Tarot Tip #15 – Marriage and Romance in the Cards


My last few Tarot Tips have been pretty intense, and some of you may have even found them a bit ‘dark’ – so I’ve decided to talk about love and marriage in my next few tips.  There’s nothing like a bit of romance to pick up your spirits!

     We humans seem to be especially interested in love, romance, marriage, and sex – and so the cards, of course, offer a myriad of insights into all of these things!

     Let’s start looking at this subject by taking a look at the ‘marriage cards’ in the deck.

     There are primarily three marriage cards in the deck.  The Sun, the Heirophant, and the 3 of Cups. 

     When the Sun turns up as a marriage, it talks about the union of two souls, two people totally in love.  This truly holds the meaning of a new beginning for them.  They are married in their hearts, whether or not they have stood before the altar.  When the Heirophant turns up representing marriage, it talks about a traditional marriage performed in a church between a man and a woman.  It’s more about the legality of the marriage than about the love within the marriage.  When the 3 of Cups turns up as a marriage, it is more likely your client is going to a big party, like a wedding reception, than that they are getting married themselves.

     If you read the cards upright and reversed, as I do, the inverted meaning would be that the marriage is either delayed or called off.

     The surrounding cards will tell you all about the circumstances around the marriage.  For example, if the Chariot falls close to one of the marriage cards, the ceremony could be held in a remote place that requires some travel, or the lovers might elope.  Of if the Empress falls nearby, the bride might be pregnant!  If the Star falls close by in the spread, the marriage will be blessed with financial and material success, and lots of love. The Page of Cups making an appearance, could be the question being popped!

     If you enjoyed this tip, you’ll love my next one as I delve deeper  into the subject of love in the tarot!

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