Sandy's Jan 2020 Astrological Predictions

Aries -
2020 Year Overview -
This year will be a year to focus on all of your relationships Aries.  In fact, the success, happiness, and satisfaction you experience this year will depend on how well you balance your relationships in all walks of life going forward.  You have a tendency to allow yourself to fall into the role of a victim, feeling like all the work and responsibility always falls on your shoulders alone, and perhaps it has in the past.  But the only way forward and out of that state is to begin to work with others which will require sharing, diplomacy, listening skills, and even arbitration.  It’s time to really take off your rose colored glasses and put your feet firmly on the ground.  Set boundaries where they are needed.  Be conscious of surrounding yourself with the ‘right’ people.  The right people are those you respect and see as achieving the life success you would like for yourself.  Your life has been filled with plenty of ups and downs and lots of opportunities over the last seven years.  Going forward now there will be greater stability but also less opportunity so it’s important to get things right the first time now.  You will have opportunities this year for career changes and travel, and perhaps those will be connected.  You’ve been torn in the past between the drive to fulfill your personal and career aspirations, and the desire for a happy and fulfilled home life.  That conflict has not led to the life you desire.  In fact, it’s kept you swinging from thing to thing without focus.   It’s time to get a handle on what you truly want.  Self-honesty is important.  When you are able to visualize and create the home, family and relationship that you most desire, all of those career aspirations are going to begin to fall into place.  Be cautious with your finances this year too.  The landscape of your life is changing regarding finances and there can be exaggerated ups and downs.  There may be conflict between you and your significant other or partner regarding finances.  A financial advisor can be of great assistance in the resolution of those conflicts.  Health matters may plague your mate or close friend this year as well.  Your support can have a healing affect.  Both of you need to avoid people who have or are enmeshed in addictive situations.  If you are courageous and move forward with thoughtfulness in all areas, 2020 can be a year of healing and great success  for you in many areas, including your  family, finances, relationships, career, and personal and emotional health and well-being.  I hope you enjoy a happy and successful 2020 year!

January -
This month will set the stage for the rest of the year Aries, and it’s a year of growth and change for you.  It is likely you will be considering a move, either of your home or your career or business.  If you have already made it, then this month you’ll be doing some much needed re-evaluation and perhaps consolidation.  It’s a great time to get involved with studies that may lead to a change in your career or life-style too.  If you are married or living with someone, your partner may need some support this month with health issues involving a female family member, or perhaps even their own health.  It’s even possible there could be a lot of travel pertaining to health issues or to study.  You will have an opportunity to step back into a previous career, home situation, or relationship.  If that feels good to you and you can see it as helping you in some way to move forward on your life path than do it.  But if it feels in any way like an escape or hiding, it will not be good for you and should be avoided.  Decisions and choices you make this month are extremely important as they will direct your life for the entire year.  It’s important therefore that all your choices are made with a clear head and as much thoughtfulness and investigation as you can give them.  If you have emotional burdens you are having trouble getting a handle on you should seek some help.  Remember, your clear thinking is required, and if you let fear, suspicion, or insecurity overwhelm you it will freeze you in place and all the good things waiting for you cannot happen.  Enjoy a Happy New Year!

Taurus -
2020 Year Overview -
2020 will be a year of great change for you Taurus.  You may travel extensively, and  change your residence, career or business, even how you handle your finances.  In fact, if you are changing careers, the new career could even involve travel.  Relationships all year will be volatile, unpredictable, and it’s important for you to resist reacting to them with any extreme measures or you will be at risk for initiating changes you will be sorry for later on.  Handle all your relationships with thought and diplomacy.  Be sure to find enough alone time for yourself all year long to retain your personal sense of balance and well-being.  Amidst so much change it’s important to be completely in touch with who you are, what your needs are, and what your future desires are.  Set long-term goals and then no matter how rough the obstacle course of your life becomes you’ll always be generally on track.  A sibling or close friend will be a great a help in maintaining the clear thinking you need to make the best choices for yourself this year.  Many friendships will be ending, and new ones beginning in 2020.  Be aware that wherever your heart is involved it is likely you are not seeing clearly.  Get help if needed.  All year long you will be building towards an explosion that will likely occur in the last quarter of the year.  That will be good, as it will actually clear the air and help you to see what you really want with clarity.  What you really want is probably not what you think it is right now.  Be open minded and flexible.  This is a bridge-year for you leading into 2021, and it’s a healing year for you as well.  Spending time with respected family members who are distant from you will help you to step back into yourself, and get yourself back on track through all this year’s life changes.  You are about to embark upon a seven-year journey of opportunity and constant life changes.  How you start it out will make the difference between this being the most successful period of your life, or the most devastating.  I am wishing you a happy and successful 2020, the beginning of the most successful period of your life!

January -
It’s likely that this month you and a close friend or partner, or your significant other, are not seeing eye to eye on much of anything.  Household improvements, family or relationship issues, and finances can easily become the subject for a heated argument. The good part of all this dissension is that it is making all involved aware of the differing goals and focuses you each have.  To resolve issues, you must first become aware of what they are!  All this is helping you to know what areas to work on.  The most important focus for you at the moment is your relationship (if you have one, and how to get one if you don’t), but it’s not necessarily the most important thing.  Take the time to become aware of what is transpiring financially, legally, and in business around you, and pay attention to the finances of those close to you too.  Make sure contracts are reviewed by an attorney and be sure to consider all commitments carefully before making them.  Deals you enter into lightly now may become the yoke around your neck by the end of the year if you aren’t careful.  Your desire to help and heal others is powerful and gives you great satisfaction, but you are easily taken advantage of now by friends and colleagues, so remaining grounded and pragmatic is of the utmost importance so that you know when to help and when to step back. Be very aware of alcohol or possible drug abuse relating to your friends or your significant other.  Certainly if you see erratic and over emotional behavior from them there could be a problem.  Professional help is advisable.  Meanwhile, your feelings of responsibility for a family member or close friend need to be worked through and talked through until you can thoroughly understand them.  Until you do that you won’t feel free and you’ll continually be dealing with your own anger.  Find someone you trust to confide in, or get counseling.

Gemini -
2020 Overview -
Career, work, finances, and your aspirations are all on the list of things that will be expanding and developing for you this year Gemini.  If you are in a healing field, a creative artistic or musical position, or a counseling, coaching, psychological, or psychic field, your work in 2020 has the potential to go through the roof.  Expect changes at home too, as a result of work and health issues.  Regarding health, you or your significant other or a male family member or close friend may be subject to sudden but severe health issues, so don’t turn a blind eye to anything that looks suspicious.  In both relationships and finances, past experiences are repeating all year long, and that can be both good and bad.  The good thing is that once you recognize a repetitive pattern, you know what comes next and can plan for it.  In any and all financial dealings it’s important to get legal advice and be sure to have your personal and joint houses in order.  You may find yourself traveling this year, by yourself or with a partner or your significant other.  Travel can be work or career related, related to business matters, or for fun or even education.  Likewise, if you are married, your spouse may also be traveling both with you and alone for the same reasons.  Gemini, this is a year for stepping up and taking on more responsibility financially and at work, and developing new skills and possibly even a new business.  Just be sure that you are able to handle everything you bite off, and that you are contractually protected in all dealings.  If you have pets, keep an eye on them too, as unexpected and costly health matters may pop up.  If you have children, they are going to keep you on your feet for sure as they begin to put their own stamp on the world!  Welcome to 2020!

January -
Emotionally your focus is alternately on your career and on your significant other (if you have one).  There are issues both in your relationship and in your career that you are not seeing clearly, and in order for healing of either to occur you’ve got to achieve clarity.  Any work you can do that involves meditation and calming or balancing your mind will be helpful.  Good communication is imperative.  Trust your intuition but be careful to recognize the difference between your intuitive insight and your subconscious fears.  One supports you, the other causes you to freeze and become totally paranoid or conversely trusting where you shouldn’t be.  The important place to put your attention and energy right now however is on your finances. That includes legal issues and estate planning.  You are going to recognize repetitive financial issues and patterns in your life and you should definitely sidestep situations that can lead to legal issues or financial loss.  You will need to work with others to achieve what you want.  This will require good organization, good communication, and setting up a working chain of command in all that you do.  Be sure to get professional advice where it’s applicable, and to include your significant other in your planning.  They may have more to offer than you realize.  It is so easy for you to charge ahead with your activities, forgetting to include them until you need them.  That needs to change if you want their support going forward.  One thing is certain.  2020 will mark a huge change in how you relate to others, most especially your significant other.  This change is already underway, having begun in 2019. 2020 will see it’s completion.   It’s important how you handle your relationship this month as it will set things in motion for the year.

Cancer -
2020 Overview -
Unsurprisingly, relationships are your focus for 2020 Cancer.  You have a lot on your plate concerning your close one-on-one relationships and health issues too.  It’s likely you’ll be traveling this year for health and/or family related reasons.  Health problems that occurred last year may be recurring this year so it’s important to stay alert.  If a family member passed last year issues concerning their passing will be finally dealt with in 2020.  You are likely to be surprised by some revelations.   If you can, plan a cruise for some fun and relaxation for yourself.  You’ll be glad you did!  There will also be a lot of pressure and stress on your throughout the year, and you’ll find your career, your finances, and your home, all in a state of flux.  None of these will be likely to settle into a comfortable place for you until you settle the power struggles with your significant other and other family members, and with your children, or children of your heart.  Be careful as you work through these social situations that you don’t jump to conclusions.  Also remember that the situations you are emotionally closest to will be the most difficult, perhaps even impossible, for you to handle.  Regarding health situations and any serious relationships issues - don’t hesitate to get a professional, or even the law, involved.  Some things are beyond your ability to handle on your own.  There is an old saying - “if you’ve been unsuccessful resolving a problem in the past, using the same means to attempt to resolve it in the present will undoubtedly result with the same lack of success.”  this applies to you this year Cancer.  It’s important to seek out new means to resolve those old problems.  Control issues, especially those that involve escapism or addiction, are the most difficult of all to resolve.  This is going to be an emotional year for you Cancer, even by your standards.  Cement the relationships you know you can count on.  They will help give you the stability to deal with the rest.  Happy 2020!

January -
This month is a great time for personal growth Cancer!  You should have the support of your significant other or a close friend in your endeavors this month, which is great, as January sets the stage for the rest of the year.  An old friend or past relationship partner may be returning into your life this month, or perhaps an old issue regarding them.  Find a new way to handle this.  Avoid power plays.  There is some secretive activity around you that your intuition has discerned, but if you jump to conclusions before you have all the pieces you’ll be wrong.  Be patient.  This is a great month to plan that cruise, or even to go on it.  Being on or near water right now is very healing for you.  Giving yourself a little ‘space’ will also help you to better understand certain relationship and family matters.  If you have a girlfriend or female family member to visit, this is a great time to do that too.  Finances are heavily on your mind right now too.  An opportunity will come soon that will give you a new way of handling your finances that you haven’t thought of before.  You or your significant other may uncover a creative approach that generates a better income.  Cutting expenses is likely to be part of it.  In the area of personal development, anything that involves meditation or the development of your creativity or psychic ability will be both enjoyable and successful for you right now, and at least for now will have the support of your spouse or partner.

Leo -
2020 Overview -
In 2020 your world is shifting Leo.  There is travel around you, possibly even a relocation of your home or business.  If you are in a relationship it is likely that your partner and your family members are not getting along.  In the constantly shifting sands of your home-social life you are the arbitrator.  As you put forth ideas and solutions, they are being shot down by all concerned.  It will be necessary for you to research and select solutions, especially financial ones, on your own without familial input.  You have the insight and knowledge to make the best decisions that will satisfy the needs of everyone concerned but they will continue to be unable to work together throughout this year.  Day to day problems, and health issues, continue to be acute.  Past problems are recurring.  There will be possible physical health or accident related problems for a man at home.  This could be your significant other or your father if you are close to him.  It’s a good idea to seek professional advice and care.  If you have children, they will be the bright light of your year.  If they are of marital age, an engagement could be in the works, or even grandchildren!  If they are younger, the excitement around them will include graduations and childhood successes.  You will have the support of an older woman or a woman you look up to as you move through the many responsibilities that face you this year.  Likewise, if married your significant other will be a great support system to back you up.  If psychic things interest you, this could be a wonderful year to develop those abilities as your intuition is off the charts right now, especially concerning financial and legal things.  Enjoy a happy and successful 2020!

January -
Finances, especially someone else’s, weigh heavily on your mind right now Leo.  It’s important to trust your intuition and act accordingly.  This month will be a heavy work month for you with a lot of past connections and opportunities returning.  Go ahead and benefit from past contacts that present a good foundation for future growth, but if they are hanger-oner’s pass them up, don’t give them a chance to play on your sympathies.  And old opportunity you thought long gone is coming back around though, and you will certainly enjoy that!  If you are in the health field or a service related field, or even something having to do with animals, this month will be great for you as it will expand opportunities in all those areas.  As you move ahead with some of the new opportunities coming your way, you’ll also find yourself developing new skills and knowledge in a good way.  If you have a home based business it is beginning to grow and expand.  If you are thinking of starting one, this is a good time to do it!  You will also have the chance this month to help bring healing to an old friend.  On another note, it may be time to have a deep talk with a woman whose finances connect with yours, about her financial future and some of the things you see coming for her and actions she can take that will help her.  If she reacts negatively you need to back off and try another approach at a later date.  She may be getting other advice from a different source.  Tread lightly and remember, how you handle things this month sets the stage for the year.

Virgo -
2020 Overview -
This is a year of revelation and change for you Virgo, in both difficult and beneficial ways.  There is a very good possibility that sometime this year you will be changing your residence or your career, or possibly both.  At the least, you’ll be doing some renovations on your home.  Turn your home into a place of calm retreat and you will find joy there.  A close friend or a child (or pet?) may be moving in with you.  Only allow that if you can set guidelines and have a trial period.  Things set in motion last year are coming to fruition and creating many changes for you this year.  Trust your intuition, even when it takes courage to do so.  If you have children, or a child of your heart that is your creation,  the oldest is making some major change in their life that requires a major next-step commitment, like getting married, having a child, starting a career or going to college. If you are single, or even if you aren’t,  an old flame may be returning Into your life.  Do you want them now?  If the spark or friendship is still there, make sure that whatever it was that broke you up before has been healed or you will undergo a painful instant repeat.  In the area of relationships especially you are having one revelation after another as various people in your world are exposed in ways you never even considered.   You are beginning to wonder who you can trust, if anyone.  On the other hand this is a great year for finding and even marrying your soul mate! A friend or partner has an issue with addiction that may be their own or a family member’s.  You have the desire to help them which is admirable, but tread carefully and get professional advice and help or you may be sorry you extended your hand.  Your finances this year are likely to be erratic, so watch things carefully and don’t invest in anything or anyone you haven’t carefully researched.  2020 is going to be a very interesting year for you.  Your creativity is astounding and if your career is a creative one it may really be ready to take off!

January -
You are wearing your heart on your sleeve this month Virgo, and so is your significant other, if you have one.  Are you seeking your soul mate?  Have you found them?  Have you found your own higher self?  That invisible part of yourself that when you merge with it, makes you feel whole?  Your creativity is amazing this month Virgo, and it stems from that feeling of connectedness.  Healing is happening in your life, for you, this month. It’s called wholeness.  If you are single this is a wonderful month to initiate a romance; if not, its a good time to rekindle romance in your existing relationship.  It’s also a time to focus on children or as I like to say, the child of your heart - that may be something you’ve created, an adopted child, or even a pet.  The energy around you is focusing on you right now - causing you to really look at what you want,  and how you want to achieve it.  Friends are helpful in developing your ideas and understanding your desires.  Things were set in motion last year that are very likely going to stimulate a change in or of your residence.  You are letting go and seeking new goals at the same time.  Perhaps you are thinking of traveling, or investing in a second home?  Perhaps you will add an addition onto your current residence?  Now’s the time to create the world you want for yourself in your future.  Welcome to 2020.

Libra -
2020 Overview -
2020 is going to be a year to focus on all your relationships, Libra.  What you want out of them is changing you see, and as you evaluate and focus on each relationship in turn you will bring healing to it, and to yourself.  It’s also a year to write that book, teach, coach, counsel, and reconnect with friends and siblings in a meaningful way.  You may also wish to study something new yourself - and this is an ideal year to do that, and to develop some new skills and abilities you can use for future endeavors, even future income.  The North Node and the upcoming lunar eclipse both activate your solar house of career and aspirations so look for lots of opportunities this year to develop that home-based business, and have more time to spend with the people you love most.  Focusing your attention there will not only help you to develop new skills and abilities in the area you want, but will lead to personal and business success, financial security, and more stable and happier relationships.   Likewise, those astrological aspects are great for developing a healthy and happy home, and creating a healthy eating plan for yourself that will lead you and your loved ones towards a healthier and happier life because they occur in Cancer, sign of food.  Health issues concerning a female friend or relative you are close to will overshadow part of the year.  You and that relative or friend have a very strong psychic connection, and that connection can help to bring healing if you pay attention to it.  Trust your intuition.  In your daily routine and work there will be continuous revelations and opportunities for enormous spiritual growth as well as the development of energetic healing abilities, should you want to put some effort there.  Have a wonderful 2020 year!

January -
This month you’ll be focusing on physical health matters Libra.  These could be your own, a pets, or even those of a female friend, relative, or even your significant other.  The thing is, whatever is going on, it will be difficult to diagnose, may look like something other than what it is, and will likely involve the stomach and or the lungs.  It’s possible it is an airborne illness, like the flu.  Don’t ignore the symptoms or they can become serious.  Stay on top of it and health will return.  Spending time at home this January will not only help you get a lot done, but will give you a chance to regroup and get yourself centered and ready to jump into a productive year.   Take the time to set up a library or study for yourself that gives you a private space to meditate, write, and research.  As the year progresses you’ll be glad you took the time to organize that physical space as it will help you to remain organized all year.   If you are setting up a home-based business, this is the time to get your legal act together and make sure you’ve got all your bases covered.  Get the help of a professional.  If you handle things in a good way Libra, the stage you set this January can have you feeling like you were launched out of a cannon by the spring.  This can very well be your year.  Happy 2020!

 Scorpio -
2020 Year Overview
This year’s focus will be finances, both yours and your mates if you are married or in a relationship Scorpio.  There are many creative ways to make money, manage finances, and develop profitable businesses and business skills, and you will investigate many of them over the coming months.  Luck is with you this year as well, and you may find you enjoy and excel at games of chance.  You may be opening a new business, or changing careers.  Travel for business, fun, and family also appears to be on your agenda for the year.  There will be opportunities for business ventures that you have done before, and also opportunities to share your knowledge and skills in your primary area of expertise with another - perhaps a trainee or family member.  Both teaching and learning are part of your growth cycle this year.  Arrange plenty of time at home as well Scorpio, as your home will be a quiet place of retreat that will bring you many hours of enjoyment.  If you are single this is a good year to heal past hurts and find the perfect partner, and if you are in a relationship or married there will certainly be opportunities to rekindle that old flame.  This is a year for honesty as buried feelings and hidden parts of yourself are being exposed and healed.  If you have children or a child of your heart that is the product of your own creativity, or a pet who you relate to as your child, there will be a strong intuitive bond between you all year long and that child will need the strength of your support.  They may be dealing with hidden issues they share only with you.  Your health may experience extreme ups and downs all year so it’s a good idea to pace yourself and not push too hard. Likewise, there is an older person (or pet) that you are quite concerned about .  Relationships in general will be very active and in some cases volatile.  Diplomacy is not your strong point this year, so do what you need to do to avoid confrontations.  Welcome to an interesting 2020 year!

January -
This is an active month for you Scorpio, filled with physical activity and lots of mental work surrounding finances and plans and goals for the future.  You have a great deal of work to do to communicate your needs and successfully establish whatever new career, financial and social interactions are required to be in place for the coming year.  Secrecy surrounds much of what you do this month as you quietly lay plans for travel, purchasers, and creative endeavors.  There is an opportunity this month to heal a past relationship.  That may be directly with the person, or with their memory.  Your intuition is powerful all month long so trust your gut feelings in all endeavors.  If you have the desire to develop your intuition and psychic skills, this is a good time for that.  It’s also a good time for games of chance as your luck is running high this month.   If you’re single, that luck could lead you towards a special romantic partner.  Guard your emotions this month though as all month long you will be experiencing emotional let-downs telling you not to expect too much from others right now.  All in all January is going to be a good, active month with lots of opportunity for social activities.  Happy New Year!

Sagittarius -
2020 Year Overview -
You are changing Sagittarius.  That statement may be an oversimplification, but it is accurate.  Personal changes that began last year were moving to completion this year.  As a result, your values, desires, future focus, personal needs, expectations, and life plan are entirely different from what you might have expected them to be several years ago.  You have essentially divorced the old you and many relationships, without ever having walked away.  You simply feel differently about them and the result is total change.  Financial concerns will color many of your future plans and present activities all year long.  You have so many opportunities right now to change careers or develop your own business that you are having trouble focusing on one.  Within the next year your relationships with significant family members will shift and as those changes come about even more opportunities will arise that will help you to become successful in a new field or activity.  At home you are filled with concern about either your significant other or a female relative you feel responsible for, or both.  There may be issues of dementia or a progressive health problem or addictions or emotional problems.   Healing is on the way for you once you get some help.  Home is going to be a place for you to explore your creativity and retreat from the world to recharge.   By the end of the year you will have a new plan in place for financial support that works for you.  You may find yourself back in school developing a new career path.  You will be rediscovering your inner child.  Left 2020 begin the birth of a new you.  Have a wonderful year!

January -
Either you will be traveling this month yourself, or perhaps a female friend or relative will be traveling to visit you Sagittarius.  There is also a lot of social activity and education of some sort around you this month as well.  Much of the month you will be balancing your finances, figuring expenses, determining what you will require for the year ahead, and earmarking what you need for some very special projects.  You may very well become engaged in some kind of construction.  That could be an actual construction project, or constructing the bones of a business endeavor.  As you proceed pay attention to opportunities that will develop along the way.  There are a lot of options here to make more money, and also to establish good connections.  Marshall your energy and guard it all month.  Be wary of someone at home or connected to your through family that is an energy drain.  Likewise, guard against contagious illnesses right now.  Check your home for possible airborne toxins.  Remember, this month sets your focus for the year.  Be clear headed and take deliberate action.  January should be a great month for you.  Happy New Year!

Capricorn -
2020 Year Overview -
You have sought to isolate yourself over the past years, determining that you were done being responsible for everyone and everything, but somehow that effort hasn’t worked.  As you move into 2020 the faces and activities and needs may be different, but you are still the person so many others turn to for help and guidance.  As we move into this new year it’s likely you will find yourself involved with construction and renovation and politics, and social activities and even sharing your knowledge with others via teaching or writing.  You see you simply have this wealth of knowledge that pushes you into sharing with others.  It’s important though to have your own space to retreat to, and plenty of alone time.  You may find yourself writing or journaling, and that can be a healing experience for you.  You may also have a creative novel, or fantasy to write, or even music.  Your creative side is definitely surfacing this year in a big way.  There will be times when the fictional character or fantasy person in your mind (or if you are a psychic medium, the deceased person sitting next to you) is more real to you than the people you are actually talking with.  Be wary of sharing your creative ideas with others though, even in light conversation, because some of those ideas may be stolen even though you think the people you are sharing with are trustworthy.  Unfortunately this year will have its share of rude awakenings relative to people.  Your psychic abilities and intuition are particularly in tune right now and you may very well find yourself finishing people’s sentences for them, and psyching in on them at business meetings.  This ability can be very fortunate provided the people you are working with are on your wavelength and are accepting.   Expect some emotional issues from a sibling or their family, especially involving a woman.  There will be opportunities to bring healing to a certain situation, if that is what you want.  A new romantic relationship may also enter your life this year but again, that will be the result of your own choice.  Enjoy a happy and healthy 2020 year!

January -
This is your month Capricorn!  You will have an opportunity early in the month to step back into a previous business situation, and also into a relationship pattern with someone that you may want to avoid unless you can alter a few things.  You may have an approach-avoidance feeling about both the relationship and the business offering, but the situation will be very attractive to you as will the potential remuneration.  It is likely that you will do it.  If so, make sure that you are contractually protected and that you have set all the right boundaries going into the situation.  It is also likely that there is going to be an issue involving a friend or sibling this month who needs your help but wants you to give it on their terms.  This is a touchy situation as it could easily blow up into a major conflict.  You may want to set some limits on your involvement, or not be involved at all.  It seems that in this particular situation people are carrying stories, and you know how irritating that kind of thing can be and how much trouble it can cause.  You seem to be having difficulty balancing family and relationship issues.  Setting boundaries this month will help to make things easier all year long.  On a more positive note, regarding a creative endeavor you are thinking of doing - you will receive support and perhaps even guidance from a man connected to an organization you belong to.  He has the ability to open some of the right doors for you.  It seems as if January is going to launch your 2020 year with a real bang, Capricorn!  Happy New Year!

Aquarius -
2020 Year Overview -
Last year began a shift in your friendships and in your work, Aquarius, that is continuing into this year.  Your social circle is expanding it seems, in a good way.  You will be spending a lot of time alone this year, and doing a lot of introspection along the way.  You intuitively know that to plan a good life going forward you must first come to terms with your past, including both the positive and negative parts.  That’s what a big part of this year is about.  Looking back, processing, healing, and releasing.  In the realm of finances you need to be very careful as there are people around you who would readily take advantage of both you and your situation.  You are in a good position to initiate a business if you choose to, in a service related area, but you need to be sure people know you charge for your services or you will be taken advantage of.  You also have some long distance friends who will gladly open some doors for you  if you are interested in working with them.  That might require a move.  You need a lot of alone time right now, but you will likely also be spending time with a female friend or relative at least at the beginning of the year.  That should be a very enjoyable time for you.  This year your are also beginning to get a real handle on a health issue you or a family member has been experiencing.  The future regarding that looks good.  Be open to all possibilities this year as so many things you’ve touched in the last couple of years are developing into real possibilities now that you will need to make choices going forward.  Your intuition and psychic ability is powerful at the moment, and could even be developed into an alternative source of income if you desire that.  Or it could merely help you to be better at your chosen line of work.  If you are interested, it would also be a good thing for you to develop your healing ability as an energy worker.  This year is a year for you to uncover many skills and abilities you didn’t even know that you possessed.  How much fun is that?  Have a wonderful 2020 year!

January -
This month is about you, Aquarius.  You are doing what you want, when you want, and exploring your own desires.  A female friend or relative who is older or whom you look up to will spend some enjoyable time with you, and may give you some ideas about things you may want to write about or teach or give presentations about.  Through her you may meet a potential relationship partner as well, if that is something you are looking for.  There will be lots of alone time for you this month, which means time to reflect and heal.  It’s also going to be an emotional month as you balance your check book and find that although you’ve been making more money its not been going as far due to your making some mistakes in how you handle it.  There is no point in beating yourself up, instead create systems now that work for you going forward to preserve and grow your money.  You’ve made a lot of progress in your career or work situation and it will only keep getting better.  Happy New Year!

Pisces -
2020 Year Overview -
To move or not to move is the big question this year, Pisces.  You have some amazing career opportunities that will require a change of residence, but you also have family concerns that are holding you back.  Trust your intuition and let that inner guidance lead you forward.  Your mind tells you, “oh, that opportunity will come again” and your mind may be right. But will it come with the community support and the friends that will work with you?  There is a right time for everything.  Only your gut can tell you if now is the right time for the next career move, the big move.  All year long your intuition is going to be very strong, your psychic impressions are going to be right on.  You also have healing ability that you will be spending time developing.  It’s going to be a very emotional year for you too and it’s important for you to really get in touch with your psychic side because the thing you are getting all worked up about and are ready to go to war about may not concern you at all, but be something you are picking up on from a friend or family member.  You have GOT to learn to tell the difference between things that you are empathically feeling and things that really concern you. Make that a priority this year if you want it to be a successful year.  That empathy is great for reading people and may make you great at sales and or managing people, but it can really get you into trouble too.  If you do decide that it is time to make your career move this year, that move is likely to be sudden and you’ll get assistance from a younger man.  If you do move, it is likely you’ll be going back and forth for a while and will perhaps have two homes.  If you have children, change is coming into the life of the oldest whether you move or not and it will benefit the child greatly.  If you’re single there is a good possibility of meeting that special someone this year too; if you are married, think of this as a good time to rekindle the romance in your relationship.  Welcome to 2020!

January -
Be careful of your health as we begin the New Year Pisces.  You are especially prone to flu-type illnesses right now and this year’s bug is a doozy.  Right now you are requiring a lot of time alone.  Your intuition and your creativity are tuned up to high and both need an outlet.  There I s a transit of the moon and Neptune happening this month that is making you more emotional than usual and also stimulating paranoia, anxiety, and escapist tendencies in you.  You will be tempted to escape these feeling by getting involved with drugs or alcohol.  That is not a good idea.  Breath, relax, refocus, and get a handle on your emotions and you’ll be fine.  If you are paranoid and worried about someone’s behavior, talk to them about it.  Open communication is the enemy of paranoia and kills it every time!  Do avoid people and situations where there are potentially addictive substances being imbibed, and if any of these addictions erupts among your friends or family you may need to find a brand new method of handling it.  Walking away is high on the list of healthy reactions.  Friends and groups you belong to are a great stabilizer for you all month long.  It’s good to be reminded that you don’t always have to be the one in charge.  Happy New Year!

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