Sandy's September 2018 Editorial


Hello Everyone,

It is with great pleasure that I am officially launching my latest online venture this month – Tarot Part 1and Tarot Part 2 are now available as a weekly self-study program that can be viewed on any device, from your Smartphone to your tablet, to your PC or Mac, and even on you TV if it’s internet capable. 

I can’t imagine a more convenient, easy and valuable way to learn the cards and even advanced layouts!  I am so excited to share this with you that I am offering some of the very best deals on these two programs that you have ever seen, anywhere! (Not to mention that both programs are totally cutting-edge technologically.  You’re gonna love them!)

Can you feel my excitement?  This is one of my dreams that I am thrilled to see completed and am eager to share with you!  I can honestly say I ‘saw’ this in a vision over 30 years ago, some eight years after I’d begun teaching the Tarot in my home.  I’ve been working towards it ever since – and now the technology is finally here to bring that dream, and more, to fruition!

A lot of people ask me if I was always psychic,  how I came to develop my abilities, how I came to teach all the metaphysical things I teach – like Tarot, Psychic Development, Kabbala, Astrology and more.  The truth is, I started out just like you.  I had latent psychic abilities.  In fact, after I’d ‘opened’ to them I looked back and realized that yes, of course I’d always been psychic, but I just chalked up all those dreams, visions, feelings, thoughts, and emotional responses that were really psychic insights to ‘chance’ occurrences.  I never thought of myself as psychic until I learned the Tarot.  From the moment I picked them up and learned them my psychic abilities got turned on and began to develop.

I realized some time later that in the early Mystery Schools the Tarot had been a tool used to help students to open and explore their psychic abilities.  They are, in fact, an ideal tool for steady and consistent psychic development that doesn’t outstrip the psychic protection they also teach your unconscious as you work with them. 

You don’t even have to be psychic to learn and use the Tarot for very accurate personal and future-oriented psychic readings!  They do it all by themselves, once you learn them.  And then they gradually open and help you develop your psychic skills so your readings just keep getting better and better.  Really!  More dreams.  More insightful and precognitive dreams.  More flashes of insight.  More telepathic and empathic communication. Really!  And they’re fun!  I used to use the Tarot as a party-game before I learned how very powerful a tool they really are!  Then I got serious. People started paying me to do readings at their parties!  I started reading them professionally and then began teaching others to read them too.  That was all the way back in 1979.  Ooops.  I think I am giving away my age!

So you can understand why this is such an important and exciting moment for me. 

First I taught live.  Then I recorded my classes on cassette. 

Then I wrote a book – The Tarot Reader’s Workbook(the eBook is included in the class at no extra charge),

Then I transferred my audio classes to CD.  Then they were redone as online weekly live videos. 

Then the videos went to MP4’s and MP3’s you can still purchase on my website. 

And now the final step. 

The entire course, all levels, available for anyone, anywhere to study on whatever device they want here on my new courses page!

Thank you for sharing this moment with me.  I want everyone everywhere to be able to access their whole brain, connect to their higher consciousness, and their Guides.  This is my life work.  And the Tarot is one of my primary tools to help you get there.

Enjoy!  Namaste’.  From my soul to your soul, from my heart to your heart.

Love and Light,

Sandy Anastasi

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