Editorial-Video-Blog for February 2022


Hello Everyone,

I’ve been wondering lately what it would be like if all mankind joined together in projecting a peaceful, joyous, harmonious future, a future without boundaries, where any dream is possible.  A boundless future where no one goes hungry, no one suffers or is ill, no one who wants to work is jobless, where there is unity, yet where people’s differences are celebrated, where everyone has the love and support of everyone else, a world where everyone is awake.  A world in which we all recognize our own individual power as co-creators. A world in which we are all ‘family’ to one another.  I truly believe this is not only possible, I believe it is coming.

What would a future like that look like to you, personally?  Would you have friends and family close to you? Would you be working a job that is technical, or creative?  Would you relocate your work or your residence? Would you want your grown children and grandchildren to live near you, if you have any?  Would you be married or choose to remain single?  Would you follow and celebrate a certain spiritual path? Would you seek a better education? Would you travel to see and experience other places and other lands and cultures? Would you do a lot of playing? Would you be involved in humanitarian projects and events? Would your life goals, desires and aspirations be the same, or would they change to something new and different?  Let your imagination run free for just a moment.  If you could have and do ANYTHING, what would it be? Take a moment to write those things down.  Did you find any revelations about yourself, and your needs?  Who would you become if they were all fulfilled, and more?

What would your environment and our planet look like to you?  Would the air be clear and fresh, easy to breath, would the oceans be clean and filled with life, would the farms grow super-sized and delicious produce in the healthy and fertile soil? Is our Mother Earth happy?  Are you happy, in whatever environment you choose to live in?  Let your imagination and your dreams unfold.  They are all possible, my friends.

Thoughts are things.  You all know that.  For too long we have all been immersed in too much negative thinking – and that takes us backwards, into physicality and more negativity, when we need to go forwards, to expand our existence into a happier, higher vibration.  Our evolution demands that we do that now!  It’s time to transform negatives into positives.  It’s time to withdraw our energy from those things that make us feel bad, and put it into those things that bring us joy.

There is a force called the Shamballa force.  You should look it up and read about it. It is a force more powerful than anything else in the Universe.  It is irresistible. The Shamballa force comes into being when masses of people begin to focus their thought energy and emotions similarly, as in projecting and even feeling a positive and uplifting future. A future filled with love and joy.  Like this future that you’ve just been considering for yourself.  This force is so powerful that it can change the course of history in the blink of an eye.  It can heal the world.  It can open the doors to that beautiful future you see yourself living.

Let’s activate the Shamballa force now.  Together. The Shamballa force is a force closely linked to the power of love.  All deep true love activates it.  All positive thinking activates it.  With love and the Shamballa force active within you, you can be a world changer and healer.  With the Shamballa force activated all things are possible. You can help to uplift everyone you come into contact with.  Make that your goal this month. No matter what negativity you see around you, bring yourself back to joy by focusing on those things that are uplifting and positive.  Catch your own negative thoughts and replace them with happy ones. Keep looking for and finding something good to say and do.

Think on these things.  Get emotionally involved with the happy future you see for yourself. Let the power of good build within you. Avoid negative or fearful thinking and resist the urge to feed into the fear of others.  Avoid negative people where you can. 

My Psychic Development course that I only teach once a year begins on January 26th.  We’ll be taking our first steps in developing our higher intuition all through February.   Positive thinking and love is intrinsic to that growth, development, and evolution.  It’s a big part of my teaching. My students and I will be doing all we can to support mankind’s awakening, worldwide.

Whether you are in my class or not, I invite you to join me energetically from wherever you are in the world this month.  I will be meditating, thinking about and projecting positive thoughts into existence so that wonderful world you and I and all of us have seen in our future can come into existence.  I’ll be sending out those thoughts in a powerful and uplifting way, all month long.  Join me, in your thoughts and in your activities too, with your constantly positive emotions.  Let’s make this February an uplifting month and this Valentine’s Day truly a day of love, as we invoke the Shamballa Force, in love, together! 

This can be a world where all of our dreams come true!  Help me to make it so.

Love and Light,

Sandy Anastasi

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