Tarot Tip #5 - Two Great Hints


Here are two great hints to get you reading and working with your cards quickly. 

1 – Every morning when you start your day, shuffle your cards, keeping your mind open and relaxed as you do so.  Then, spread the cards out like a fan on the table in front of you, holding in your mind as you do so the simple question, “What will today hold for me?”.  Select your card, turning it over to see the face.  I like to read the cards with both upright and inverted meanings, so if it turns up inverted, I read it inverted.  If you like to read only upright meanings, then do that.  To read the card and find out about the day to come, first I just look at the card and see if anything special jumps out at me.  Do I find myself looking at the card’s number?  Or it’s primary color(s)?  Is my eye drawn to a figure or object in the card?  Those things may prove to have special significance.  Next, I consult either the guide book that came with the deck, or my own Tarot Reader’s Workbook, or some other book I am currently reading on the Tarot, for the card meaning.  I make a mental note about whatever things seem important at the time, then I put the mini-reading out of my mind and go about my day.  I like to leave the card on the table so I will see it again at the end of the day to remind me to take a look back at my day to see how that particular card related to my day.  I’ve been doing this little exercise off and on for years, and have gained incredible insights to the cards this way.  You get a ‘feel’ for them that goes far beyond anything you can read in a book.  If you’re a beginner, it is a good and fun idea to keep a journal of your card picks and results.

2 – Every night before you go to bed shuffle your cards, spread them out, and keeping your mind open and relaxed, pick one card.  Look at the card and make a note of it.  It doesn’t matter if the card is upright or inverted.  Put that card beneath your pillow as you sleep, leaving the rest of the deck on your night table.  You’ll find that all night long that card will be ‘talking to you’ in your dreams, perhaps even directing them.  If you keep a dream journal, be sure to record what card was beneath your pillow when you record your dreams each night, and don’t forget to date your dreams.  Many dreams are precognitive, and dating them will help you to recognize how far into the future your precognitive dreams are peeking.  Not only is this a good way to learn and gain more insight into each tarot card, it also allows the tarot to become a sort of teacher for you as you sleep, helping you to work through and understand many life issues.  As the tarot is a predictive divinatory tool, it will also help you with your precognitive dreams as well as interpreting future events in the cards when you read them.

I believe the tarot was used in the ancient Mystery Schools and throughout the ages to help you to develop and unfold your psychic ability. These are two great exercises to promote that.  Enjoy!

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