Sandy's Feb 2020 Astrological Predictions

Aries -

This month a lot of your emotional focus will be on your money as well as that of others, on investments, and possibly even legal issues, Aries. There may be an action you've taken at another's suggestion that you regret and now have the opportunity to rectify. One thing is sure; whether you are asking for a raise at work, or setting up your Will, or meeting with your tax accountant, this month your emotions are running high and as your situation is clarified you will be quick to take action! Just don't be so quick that you don't think about where your actions will lead. Meanwhile, things regarding your career and your worldly aspirations and future goals are moving ahead nicely, and it's important that you don't get so distracted into the family and financial issues being presented to you this month that you miss some of the personal opportunities you've been planning and waiting for. One of the major distractions, especially if you're single, is going to be a romantic one; things will be either very good or very bad in that department, and they may even swing back and forth, making it difficult to focus on those other important things in your life. If you have children, one of your children may be having the same affect on you! Do try to stay focussed Aries. You've worked too hard to let things slip through your fingers now.

Taurus -
Powerful interactions with friends and siblings will characterize much of this month Taurus. You're going to feel a bit like you're on an emotional roller coaster ride for a good part of the month. If you are married or living with someone there will be tensions in the relationship, coming from financial differences as well as one another's actions. There could be power struggles. Friends will offer insights about other friends. Trust only your own intuition regarding what to believe. It would be a good idea to plan some physical activities, a trip, or even focus on a future move or vacation, to redirect a lot of the tension around you. If you don't find a way to redirect the pent up emotions and energy, it is likely that things that have been bothering you and festering in your unconscious for some time will cause a blow up, possibly of your entire relationship, or even your life. Now is a good time to evaluate your own expectations of your partner, your family, and your friends. Have you been expecting what they are not capable of delivering? Have you recently found things out about them or even accepted things about them that you've been unwilling to let yourself see until recently? Things are changing around you swiftly Taurus, and you are not good at change. Find more time to spend alone, because you've got a lot to process. You may be disturbed by what you now know...but you also realize it is time for you to make some changes of your own going forward. Healing will be the final result of this journey, which is just beginning.

Gemini -
This month promises to be filled with change and upheaval in your daily environment and in your daily schedule of activities, Gemini. Any one of the 'emergencies' you will face this month will be enough to distract you from your financial and career goals and even cause you to put your personal aspirations on hold. You may experience health issues with a pet or family member, your work environment may shift and change, a family member or friend may come to you with a serious personal problem or a repetitive financial problem that they want your help with. Do your best to stay focused on your things because your finances are changing and require constant attention. Likewise there may be tax related or legal issues that you cannot afford to miss. Opportunities for relieving financial stress at home and on the family are available but if you don't act on them they will be lost. Health problems may also arise for you if you insist on burning the candle at both ends to try to make up for lost time. Organization is extremely important this month if you are to make it as successful as it should be. Prioritize your activities. Set schedules and adhere to them but allow for flexibility. That is important because unexpected surprises will be encountered on a daily basis. Don't forget to include personal time in your day - that will help to keep you sane and in control of your very thin temper.

Cancer -
All of your relationships are of the utmost importance in your life this month Cancer, and you will spend a great deal of the month focusing on them, working through issues with them, and reorienting yourself to the changes you are experiencing within them. Romance may be on your plate, and that could even be one of the things initiating the changes around you. It is likely your relationship with your partner or mate if you have one, as well as with your children or that ever-present 'child of your heart', will be particularly volatile this month, so think before you speak or act to be certain you don't end up with a more lively interraction than you'd anticipated. A better way of using your high emotional energy this month will be in support of those you care about and love. The stress you are experiencing in each of your one-on-one relationships is due to the problems they are facing. Their problems are not yours to solve, but your support, your insight, your encouragement can be enormously helpful both to them and to your relationship with them. Health issues, job changes, unexpected family or home expansions or relocations or travel - all of these are among the issues you will need to flow with and give support to. At your own work or if you don't work in your home space there are also major changes happening that will alter who you interract with and who supports YOU on a daily basis. By the end of the month you should have most of this sorted out, and will have (hopefully) set a good foundation for the rest of the year.

Leo -
You are still carrying most of the responsibility for job, home and family things as we move through this month Leo, but at the moment you are feeling a lot happier and more energized. You should be getting support from your significant other or perhaps a close valued friend. Additionally, finances are feeling more controllable as you take time to really look at where the money has been going in your world! This month is likely to be a very emotional one at home and especially regarding anything that involves your mate, or a female living in your home, or a mother figure for either of you. The issues involve health, and changes in both finances and perhaps even your physical home itself. Whatever it is that's happening at home, it's emotional and therefore very consuming. It's important for you to deal with all that, but don't lose track of the big picture because there are some very important thing going on regarding a work situation, or even employment. (That could be yours or someone you depend upon). Those employment shifts can influence your financial picture. Try not to offer funds or become invested in anything right now, or at least until you've got a better feel for the whole picture. Investing in love and trust is nice, but that doesn't pay the bills. A very big change is coming in your own life and employment this year or next, and even though you can't see it clearly yet, you need to plan for it.

Virgo -
This month has the potential to be a very active one for you in social circles, with emotionally charged communication flowing between you and your siblings, friends, groups, and even your significant other and your business partner if you have one! This can be a good thing, if you don't let yourself be needled by unexpected and likely unwanted requests and activities that can interfere with your flow, your finances, your daily life at home and at work, even your pets and kids if you have them. That needling will unfortunately also be a constant this month, and it's grabbing at your subconscous, resulting in periodic emotional explosions. Be careful not to direct the energy of those explosions negatively into your social gatherings and verbal and written interactions, or you may find you have a lot of explaining and back-peddling to do to set things right. There will be one person who will be the primary source of your discomfort for most of the month; take the time to identify who that is, and do what you can to minimize interraction with them, and things will go a lot more smootly for you. This can be a very important month for you Virgo, as you are building a social base (perhaps even a social media base) that will be important to future activities you've been working on very hard. Likewise, if you can keep your emotions stable and not be drawn into arguments or emotional mood swings, this can be a good month to resolve issues with a male figure, possibly a brother, brother-in-law or a close friend. Take charge, and make this a powerful and good month Virgo!

Libra -
It seems this month will be dedicated to working on your finances and your home, Libra. Expect some powerful emotional interactions. Good will likely come out of these as it will get you thinking about your skills, talents, and abilities, and how you can marshal these to create a better financial base for your family and your home. The transiting Sun is poised to enter your House of Creativity next month, so you are also beginning to get some great ideas that will also help to make your finances more fluid. The key to expanding your business (if you have one), to increasing your net worth, to gaining greater recognition for your skills and contributions, is to start tuning in more to your intuition, use your creativity, and be very aware of all of the interactions and goals of the people you allow into your life. Be careful especially this month not to be carried away by other people's emotions. Emotion is powerful fuel for energizing your actions as well as the actions of others, but you need to be careful it is moving in a positive direction, not feeding into a negative one. On another note; you may have an opportunity to travel or to exchange homes with another or to visit a family member who lives a distance away. Now is the time to do or plan those things. Major changes are getting ready to disrupt family patterns. These could involve a move, a person passing on, an important property being sold. Your choices throughout this period of change will direct your future life. Old patterns are repeating. Search out their root. It may surprise you.

Scorpio -
This is an emotional month for you Scorpio as the month begins with a lunar transit to mars in your solar first house. In English that means that you are inclined to take everything personally all month long and that your intense emotion easily converts into physical action. In a positive sense this is a fabulous energy generator that can help you to create the foundation that will help you realize your dreams. In a negative sense, it is very easy for you to become wrapped up in conflicts with others in your day-to-day life which itself is constantly filled with unexpected and disruptive activities. Essentially you are a person at war with themselves at the moment, filled with conflicting desires. Take time to retreat and get in touch with yourself, and discover what your true wants and desires are at this time in your life. They have changed. You need to catch up with yourself. If you can bring these two factions warring within yourself together, you can have and achieve anything right now. On another note, finances remain an important focus for you all month as well. It seems like a major hurdle has been crossed and you are moving into a new phase. An opportunity for improving your financial position will come through an older female, or perhaps through your significant other. If you are a writer, speaker, teacher or consultant in any field, great opportunities await you.

Sagittarius -
This is likely to be a truly crazy month for you Sagittarius, filled with events and activity and explosive energy, both inside yourself and in your world. Try to be careful not to burn the candle at both ends. This is a high energy month for you, but even you have your limits. Emotionally you are on a roller coaster as you slowly get in touch with those volatile inner reactions you are having to the events in your life. Nothing has really changed, you realize, except you. You now realize you are ready for those internal changes to manifest in your world, and in your impetuous self you seek to make those changes happen all at once. Here's a word of advice - slow down. You'll make fewer mistakes going forward if you do. You are realizing that you have been on a rat wheel going faster and faster and going nowhere. But while you've been chasing your tail you've been building up a base of friends, and a support system that will be very helpful in the future. Discussions with friends and family members help to mutually expose hidden blocks you and they have both placed upon yourselves. Energy is slowly building towards release. The future explosion is going to be beautiful, and will help you to pull together all those facets of self you've discovered, to move on to that new career, new romance, new goal, new life you've been seeking. You realize that while you've been taking care of, even living for, everyone else, you've been creating a new you.

Capricorn -
Your finances, your sense of self, your freedom, your ability to gain personal recognition for your skills and achievements...all of these are improving this month Capricorn. You will be pleased to finally be in a position to recognize this, and also to realize how little it now means to you, after so much effort chasing the brass ring. You are just moving to the downward slope in your life, and as you do you realize that your gaze is already moving towards the next incline. Change is coming your way Capricorn. You can feel it, even smell it. Now is beginning a time of consolidation and getting yourself and your world prepared for the next step in your life journey. It's not yet time to move forward...but it is time to prepare. Expect a lot of interaction with friends, siblings, cousins, even groups you belong to all month long. These social interactions may sometimes feel like a nuisance but are needed as they are helping you to create the future you want for yourself. They are the foundation for the flow of energy that will carry you on to the next level. A conflict with a woman connected with your home or family needs to be resolved before you can be financially free, and that is producing a lot of emotional tension, especially as many uninformed people are trying to tell you how to handle it. Likewise you are torn inside between conflicting roads you wish to move forward on. Have patience with yourself. You do not need to resolve these issues. In the grand scheme of things they will resolve themselves.

Aquarius -
What a wonderful month this will be fore getting in touch with yourself, Aquarius, and for reviewing life's recent (and not so recent) events and upheavals. It may be time to take a step back in life to regroup before choosing the direction you wish to move forward in. There are so many options! You have plenty of career and social opportunities around you...but what do you want, is the real question. The things you aspire to seem to all bring conflict into your life, and that's just not what you're in the market for right now. On the other hand, when you project your thoughts to look at the life that is easiest based upon the pressures currently being exerted on you, you find yourself in a relationship or living situation that is just not what you want. Or at least it's not what you think you want right now. So here's the question Aquarius - is there a way of resolving these differences and having it all? The life you want, the social life you want, the relationship you want, the career you want? That's what the current astrological transits are leading you towards. They are helping to give you clarity now, so that you can begin to get a grip on what sacrifices, changes, adjustments you will have to make in order to create the world you want. The external activities tossing you about in the world around you are distracting you from this important process. You can immerse in that never ending struggle or take the time for the needed introspection in order to have the life you want, right now. It's your choice.

Pisces -
A change in your job or residence may be a consideration this month Pisces, as travel, job and career changes are all possibilities based upon the current astrological transits. If you are travelling, expect unforeseen delays and some impatience with yourself and others. Relationships are a major focus as well as you and your loved one try to get on the same page regarding your changing desires. For you there is nothing new here; you've been thinking about it a long time. Remember, for your mate it feels like a brand new idea. Whatever it is, give it time, and work together. Discussion with your mate will help to flesh out your ideas in ways you may not have thought about, and make them more possible. That will also bring you and your partner closer together than ever, or if it's your goal to separate, will permit you to move forward in your individual directions painlessly. In addition to working out some relationship issues, this monthyou may also need to focus on health issues for a family member or close friend. Addictions, always a possible problem around Pisces, may surface for a friend or family member associated with you or your mate too. If you allow it to, this could consume your attention for the entire month, pulling you off track from those important plans. It's time to find a new way to deal with an old problem. You should consider what successes you might achieve if you put that time and effort into yourself and your own goals and aspirations instead of allowing your energy to be drained off by problems you cannot fix.


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