Sandy's November 2021 Editorial


Hello Everyone,

My editorial-video-blog for this month is an unusual, but very important one.  It’s about your fears, and why it’s so important for people everywhere to work on identifying, controlling, and eliminating their fears. 

First, you need to understand what fear is and does. Fear is a primal emotion who’s only positive purpose is to prevent you from taking action that could cause you harm. We teach our children to fear doing something inherently dangerous that they cannot yet understand with their developing minds.  In animals fear is often instinctive, helping to preserve the species.  Fear is an animal reflex. 

In the book/movie, Dune, by Frank Herbert, the Mother Superior says that any HUMAN can control and overcome their fears.  This is true.  All fears can be overcome and replaced with common sense thought once they are recognized and the thing that is feared is understood.  Then the thinking mind can replace the animal reflex of fear. 

For we grown-up humans, fear is a negative and disempowering emotion that causes our psychic energy field, or aura, to develop weakness and possibly even develop holes or tears, through which our life-force energy may escape or be easily drawn out.  Our uncontrolled reflexive fears allow us to be easily controlled and manipulated by others, and in a worst-case scenario, vampire people and situations in our lives can drain our energy easily. 

As a psychic I also know that we all create energetic connections to the people we have strong emotional relationships with. If you or someone you care about is in a state of fear, when you spend time together that fear can easily transmit to and contaminate the person you are connecting with.  So, you see, fear is an emotion that can easily become viral.  Additionally, if your ‘friend’ has vampire tendencies you can end up feeling drained and lifeless by the end of the time you spend with them. So, you can see one big reason why it is so import for people who want to help those they care about, to learn to identify and eliminate, or at least control, their fears.

If you are a fear-based person, this should be one of the most important things you focus on in your life. We all have some fears. Just make a list of all the things that come to mind that make you fearful. Then do the same thing with those fears that are more subtle or that you have perhaps hidden from yourself.  It may take some time, even a few days, for them to percolate to the surface of your awareness. As they come to you, write them down too. Often just the act of writing it down helps to draw a fear out of you. You may want to make a little ritual of reading each as you breath out the words and then burn it to fully release it.  Then for 66 days practice (that’s how long it takes to create a new habit of thought) be aware of your thoughts and when they become fearful replace them with a positive, uplifting thought to create a new habit of thought.

If you are a fear-based person, or someone who has or does live in ‘victim-mentality’ or you know someone who is, I have a chakra-meditation MP3 on my website under the free section that will be helpful healing the chakras (that is, psychic energy centers) and will help to add strength to your energy field, repairing it and any holes that may already have been created by fear.

Also, in my Psychic Development Level 3 program that’s available on my website or Amazon in book form, and on my website in both audio and video formats, I have a ‘Childhood Fear Elimination’ guided visualization that will be helpful in identifying and releasing deep psychological fears that may very well be responsible for your being stuck in a fear-based life experience instead of the happy, expansive life you truly desire.  If you are planning on taking my live online Anastasi System of Psychic Development program that begins in January, you will be getting these tools too.  For many, that program is the beginning of a brand-new unlimited life!

There is so much to be thankful about this month, my friends, as we come into the Holiday Season.  Let’s all do our best to begin this season fear-free!

I want to take this moment to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving, wherever you may be.  Thanksgiving is more than an American or Canadian holiday; it is a time we all should recognize all the good things and people in our lives, and give thanks for them.  This is another way of overcoming fear.  Thankfulness teaches us to give our attention, i.e. – our energy, to the things that bring us an uplifting and joyous feelings, instead of the empty despairing feelings we experience when we think about those things we fear.  Transference and replacement therapy is sometimes a good thing.  Being grateful from the depths of your heart is a wonderful way to do that. 

My many friends, students, clients, and colleagues…. I am grateful for you!

Love and Light,

Sandy Anastsasi

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