Sandy's Astrological Predictions Nov 2019

Aries -
This is an important month for you Aries, filled with potentially life-changing choices.  Do you have the courage to move forward now?  You’ve got some major financial considerations and you are now realizing these need to come first in this moment, and need to be handled in the best way possible for your own future to be what you want it to be.  After that you can get back to that balancing act you’ve been doing between home needs and concerns and your personal aspirations and career goals.  If married, your mate is also on the see-saw of life and you’ve been trying to take that ride with them.  You are finally realizing that though you may sometimes share that ride, ultimately their choices are their choices, just as yours are yours. Meanwhile old opportunities, with a new slant, are returning all month long.  This moment where self responsibility, both yours and theirs and everyone else’s too, is clearly understood is a great moment of self healing for you Aries, and will give you back the personal freedom you’d been looking for, for so long.  Make your own choices and leave everyone else to theirs and you’ll find great happiness.  Have a wonderful November, and if you live in the US, a Happy Thanksgiving!

Taurus -
Travel or travel plans surround you this month Taurus, so if you live in the US you may be traveling for the Holidays!  If you’ve chosen to stay home, expect that you’ll have some guests traveling to stay with you!  Likewise in work related activities it’s likely you’ll be connecting with people from different walks of life or perhaps even other countries.!  Spending quality time with your significant other or a close friend, partner or colleague this month will be emotionally fulfilling and illuminating.  A close friendship is morphing to something greater.  Choices need to be made concerning in-laws, if you have them, and also how to interact and handle issues with close friends and siblings.  You may feel a bit like you are walking a mine field determining which things are important to be involved with and which are potential problems that aren’t yours to solve.  It’s certainly going to be a busy month for you Taurus!  If you are here in the US, enjoy a Happy Thanksgiving!

Gemini -
Day to day life activities, pets, your significant other, and the things you love to do and share with another are high on your list of things to do this month Gemini.  Things are coming together for you at work, and your organization is improving.  Good for you!  Travel with or for your mate, partner or a close friend is a likelihood too.  A great deal of your emotional focus this month will be going to financial affairs that may be business related, or personal, or both.  Responsibilities must be met, by you and anyone else involved.  You are establishing a new foundation for your future and careful steps are required.  Continue to let your intuition and your ‘inner compass’ help to direct your steps and you’ll continue to move forward towards the happy life you want to manifest.  There may be some health concerns involving a female friend or family member, or your significant other, but these will mostly be solution based, which is good.  Enjoy a Happy Thanksgiving if you live in the US.

Cancer -
Spending time with your children or the child of your heart, and your romantic partner or playmate,  is a great release from the pressures of your primary relationship or partnership this month Cancer.   Decisions must be made.  Do you move forward and take the needed action you do not feel quite ready to take now, or do you step back, and perhaps lose an important opportunity that can further your goals, both personal and business?  Your personal drives are leading you in a different direction than what your friends and family would choose for you.  Do you continue to walk the path you are expected to, or do you pioneer your own?  You can feel the pressure mounting and you are correct.  It will finally release right after Thanksgiving in the US, and so if you can hold on until after that to take action, clearer heads will prevail.  Enjoy this time of change, and if you use the pressure as an energy boost it will serve you well! 

Leo -
Work, health (your own, family members, and even friends), and responsibility in general will consume you this month Leo, if you allow them to.   Why not take some much needed time out for quality time with your family and friends and if you are here in the US plan an enjoyable family celebration to celebrate Thanksgiving at home.  Yes there is opportunity, even a need, for travel, but you will find that although there is pressure to take action all month long things will go more smoothly if you wait until the end of the month.  Watch out for subterfuge and outside manipulation regarding work, business, and all financial issues, even those family related.  If your intuition says something’s ‘not right’, trust it and do some research into whatever the issue is.  You’ll be glad you did.  But remember, this month you need to be careful not to obsess over every little thing or you will drive yourself and everyone around you totally insane!

Virgo -
Issues concerning siblings and children are all around you this month, and things that need to be understood and discussed concerning them are easily accessed all month long.  This is a great month for you to start to study something new and creative, or even to begin journaling or writing that book!  Financial things are coming to a head this month as well and there is an explosive air about them, at least leading into the third week of the month.  After that the pressure will quickly begin releasing.   Don’t be surprised if you find yourself caught between friends and either your children or theirs, or even between your romantic partner and your friends this month.  That can be stressful until you realize the only one who really has anything to say about your life and how you live it is you.  If you have children there may be responsibilities and conflicts that must be addressed to bring peace to the family as you move into the holidays.  Don’t be surprised when you find support from an unexpected place!  Happy Thanksgiving!

Libra -
There is intense activity at home all month Libra, that may either boost your focus and productivity regarding work, life and career goals, or totally distract you from them.  Or it may do both, alternating between them.  One thing is certain.  November is not going to be boring at all!  This is a great month for getting your financial house in order, and perhaps your physical home as well!  Making sure you are on the same page as your significant other  or partner if you have one is very important.  This month is great even for starting your own small business or your latest project!  If you are retired or don’t work think about getting that hobby off the ground that lets you charge off on a new journey of self-development and may one day even make you some money too!  On the home front family gatherings are heavy and filled with responsibility this year, but probably cannot be avoided.  Politics around the table may be as intense as those in the political arena of your nation’s capital.  Tread lightly!  If you are in the US, have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Scorpio -
This is your month Scorpio!  There’s a lot of pressure in relationships, in health matters, and in daily activities of all kinds all month long, but in typical Scorpio fashion you find yourself thriving amidst the chaos.  Communications are of the utmost importance all month long, and in all matters be sure to pay careful attention to detail.  In particular contracts signed now and commitments made even verbally now may have long term consequences.  Be sure to put important things in writing, consult the right professionals, and in verbal communications be sure to get feedback so both parties know what they are agreeing to!  There are sure to be some emotional miscommunications so take care to avoid long term ill will especially when dealing with friends and family.   Outside people and circumstances may also contribute influences you are unaware of that may cloud things if you aren’t careful.  It’s also likely you’ll be doing some traveling this month, for business and/or pleasure.  Enjoy a quiet and somewhat reclusive holiday celebration!

Sagittarius -
Things are coming to a head regarding your financial situation this month Sagittarius, and if you own a business or are thinking of starting or making changes in one, now is the perfect time for that!  Emotions, especially concerning finances and how and where you earn your income, will understandably be high all month.  Remember that it is in the midst of change that you are able to discern the best opportunities for the future.  You will be pulled in two directions, by the old comfortable things pulling you backwards and the new exciting ones you’ve foreseen drawing your forward.  This month the pressure is on to make a decision, to get off the fence, and to start moving solidly one direction or the other.  By the end of the month you will be seeing a clear road ahead and will most likely have already taken your first step.  Confusion, at least, will be in the past.  All of this stress is causing you to take a deep look at yourself, and come to accept your own emotional, physical, and financial needs.  Introspection is not your finest suit, but when you do it, you do it deeply and well Sagittarius!  If you are in the US, have a Happy Thanksgiving and make the day the joyous and healing event it can be.

Capricorn -
Pressure is continuing to mount this month Capricorn in all of your relationships, both the physical ones and the non-physical ones, and you are feeling the stress that comes from too many people wanting a piece of you emotionally, financially, creatively, and even physically in business, in work, and even among your family and friends. Frankly, all of these people’s needs, once ego-satisfying, are now driving you further away from them.  You are wearing your heart on your sleeve all month long, giving support to everyone you can, all the while needing that support yourself.  This internal and external pressure is going to continue to intensify through the third week of the month, then, when relief comes, it’s going to be more like a rocket blasting you in a whole new direction as you feel yourself letting go of all that has been holding you back.  Suddenly people, things and situations fall into place as a part of your life if you choose to allow that, but they are not the focus of your life.  This month has the potential to bring great healing for you if you allow it to.  All things are possible.  Have a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Aquarius -
Deep seated fears and worries, especially concerning a person or situation from the past, seem to have you a bit down emotionally this month Aquarius.  Be careful that you don’t allow yourself to get all worked up about something that doesn’t even exist outside your own mind.  Turn your attention instead to daily activities, to working on getting yourself into shape, and you’ll find your inner turmoil reduced.  This month is a great month to make strides ahead in your career, and if you are wise enough to be paying attention, there may even be some dynamic opportunities for you.  Your home situation is very uncertain right now, with change seeming to be the only constant.  This can be affecting you in multiple ways - family members coming and going, constant changes in plans, construction in your environment, and so on.  That constant shifting and accompanying feelings of uncertainty will continue up through the third week of the month before things calm down for a while, only to begin again after the first of the year.  Look at the shifts your experiencing now as a glimpse of things to come and start picking and choosing which feel the best.  Meanwhile, whatever your plans are for this month, including Thanksgiving if you are here in the US, will likely be changed.  Enjoy the day, regardless of with whom or where you spend it.

Pisces -
You are likely feeling pressured by a hundred things right now Pisces, and that pressure is unlikely to release until the last week of the month.  Work is taking its toll, and powerful emotions are driving you.  Expect changes and opportunities, both, to be coming from your home and family and from your work.  Yet far from being a relief, this is only making things more confusing and stressful and you feel you need to be every place at once so as to not miss a single thing that may be that one most important thing.  If you have children or something or someone you relate to as your child you are also consumed by worry for them.  Pisces, you cannot keep doing this.  The stress is, and has been, telling on your relationship partner (if you have one) and even more on you.  You’ve had your nose to the grindstone for a long time now, working through finances, developing your own skills as well as other people’s abilities, in fact, you are now seeing the need to rely more and more on others and that is disturbing you too but it’s a necessary next step.  In your primary relationship tempers are rising, stress is increasing.  By the end of the month if there’s to be a blow up it will have happened - then the stress that caused that blow up will be lying dormant until the new year when it begins to build again.  Look at causes not symptoms in your life now to resolve the issues you need to heal and clear.  Enjoy a Happy Thanksgiving if you are here in the US.

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