Tarot Tip #8 – A Simple 3-Card Spread


One of my very favorite Tarot reading spreads is the 3-card spread.  I often use this to answer a question if I want a broader understanding than my 1-card simple technique can give, or if I want to take a quick look at a situation in my own, or someone else’s life, when a general overview is needed.  In fact, listeners to my Psychic Hour often ask me how I get such accurate information regarding their lives so quickly as I am answering their questions and describing their life situations.  During my Psychic Hours I often use this 3-card spread.  It’s simple and it’s brilliant.  Here’s how to do it:

If your reading is in-person you can simply fan the cards out on your reading table and have your client randomly choose three cards, face down, and hand them to you.  If you are reading for someone not present, you will need to ‘tune in’ to them by listening to their voice or focusing on their name, and then you draw the cards yourself as if you are them.  You will place them down on the table one at a time, in the order they were picked.  The first card tells the past regarding the situation or the question, the second card is the present moment, and the third card is the future of the situation or the outcome of the question.  You can use the upright or inverted position of each card to simply read ‘good’ if the card is upright, and ‘bad’ if it’s inverted, or if you know the meanings of the cards you can actually give a mini-reading that will be surprisingly accurate.  Even if you haven’t yet mastered the meanings of all the cards, you can take out my “Tarot Reader’s Workbook” or one of your other favorite Tarot books, and simply read the meaning for each card right from the book.  That’s a great way to get started learning card meanings, too, as it’s best to learn the cards by doing them.

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