Sandy’s Astrological and Psychic Predictions for March 2020

This month Sandy’s Astrological Psychic Predictions are available to read here on the blog.

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Aries -

This march promises to bring healing opportunities for many of your close relationships Aries.  You've been doing some uncharacteristic introspection and have come to understand that there has been both good and bad in all of those relationships that have caused you stress, and that you have contributed as much to the problems in the relationship as the other person has.  This realization brings you a major step closer to reconciliation, if that is your desire, and even more importantly, an understanding of yourself that will make for much healthier relationships in the future.  Kudos to you, Aries!  As you take this major step forward in understanding relationships, you're beginning to find that your friends, relatives, even colleagues are beginning to come to you for advice on their relationship problems, and that you are seeing many of the problems you used to have reflected in their lives.  This is a sign of your own growth!  Your intuition is off the charts all month long Aries, so if you've got a hunch, follow it.  It's time to learn to trust yourself again.  In the outer expression of your world you will find a lot of highly emotional triggers regarding finances being pressed.  If you step back you'll realize there is nothing new here.  These are the same old issues that have continued to cause family and relationship stress in your life for years.  Now is your opportunity.  Are you going to get triggered, and dive back into the emotional fray that will bury many of your cherished relationships, or will you choose to think for yourself and choose a new course of action?

Taurus -
Are you getting those little tingles that make the hair on your arms stand up yet, Taurus?  March will be an emotionally charged month for you, and you would do well to control your increasingly fragile temper or you're in danger of shredding some relationships you're going to need going forward, and taking some actions you might later regret.  This is a year of transition and change for you, more so than for any other sign.  And as you know, you do not like change.  Yet here you are, initiating some of the most sweeping changes in your own life, and doing it in the emotional mode of reaction.  Do try to keep your wits about you as you plow forward 
with all of the changes you are contemplating.  What looks like the golden egg right now will surely tarnish before the year is out.  Be careful whom you trust.  You would do well to seek out professionals whose integrity you trust for advice.  You have hung on for far too long as you know, and it IS time for change....but don't foul up all the good you've created in your present situation by moving forward just because you are reacting to someone else's actions.  Make your life changes this year from your own personal perspective.  What is best for you and those you love?  Seek to move forward in growth and expansion, to a better situation, not to loss and anger and revenge and despair.  It is your choice how and when and even if you choose to change your life situation and even yourself.  Remember that.  Astrologically Uranus will be moving back and forth across critical places in your natal chart all year long.  This year and especially this month you will feel like you are dancing on the head of a pin.  Look for the opportunities in the midst of change, enjoy unexpected help from friends, and create a great pathway to your future.
ini -
Who do you want to be when you grow up Gemini?  This month your life goals and career aspirations have never been more cloudy.  Ask yourself, 'What do I want out of my life right now?  What do I want to do for a living?  How do I want the world to see, recognize and interact with me?" Then trust your own intuition, which is very sharp right now, especially in this area, to lead you to your answers.  Even though life is pushing you out in the world this month Gemini, it's important to find time to be alone with your own thoughts and feelings.  If you aspire to a career in the arts, or in religion or philosophical beliefs, or in healing and service, or even in psychology, coaching, or the psychic field, it will be easier to find follow that inner guidance.  Maybe you're on the brink of retirement, or changing careers.  The thing is, right now you just don't know where you are going.  If you aren't really in touch with that inner voice you won't easily recognize the opportunities around you or even be capable of making the best choices.  You need to be tuned to the opportunities, and trust what 'feels' right.  You may be uncomfortable not yet knowing your destination, feeling like you are following your own inner guidance through outer darkness, but you'll be rewarded by success at the end of your journey.  If, however, your life goals are more tangible, practical, and financially motivated, you need to find that intangible goal to hold on to or you are going to have a lot of trouble getting in touch with your inner voice and following it.  Instead you'll find yourself  constantly following that bright bauble that is pulling you further and further off track. Relationships and finances are still overshadowing all that you do, and that is making it hard for you to follow your inner voice as well.  But until you find it, you will continue to feel like you are adrift in a vast sea of the unknown.  Communicating your thoughts and your needs to others right now is very important.  That is going to help you get a better focus on your own needs and desires, which will become more clear to you as you express them to others.

Cancer -
Finances, home, family, and either travel or a move are on your mind in a powerful way this month Cancer.  You are experiencing a sense of wanderlust that is activating your inner desire to travel, be more creative, and even find romance.  Be aware that things you initiate this month may tend to have a life of their own and carry you forward on a tidal wave if you don't build some boundaries into them right from the beginning.  Changes in the careers and fortunes of loved ones and children can radically affect your financial well-being if you don't pay close attention as well.  Look closely at any requests for help.  If there are drug or alcohol issues attached you may want to step back.  Be aware that commitments you make casually can easily turn into lifelong ones now, so be careful.  This month is a great time for socializing with siblings and friends, and also for setting and achieving some goals in the workplace.  You are likely going to hear rumors of coming changes...remember, until you actually 'see' indications they are true, they are only rumors - unless your powerful intuition says otherwise!  If you are looking, this could be a good month for a change in your job - even if it's into a different department!  Pay attention to the people in your life who suffer from addictions this month too Cancer.  Health issues may very well be coming up that someone will want you to help with...depending on how you handle these issues you could end up with a lot on your plate, and some problems in your relationship as well. On an 'up' note, this is the perfect time for a vacation or cruise, and some self-love.

Leo -
This is a very emotional month for you Leo.  You will probably spend a lot of time involved with your work or career, in an attempt to drown those emotions, only to find that professionally your world contains as much stress as it does at home right now.  Put your energy into physical work and activities and that will help to lesson the stress.  You're going to find that weather your dealing with home and family issues, relationship things, or career, everyone seems to be looking to you for leadership and decision-making.  If you are 'up' for that, the month will go smoothly; if not, you'll find yourself constantly running from one thing to another all month long.  Your mind and efforts are on finances, and there may be legal things you're looking into financially this month too.  In any endeavor's you begin it's important to make sure you are contractually protected.  This month there is so much going on around you that it's easy to forget some of those details.  It's a good month for setting up or changing the legal aspects of a business or a Will or a Trust.  As you revisit some old legal documents you will find things have changed in a way that demands they be re-written.  This month there will be revelations, some loss, but also healing for you.  Find release during the month by talking to trusted friends or siblings, pay attention to your intuition and your dreams, and find an outlet for your creativity.  If you are a writer or are involved in some other creative project, this will be a very successful month.

Virgo -
If you allow flexibility and creativity to flow, this month will be a very interesting and successful one for you Virgo.  Relationships are a dominant focus for you all month.  In some, you are suffering disillusionment and loss. In others you feel like you're speaking with a perfect reflection of yourself.  You may even feel like you've found your soul-mate - in your relationship or the work you do.  What is real?  You will need to work hard to keep your feet on the ground this month, to stay in touch with the truth.  Above all, trust not your heart or your mind, but rather your intuition.  That gut feeling that says 'this is right, this is wrong'.  If you are planning on travelling or making a move of your work or residence this month it should go smoothly.  Avoid arguments or confrontations with friends, siblings, relationship partners, as they can end up being a free for all that draws in a lot of people and can't be one.  Basically they will devolve into drama and you losing a lot of energy you didn't have to waste on them.  If you are involved in the communications field through your work or activities, this can be a great month for initiating a new project, especially one that involves creativity.  It's a good time for you to pull friends and colleagues together to work on something near and dear to your heart.  Do try to find some alone time during the month too, as both your inner and outer health require that right now.  Self-care is something you often forget, and at the moment you benefit greatly from that.  Expect finances to be a bit erratic this month, and if you are married or living with someone, make sure that you are on the same page financially to avoid some major problems.

Libra -
Financial and health concerns surround you this month Libra, perhaps caused by changes in your everyday life experience including your pets if you have any, and your work.  If there are addictive issues surrounding you in your life they may also come to light this month.  Be careful of toxins in your environment, especially anything that might affect your body fluids or breathing.  That might even include toxic people, at home or at work.  On a positive note, you may also be able to identify and solve some problems associated with all these things this month.  Pay particular attention to your feet.  This is a wonderful month to spend time in meditation, in artistic, musical or other creative pursuits, and in developing your intuitive and psychic skills if that is one of your interests!  It looks like you'll be spending some quality time with your children or the child of your heart, and with friends and possibly even even a romantic partner!  Spend your money wisely this month and think about initiating that new financial plan or other option that will bring you in more well-earned money! and add to your feeling of security  Friends have some good ideas and helpful hints for you along the way too.  In fact, if you are thinking of starting a new business or making a change in your work or profession this is an excellent month to do that!  Likewise, if teaching, coaching, writing, or public speaking is your thing, there will be some good opportunities to get in the flow with a new career opportunity regarding one of those areas as well!  It seems like you are also travelling this month, or planning a trip.  There will likely be some business or work connected to this.  In fact, you might even find yourself travelling for or with your job!  Planning a trip to visit family if they live a distance from you would also be a good option right now.  There seems to be some upheaval at home or in the family that might give you the encouragement to reach out.
Scorpio -
All month long you will be finding yourself somewhat volatile, being short tempered and impatient, especially with your significant other, if you have one.  It seems like they 'just don't get it!'.  Your mate may also be going through some emotional turmoil that has become a drag on you.  You have so much energy backed up it feels to you like you're about to explode.  You want to get on with life.  You are ready for adventure, for change, for growth, for the next episode in your life to begin!  You may be feeling the urge to change your job, shift your career, retire, travel to unknown places, or even move your residence.  You're going to be researching, exploring, and communicating about lots of options that will move you forward as you create new life goals.  Meanwhile, there will be some disillusionment concerning a child or an endeavor that was the child of your heart.  In many respects this is a hard month as you deal with buried deaths and losses that must be faced and released before you can move forward with the new life activities you are so urgently setting in motion.   Travel opportunities are all around you this month; these may be work or business connected or visits to family members or close friends or travel just for the sake of travel.  Planning trips, perhaps for the year ahead, is also a good option for you right now.  Finances, always in the back of your mind, are slowly improving but you are not yet able to see the completion of some endeavors you need to be settled before you can move forward with your life activities.  It's important to have patience, though that is difficult right now.  Putting your excess energies into physical activities like working out or home projects will be helpful.

Sagittarius -
Finances and family and home concerns are weighing heavily on you this month Sagittarius.  It almost seems to you that disillusionment and loss with people, conditions and situations in your life has become the norm.  Is everyone unhappy? Try to find quiet time at home to meditate or pray.  With a little encouragement, your home can easily become a place of inner tranquility, peace, and an escape from harsher realities.  Outside of your home reality continues to crash in and you find yourself fixing everyone else's problems, whether you are speaking with friends, or colleagues, or dealing with the health issues of family, friends, or pets. or just moving through your normal work day.  Your home MUST be an escape if you are to remain happy.  You have deep financial concerns, and in the moments after waking or after a deep meditation you'll be able to intuit the needed solutions.  Spending time alone is key as is the cultivation of patience.  Solutions will become obvious once you no longer feel oppressed and burned-out.  It's hard to see a positive future when you are surrounded by death and dying.  But there is learning here too.  You are learning to trust and follow your intuition.  You are learning to set boundaries, for yourself and others, and to keep them.  You are learning that trust must begin with yourself.  On a more positive note - travel options are coming up for you, and some of these could be financially beneficial.  In fact, a future career that involves travel might just be right up your alley!  Visits from friends and family members will give additional insights as well as be lots of fun.  

Capricorn -
This month will be filled with activity Capricorn.  A visit to or from a child or dealing with a project that is the child of your heart may either be filled with a frenzy of positive activity or negatively, stress and arguments.  If writing, education, public speaking, or travel is your thing, there will be an opportunity to pursue a very special dream this month.  You will have to identify the opportunity and act fast though, or it will be gone!  There are also options to move back into past situations that are attractive but your heart tells you they'd only be temporary situations - and your heart is correct.  Regarding family situations - it is wise to give a wide berth to negative issues that arise this month as old and possibly volatile situations seem to be popping up.  Best not to pay them too much attention so they don't grow into anything more than they are.  If you want children, now is a good time to plan that family.  Likewise if you are of an age for grandchildren, one might easily be on the way that you find out about this month!  This is a good month for financial planning for the remainder of the year, and it's a good time for forming partnerships or entering into legal agreements that will honestly serve both parties.  So if you are sitting on the fence about signing a contract of some kind, this month may be the ideal time to do that.  Likewise, if you are in arbitration regarding something, this month is a good month to acquire the best council to see you through.  If you are in a relationship, this month should also see some romantic interludes.  Friendships can easily blossom into lovers too, if that is your choice.  

Aquarius -
Emotionally you are focused on home and family all month long Aquarius, but life is requiring you to pay attention to your finances, to learn new things on the job, to step into new and uncharted territory regarding your skills, your work and your finances, and all this makes you quite insecure.  The big question is, do you follow your instincts and intuition, and step forward into something that looks good but that you don't feel you know enough about, or do you sit tight and let a possible great opportunity pass you by?  Only you can answer that question Aquarius.  You find yourself looking back at past errors, mistakes you can no longer change, that freeze you into inaction in the present.  You MUST get past that Aquarius. Where is your heart?  What is your greatest desire?  What action steps will bring you closer to that desire?  That is where your thinking and planning must start as you move forward.  You can have whatever you most desire, but you must let go of the past and you must let go of fear to do that.  Constant bickering with a family member or reminiscing in a negative way only avoids the future.  It cannot change the past.  It's time to stop arguing, and to walk away from the drama in your life.  Or has drama become such a huge part of your life experience that you have become addicted to it?  The new or re-energized relationship in your life require you to move out of your present inaction.  Work and career can be an escape.


This month is about you Pisces!  It's an emotional month, but a month filled with quiet contemplation and healing.  So much has been exposed.  You now see things, mostly, as they are.  That especially means yourself.  What's more important, is that you are liking what you see!  You are learning that it's OK to put yourself first.  That you don't always need to be at everyone else's beck and call.  Loss and disillusionment has become a norm for you over the last few years, but now you are finding that acceptance and emotional freedom has or is  replacing it.  This is a wonderful month to allow your creativity to come out.  Explore your artistic or musical or intuitive side.  There is healing in that.  You've got a gift of communication that is also being explored this month - perhaps through confidences with friends and siblings, but also through writing, perhaps even speaking.  You may experience violent and extreme opposition as you present your views but this will help you to further explore your own thought processes and lead to your helping others as well - something you love to do.  It seems you are experiencing a whirlwind of energy this month too, involving visits and contacts with people  from afar, as well as travel, and interaction with lovers and children.  It's like the cork has come out of your bottle and you are finally finding all of these areas for self expression.  Likewise in your day to day life there are lots of ups and downs and shifts.  Perhaps a new way to handle health issues, or a new pet, or even dividing time between two homes or workplaces that you travel between.   All of these are the new building blocks for your future life.  Happy Birthday

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