September 2019 Astrolights

This month’s issues begin with a new moon in Libra and will mostly concern relationships and how we share our resources and deal with who and what we serve. We have a lineup of Mercury, Sun, Mars and Venus all in the sixth house in Virgo. We must first ask ourselves, who or what do we believe are necessary to serve?

If you’re in the helping professions, this question is easy for you. But you are among us ordinary people, we must first ask what it means to serve. Do we serve what people ask for, do we serve what we feel someone needs or are our actions and inactions just in their space that provides service.

I will cop out and say it is all three. It depends on how we look at our responsibility to others…if we believe that there is such a thing.

This month will help us to define what of this pertains to us personally. All these planets oppose Neptune in Pisces and square Jupiter in Sagittarius. This T-square opens into Gemini. The way this gets resolved is, you guessed it, communication ruled by Gemini.

With Mercury having recently gone direct, this may be a bit closer to our awareness in the multitude of choices involved with Gemini. Don’t allow yourself to get too detailed. Functionality is the key.

Relationships may hold some confusion. With all the planets in Virgo, they will run at cross purposes to the open end of the T-square coming out in Gemini. There will be alternate impulses between diversity and detail.

Center yourself in the aspect of service, to others AND yourself and you should have very little difficulty know where to apply your energy.             

   Click here for Astrological Coaching with John Maerz             

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