Sandys June 2020 Astrological Psychic Predictions


Aries -

This month will produce a  lot of internal dialogue and deep soul searching for you Aries, as many of your deep seated fears begin to manifest, especially regarding your relationships.  It seems this whole year has been a re-evaluation of relationships for you, and this month you'll be experiencing some emotional challenges that will cause you to dig into your toolbox of responses to master.  It will be helpful to see this as a time of growth for you and your loved ones.  Sister's and brother's and even close friends may create conflict, or ad to existing ones.  It's likely that you are chomping at the bit to get back to a normal life and a normal routine, but that is not likely to happen this month.  There are simply too many distractions, obligations, and responsibilities.  If you are married or in a comitted relationship, your partner will likely have issues that continue to cause you to put your personal plans on hold.  Also, there is a female energy, possibly a mother or a woman you look up to, who you will have to divert much of your energy towards this month.  We have several eclipses ahead with one right on the Solstice that will prove very important in influencing your choice of a life direction as we move into July.  Keep a journal, especially towards the latter part of the month and well into July, to get hints regarding new possibilities that will be coming your way. 


Taurus -

It's time for some major house-cleaning this month, Taurus, and that means relieving yourself of ALL the 'old stuff' and people that have been clogging up the flow of energy in and around your household and your personal space.  You may be making a change in or of you residence, or just 'cleaning out the closets'.  Keep in mind as you do this that you cannot run away from your old behavior patterns that have created the emotional and physical blocks in your life; if you don't change those parts of yourself that have created your life situation, you are simply going to recreate it no matter how swiftely you try to run or hide from it!  Remember too, that everything you let go of creates a space for something new and fresh in your life experience.  Change is, quite literally, all around you right now Taurus, and with it, amazing opportunities to reach for and to embrace your dreams.  But if you aren't strong enough to get out of your own way that cannot happen.  You are moving towards a major dissillusionment near the end of the month, as the actions of a friend or colleague you love will shock you.  Remember that healing is always the result of self-honesty and that although it may bring pain, you can always deal intelligently with the things you know.  Never fear the truth.


Gemini -

This is your month, Gemini, and with  the eclipse patterns moving into your Sun sign and it's opposite, Sagittarius, you are in for a very interesting month.  Firstly, I recommend that you keep a journal all month long, in fact start it the last week of May and continue it through the second week of July.  That's going to give you a peak at a lot of the things coming your way in the next six months.  Think of this as a 'birthing time' for your dreams and plans to take root.  Pay particular attention to those things that occur or that you find yourself aware of that are out of the norm for you and those you love.  You're likely to have an opportunity to take a step back into the past regarding a personal or business partnership, or perhaps you'll just find yourself contemplating it.  Or perhaps you may be offered a position you worked at or wished you did in the past.  Career and work opportunities seem to be focusing on work-from-home or behind the scenes options.  Your creativity is off the charts this month so it is a great time for creative projects of all kinds around the home.  Early in the month you are likely to experience a major change in health or your home situation that alters your personal routine a lot.  As you move through the month be aware that your personal vibration is shifting and those things you thought of and dreamed of can easily become a reality now - both in a negative or a positive way. Keep your feet on the ground.  Things you've desired to understand are being revealed and some dreams will even manifest.


Cancer -

This is a very important month for you Cancer, as you make course corrections from the path you were on as we began the year.  As you make your choices and decisions this month and next, remember back to your focus at the beginning of the year, before the pandemic befell our world.  This month marks a time where you will be able to reset yourself and your life to get back on track with the goals, dreams and desires that were yours at the beginning of this year and the end of last.  Of course there will be some changes.  Some of them will be big changes.  You are in a very different place physically, emotionally and financially than you were six months ago.  The thing is, with a few tweaks it will not be difficult for you to get back on track with your life.  Yay you!  If you are in a marriage or comitted relationship, it's possible your mate will have obligations, needs or desires that will require a move or a step forward into assuming greater responsibility in his or her work or career.  How you handle this has a big affect on your and your family's lives going forward.  My advice is to think carefully and get in touch with your real feelings before speaking or acting.  That way you'll be able to make the right choices and give the best support (or not), going forward.  Overall, this is going to be a month in which you get in touch with yourself and your needs, and where you are able to reinforce your roots regarding home, family and relationships.


Leo -

Freedom is top on your list of personal requirements this month Leo.  Spencing some fun time with friends doing the things you most enjoy will be especially fulfilling.  Brainstorming and building future dreams with them will also be rewarding.  Your communication skills are good right now, and you may find yourself writing or talking or teaching more than usual; you are also likely to be the elected arbitrator of all family and social disputes in your sphere of influence.  If you are interested in a change of career at the moment, or looking to alter your home circumstances, this month is a good time for that.  Even if you aren't in the market for something new, it's likely to fall in your lap.  This month is good for building of all kinds - relationships, construction, businesses, dreams.  It's time to put your head together with people in the know, put pencil to paper, and start moving forward on your most exciting new and creative project.  If you have kids, include them.  Their energy will definitely increase your chance of success.  If you have more than one child, expect some interesting and somewhat shocking revelation from your second child towards the end of the month.  You are in for a wild month but one filled with fun and lots of opportunity.


Virgo -

This month holds some major dissilusionment for you Virgo, as you discover certain things about people you have powerful emotional relationships with.  Remember that understanding is key the resolution of all issues.  The Sun is shining on your career this month too and you have some great opportunities to fulfill a powerful and long-standing goal you've desired.  As you balance your relationships and the changes and shifts happening at home and at work, you will be able to achieve and accomplish personally what you need in order to move forward with your dreams.  It's likely that your home will soon be undergoing some major renovation or beautification, or that you will be seeking to move it, or your career.  You have great support from the people around you who recognize your skills and abilities, so no matter what your future direction is, once you make up your mind how you want to proceed you're going to do well.  You are multi-skilled and multi-talented.  Your biggest problem right now is figuring out what you want to do, when you can do so many things.


Libra -

This month is filled with powerful emotions for you Libra.  You've been going through a long period of healing yourself and another. It's been like a seesaw.  First it's your turn, the it's theirs.  You are finally reaching the understanding that it's always been about you, and you are nearly where you want to be.  But ahead lie some choices, and you know how you hate them.  You are likely to do or at least plan some long distance travelling, or to entertain a friend or relative who is.  You may even be considering a move of your primary residence or your job.  You may very well find a viable source of income online.  A change of or to your residence might also be something you are thinking about.  Past issues you thought left behind are returning, especially regarding family things.  It is likely that changes for your parents and your siblings are going to launch some pretty big and even unexpected changes for you and your immediate family.  A health problem that has been hiden is about to erupt for a family member or close friend.  Travel and or relocation, home, family, and career are the biggest things on your plate this month.  They may only be in your dreams at the moment, but rest assured, opportunities are coming.


Scorpio -

Emotionally June will be a very inner-directed month for you Scorpio.  Your attention is mostly going to be on finances, including yours and others.  There may be some business things, or some banking or legal issues you need to look after.  This will end up being a good thing for you.  You are continually looking for ways to develop or utilize new skills and abilities to expand your earnings and your skills and abilities.  Opportunities may come from people or situations you have history with.  Keep your eyes open for them.  And keep a journal about financial, legal, and business opportunities from mid-May through mid-July.  You are getting a sneak-peak at things to come.  Travel or travel plans look like they are around you right now too, and these could be related to personal enjoyment or business or both.  If you are technically oriented and looking for work, communications of all kinds, but especially the internet, is a very good choice for you right now.  If you have children, expect to hear some surprising things about your oldest.  If you can, warn them to stay away from people with addictive problems.  Likewise, if you are dating or looking for a romantic partner, watch out for those addictive issues.  They will be a deal breaker for sure, and cause a lot of pain in the process.  Many things in your life are causing you to review your past from a new perspective.  Normally emotional upheavals of things past produce a lot of internal upset for you Scorpio, but now you are ready to allow yourself to let them go.  So let them come to the front of your mind, and release them.  How healing that will be!


Sagittarius -

Sagittarius, your primary focus this month is on relationships and you will alternate that focus with changes going on in your work or if you don't work, your daily life routine.  Strong emotional connections to friends and family members will bring some fun activities your way as well.  You have been feeling the need for a break.  Expect the unexpected, and expect it to be fun!  This can all be very healing for you.  At home there will be a lot of activity which will be linked to some wonderfully creative projects.  Also at home though, someone's overuse of prescription or non prescription drugs and/or alcohol may come to your attention.  This can be an opportunity to heal a long concealed problem.  Spending time with your significant other or someone special in your life will be the highlight of the month.  On June 5th we have a Lunar Eclipse that will affect all of your relationships, and also give some powerful insights as to how you want to move forward in your life.  You are filled with the need to take action now, but caution is advised.  Observe, think, plan.  Then move forward into the life situation you are choosing, not the situation you are reacting to.  Now is a time to observe, and assess your opportunities.  They are many.  This is the perfect time for a rebirth.


Capricorn -

Perhaps of all the sun-signs you are the one that is most connected to what is going on in our world right now Capricorn.  The changes, shifts, fears, confinement, urge to escape and inner explosiveness you feel within yourself all month long is a reflection of the world around you, and all the people around you, who are going through the same feelings but for different causes.  For whatever reason, the Universe, or God, perhaps, is asking you to focus on yourself by looking beyond yourself.  Emotionally you are focused on your future, and on your goals and your career and on the way you want the world to see you in the future.  In your day to day experience, your focus is on much smaller but equally important things - your daily personal routine, your and your family's health and well-being,  changes in your home or work environoment, and maybe most important of all - getting a handle on your changing needs and desires as you find yourself morphing into a new life experience going forward, that reflects the experience people all over the world are having as we move forward from the pandemic knowing our world will never be the same, just as you, for whatever your reason, know that yours will be different too.  The trick is, to move forward holding close those things that are really important to you, and letting go of that which no longer matters or has caused you to struggle in the past.  You are seeing with clarity now.  Let your intuition be your guide.


Aquarius -

Travelling, freedom, connecting with a loved one, or a friend or family member, will be a primary emotional focus for you this month Aquarius.  It should be everything you need it to be.  If you are dating, or in the market for a friend or lover to spend enjoyable time with, this month is a great month for connecting on that level too.  Who knows, you may even meet someone through travel or a move - yours or theirs!  Meanwhile, if you have children, expect to have some important interactions with the oldest this month.  There is a lot of positive energy around this so you may be hearing something especially nice concerning them, and they may be experiencing something very good in their lives.  Perhaps, if they are older, you'll have a chance for a visit.  Something that happened around Christmas or near the beginning of the year is repeating for you right now so be prepared.  Or perhaps an opportunity you first thought of back then is reappearing now.  In any event, you've had plenty of time to think about it and consider and even reconsider it.  Keep a journal now as this, and other things coming into your life line up for you to make some choices about.  Something is coming within the next six months that you've been wanting and working towards for a while.  Now is the time to get yourself positioned where you want to be.


Pisces -

You've hunkered down at home for a while now Pisces, and it's been good for you.  It's been healing, after you've had the wool so rudely ripped from your eyes over the past few years.  You've had time to re-assess where you are at in life, what you want, where you want to be, and who you want to be with.  I suspect that in some of these areas you've actually surprised yourself.  Now that it is becoming time to move out of this 'safe-space' your primary concern and the motivation for your next actions is financial.  It's your nature to go where others point or lead but at the moment everything in your world is resting upon your shoulder's so you are experiencing a shift.  You must be the leader, pointing and leading where others must go.  You are about to find strength and resiliancy in yourself that you didn't know you had!  An eclipse on June 5th activates things that occurred at the beginning of the year, before you got off track.  If you still want them, the opportunities are still there.  A second eclipse on the Solstice activates all those ideas and feelings you've been having regarding home and family.  Keep a journal from May 15th through July 15th and observe and record everything you are thinking, discussing, experiencing about these plans.  That will give you the best psychic reading you've ever had regarding whether or not you should move forward, and if you do, with which things.

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