Sandy's July 2020 Editorial


Hello Everyone,

On July 5th we have our third and final eclipse of the June/July eclipse pattern.  If you haven’t done so yet, please let me suggest to go back to May 15th and create a journal that starts then and continues through July 19th. 

As an Intuitive Astrologer I have found over the years that eclipses do have a profound effect on the direction of our lives, and keeping an ‘eclipse journal’ is a great help to you by giving you a little glimpse of the future.  I like to think of my ‘eclipse journal’ as a sort of movie trailer, giving me short clips now of things I will be seeing or experiencing over the next six months, and even sometimes helping to point out important life choices I will be making.  If I’m lucky, I even get some insight into what my best choices might be.

This particular set of eclipses seems to be more important than most, especially since the solar eclipse that recently fell right on the Summer Solstice was almost directly opposite the solar eclipse that happened on December 26th and kicked off this very historical year of 2020.  I interpret that to mean that we are all getting a sort of ‘instant reset’ back to where we were headed at the end of last year, moving into this one.

So what was your personal focus at the end of last year, and in early January when you thought of what you wanted to achieve, where you wanted to be, who you wanted to be with, what new and wonderful things you wanted to bring into your life in 2020? 

What was your financial situation, and how were you planning on growing and improving it?  What was your career path, and where did you project your next steps?  It’s important to take a moment to remember those things, because over the last six months you’ve had plenty of time to rethink them, to step back and regroup, to reassess your values, beliefs, career goals, relationships, home and family. 

Do you still want the same things?  Have you changed your mind about a few things?  Have you already seen or even entered an alternate course of action? 

I ask these things, because you are about to get a second chance at all of those things you thought gone.  It’s more important than ever to know what you REALLY want, before you get trapped into following a path that isn’t right for you.

It feels to all of us like we have been on a roller coaster ride these past months;  first the powerfully growing economy that made us feel powerful and successful, then the Corona virus and the quarantine that took the rug out from under us all and created fear and loss for many, and decimated our economy worldwide.  Our world plunged into darkness.  We all felt it.  But we made it through. We pulled together.  We are strong.

Then just as we began to breath more easily and began to see light returning to the world, race riots and political terrorism exploded our new found hope and shook our world again.  Closing businesses and lay-offs changed the landscape of our lives. Conflicting information has been thrown at us, it seems, from all sides, again causing fear and confusion. 

But all this negativity cannot hold us down, and cannot keep us from moving towards the light.  Every day I see and hear more people waking up to the reality of what truly is.  It is becoming easier every day to distinguish the growing spiritual light and move towards it, away from darkness, negativity and evil. 

Our ‘instant reset’ WILL happen, the light will return to our world, individually and collectively, and we will all have an opportunity to get on track in an even better way than we were at the beginning of the year!  I know this in my heart and soul, and my Guides confirm it.

When I planned my Kabbala Pathworking class to begin on July 8th, just as we are coming out of this set of eclipses, I had no idea what an enormous help to my students, and even to the world, the timing of the class would be. 

Many of my students who have taken this unique class before will remember how not only does the experience of this class change your life, help you clear blocks, clear your mind, and raise your consciousness and awareness, it also sets up a resonance in your energy field that affects all of those around you in the same way.  It is life changing, in a good way. 

The class itself, with so many people going through it at the same time, from all over the world, sets up a still greater resonance that can affect whole regions, clearing darkness and negativity from them.  This class will help to eliminate the darkness from the world not by fighting it, but by lifting the vibration above conflict.

If you’ve been sitting on the fence about taking this class, please sign up now.  If this is not the right time for you, perhaps your life is too busy this summer and fall when this class is running, at least join your energy to ours by listening to the free Paths on my website.  You’ll be glad you did.

     Wishing you Love and Light,

     Sandy Anastasi

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