’ll realize it’s true.  What, and how much, and even when we eat has a lot to do with our physical well-being and our psychic well-being as well.  For example, eating a heavy meal within a couple of hours of bedtime can keep you awake most of the night, and interfere with your dream-sleep as well.

Whole books could be written about this subject, and it’s important for you to know the basics.  Of course, everyone’s body is different, and certainly your physical needs and the things that stimulate or depress your psychic ability will be somewhat different than someone else’s.  But there are some basics that always hold true.

Let’s talk about the heaviness of food.  ‘Heavier’ foods, energetically speaking, are harder to digest and therefore interfere with many psychic skills and spiritual pursuits.  Red meats are the heaviest of all and should be minimized during your psychic development training.  Next comes pork, then veal and duck, followed by other fouls, then shellfish and last ordinary fish.  These are followed by grains, and you should know that all grains are somewhat difficult to digest, and should be eaten sparingly…even whole grains. Vegetables are lighter, with beans being heaviest.  These are followed by fruits and nuts.

Look at the diet you eat now, and take a moment to reflect on how what you eat might be affecting your psychic and spiritual awareness.  To enhance your psychic skills, lighten your food intake energetically.  But as you do that, of course, make sure you eat a balanced diet and get enough protein and good nutrition.

Do not eat heavily before bed, or before doing any psychic work – and that includes meditation.  Some people have trouble ‘working’ on an empty stomach though, so you should eat something light about a half hour before you start.

Now let’s take a look at what you drink.  I hate to be boring, but water is best, and your body will not be fooled.  Coffee and tea are stimulants and for some people, are helpful aids to psychic work.  Heavily sugared sodas and fruit drinks will interfere, as will alcohol.  I have heard some psychics say they enjoy a glass of wine before working – I don’t agree.  I believe alcohol should be reserved for social engagements, not psychic readings, as it tends to first raise your energy level to open you up to fast, then depresses your energy so it makes it harder to make your psychic connections. 

The result is that you are setting yourself up to get dumped on energetically by your client when you drink, and though you may think you’re making good connections, you won’t be.  The same holds true for drug use. Save that for recreation, not psychic development, psychic work, or spiritual work.  

I hope this tip give you some good guidelines about how to use food and drink to enhance your studies!

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