Sandy's October Specials

1)  My most exciting special this month is a unique webinar I'm offering on October 13th that's all about Mediumship! Click here to find out more about it!
2)  Because I am celebrating Halloween and focusing on spirit communication this month, I'm offering a reading special I've never offered before.  This reading special has two parts. 
First, my Guides and I will work with you, looking at your aura, connecting with your Guides, and evaluating your astrology chart for potential mediumship ability. 
We all have the ability to connect with the spirit world in some way.  What is your best way? How can this skill benefit you and your loved ones?
Secondly, since we will be working so closely with your Guides and your potential mediumship ability in this reading, it is likely (but not guaranteed) that some of your deceased loved ones may stop by to pay a visit!  Additionally, the connection to me and my Guides when I am in this psychic space may help you to open your own abilities too!
To book this session just go to my readings page, book any focused reading, and when my assistant contacts you to set your appointment just tell her you want to book my October reading special on mediumship!
Perhaps the very best thing about this reading with me and my Guides is that if you book it before 11-11 you will also be able to attend my next special webinar on November 14th, on Portals, for free!

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