Tarot Tip 19

   At the end of Tarot Tip #18 I promised that in my next tip I’d talk more about how each of the tarot suits shows their love, and what kind of love each tarot suit needs in order to really feel loved.

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    Let’s start with the suit of Wands.  Wands is the suit of Fire.  For those of you who know a little bit of astrology,  or at least know your astrology chart, if your Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Ascendant, or South Node of the Moon from your natal astrology chart is in either Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, you will relate to this.  If you don’t know any astrology, you will at least know your Sun sign; if you are thinking about someone whose sun-sign you don’t know, you can still identify them as a Fire person if they seem to be moving all the time, love challenges and competition, are very physical, and seek excitement.  

     People who are Wands/Fire people tend to be in love with love.  Wands/Fire women often look for the Knight in Shining Armor to arrive in their lives so they can ride into the sunset together and live happily ever after.  They are often disappointed. Or they become bored. Then they may rebound into the ‘bad boy’ relationship. That may unfortunately set up a pendulum pattern in their lives, slipping back and forth in their love life between the Knight and the Bad Boy. This holds true even if you are in a same-sex relationship.  The Knight or Bad Boy is the Wands/Fire woman’s significant other, no matter what sex they actually are.   If you love a Wands/Fire woman, and want her to feel loved, treat her like the princess she wants to be, and be romantic about it, but occasionally become the bad boy partner and take her on an exciting adventure.  

     Your Wands/Fire lady will show her love for you by teasing and touching.  She’ll take you on an adventure for your birthday.  She may help you build your car’s engine, or better still, let you help her build hers.  She will complete with you, and enjoy the challenge, but remember to let her win sometimes.

     Meanwhile, the Wands/Fire man tends to see himself as that Knight in Shining Armor, and often finds himself ‘saving’ his relationship partners.  He wants to see himself as the strong head of the family kind of man that commands respect through his deeds and actions.  He does tend to be rather self-concerned.   He craves attention, recognition, and respect.  If you want him to feel loved, give him those things.   When his life become boring and humdrum and he feels like he’s no longer the center of your life - or worse, like he’s being ignored, he may look for his needs to be fulfilled elsewhere. 

     Your Wands/Fire man shows his love by bringing you hunting with him, or sharing his love of tennis, golf, handball, or biking with you.  He might rather be doing these things with his male friends, so in sharing them with you he is really showing his love.  When he prepares that nice nest for you by sharing the creation of home and family with you, he is showing his love, even though he may expect you to do all the work.  He is the most romantic partner you will ever have - when he is in the mood.

     In my next Tarot Tip I’ll be looking at how the Tarot Suit of Pentacles/Earth gives and receives love.


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