Sandy's June 2020 Editorial


Hello Everyone,

Did you feel the shift?

I have been aware for some time, as many others in the mystical/metaphysical community have, that our world is evolving. You will in fact find that many of the video presentations in my Evolution of Consciousness Series available for purchase on my website are about the evolution of our world and humanity, as have been many of my past editorials and video blogs.

I have been aware of a shift in my own thought patterns, and also in the thoughts and communications of others. I've been aware of a shift in the belief systems of many people throughout the world, and I've been aware of the systematic 'waking up' of populations all over our planet, including our own here in the USA. This waking up hasn't always been easy or gentle.

My soul is a quiet and peace loving one that naturally seeks the unfoldment of joy and fulfillment. It is the soul of a child filled with wonder. In these past few years I have often asked my Guides, as I am sure you have asked yours, why am I here, at this juncture in ours and the Earth's evolution? Why am I here during this time period that is filled with so much conflict?

Each time, I am answered with two simple words. "To witness". Just as you are, I am here to observe and to be part of humanity's great awakening, and to observe an even greater awakening- that of Planet Earth herself. I am here to lend my positive energy, through prayer and meditation, to our 'becoming'.

So I ask you again, did you feel the shift?

Because it has happened. And it will happen again. And again. All those shifts in consciousness were preliminary to a shift in the interdimensional course of our planet.

Several days ago I felt what I can only describe as a sort of numbness in my brain, and a sense of disorientation, that was powerful enough that I almost missed the sliding sensation accompanied by an energetic 'shift' between dimensions that was palpable enough to actually feel physically. We are on a new trajectory my friends.

The actual physical path of the planet we are on has shifted, as it has done so many times before. Tiny shifts, so subtle they are easy to miss. Each of these tiny shifts is changing our path, and moving us vibrationally to a more energetically subtle universe. I am given a quick vision of our planet and perhaps even our Universe, moving through a vast space that follows a path that often teeters on the edge of an abyss. We move interdimensionally around obstacles and over hurdles unimaginable, mirrored by the challenges and turmoil in our physical world. We are nearly at the end of this particular journey.

With each of these tiny shifts, I feel the pressure on all of us releasing. I feel a sense of happiness returning. It feels like the sun is coming out from behind the clouds, doesn't it?

This month we will be experiencing two eclipses, one of which occurs on June 21st, right on the Solstice. This is truly a time of new beginnings, a time for coming out of the shadows, a time to find that child filled with wonder inside of you again.

Love and Light,
Sandy Anastasi

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