June Monthly Specials


I have 3 wonderful special offers for you this month, just in time to usher in Summer!

Offer #1:
This is a reading special I've never offered before.
This June there will be two eclipses, a Lunar on June 5th and a Solar Eclipse almost right on the Solstice, on June 21st. Then, on July 5th, there will be a final Lunar Eclipse that is an extra eclipse in this eclipse cycle.

If you've been following my work for a while, you know that I always tell people to keep an 'eclipse journal' starting 2 weeks before the 1st eclipse in an eclipse cycle, and ending 2 weeks after the last eclipse in the cycle. (Your journal should go from May 22nd to July 19th.) Your eclipse journal gives you insight into what will be coming into your life for about the next 6 months, and often gives foreknowledge of important decisions you'll need to make that can be life-altering.

I am now offering a unique reading special that will be done by me and my Guides. We will analyze your astrology chart and using astrology, chanelling, tarot and numerology we'll give you deep insight into how these eclipses will affect you, what area(s) of your life will be affected, and what major life choices may be coming up for you as a result of these things being triggered, in the next six months. This offer must be purchased between June 1st thru 31st, and must be scheduled before the end of July for an optimal experience. Openings are limited, so call or email NOW if you want to be assured of a spot. You can purchase any focused reading on my website on my Readings Page and when my assistant gets in touch with you to schedule it just tell her you want my June reading special.

This is going to be so much help to you as you move through the next 6 months. I hope you schedule it as soon as possible.

Offer #2:
In June I will be offering a Tarot Reader's Workshop Series for anyone who has taken my Beginner's Tarot class. There will be 3 sessions, all held on Wednesday's. I will be answering your questions about Tarot, live online, and we will be doing sample readings together to help hone your skills. The entire workshop series will be recorded and a link sent to you that you can download after each session. This is going to be an incredibly valuable experience for you! The cost of this program that I HAVE NEVER DONE ONLINE BEFORE is only $60. That's an incredible price for all three sessions where you will get valuable small group coaching LIVE from me. No matter where you are at in your journey learning to read the Tarot, it's a no-brainer. You just can't miss taking this live mini-series! Go here to see the dates and times and to sign up for this series now

Special Note: If you haven't yet taken my Basic Tarot you can sign up for that and still be eligible to attend these special 3 sessions!

My Beginner's Tarot class is a wonderful and fun class that teaches you to read tarot cards in an easy to learn way, and once you become skilled, tarot reading will become a life-long skill that enables you to help yourself and others, while also adding to your income. My tarot class is available online as a self-study video class. When you purchase the class, you get the entire program delivered to you lesson by lesson (there are 6 lessons) and the lessons will be stored online permanently in your very own online library! You can access the program from any internet-ready device so you can study from anywhere. You also get a digital copy of my Tarot Reader's Workbook that will also be stored in your library for easy reading, and you get invited to my Tarot Facebook group where you have many, many other students to practice with and exchange insights with. My Tarot Program is always available for $297 and at that price it's a real steal. Go here to sign up for that program.

Offer #3:
Many of you reading or listening to this have been waiting for a year or more for my Kabbala Pathworking Class to run again. I have good news! It will be starting again on July 8th and runs every Wednesday for about 6 months. Don't worry about missing any sessions, everything will be recorded. This is a life-changing program, one of the most important programs that I teach. It is for anyone who is interested in their spiritual journey, and their own evolution. Kabbala Pathworking is learning about the journey of the soul and the Kabbala through direct experience via guided visualisation.

It is amazingly transformative for you, for your family and friends, and for your entire life, in a good way. Whatever your roadblocks, goals, difficult choices may be, the Kabbala will help you to gain perspective and see your own journey through new eyes. Over the many years I have taught it, I have been amazed over and over again by the huge life transitions so many of my students have successfully made on their own with the support of this program. The course is part self-study and part live online interaction with me and our group as you meet with fellow 'travelers' from all over the world. There is a Facebook group that is highly interactive. You will also receive my Kabbala Pathworking book along with the entire pre-recorded program in your own online permanent library.

All through May I offered an early bird discount I've never offered before. Early birds could get the Kabbala Pathworking class for an amazing $100 discount! I had so many people waiting for their stimulus checks, or just going back to work, and asking for an extension, that I have decided to extend the $100 discount until June 14th! The class is normally sold for $597. Right now you get the entire program for $497!
This early enrollment opportunity is limited and the class is selling out fast. Enter the Code - KABJUNE in order to receive the discount.  Don't wait. Sign up now! Go here 

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