Psychic Development Tip #13 and Mediumship Tip #1:

There is a natural progression in the development of psychic abilities that eventually occurs for everyone, whether they consciously attempt to develop the skills or not.  If the person does not want these abilities they actually have to consciously 'turn them off'. 
What I am saying of course, is that we are all psychic, and all of us will eventually develop all of the skills and abilities that modern man currently assigns to 'psychics'. 
Mediumship, the ability to connect with people who have passed to the other side of the veil, is the last ability to develop in that natural progression, unless it is forced by events or training.  
Here is the natural progression - the first psychic abilities to develop are what I call the 'lower' psychic abilities, those being empathy (feeling the emotions of another as if they are your own), telepathy (reading thoughts), clairaudience (psychic hearing), clairalience (psychic smelling), clairsentience (psychic touch), and psychometry (feeling the energy or vibration of things). 
These lower psychic abilities are often used by psychics as they do automatic writing, crystal gazing, or other forms of psychic work that use tools like writing or a crystal ball.  I teach these skills in The Anastasi System of Psychic Development Levels 1 through 4. 
The second psychic ability to develop is the ability to channel, that gets you connected to your Higher Self and Your Guides.  The last psychic ability in this natural progression is mediumship.  I teach channeling and mediumship in the Anastasi System of Psychic Development Levels 4 through 6.
So yes, there are 'born' psychics, channels, and mediums.  We are all psychic, and unless we actually DON'T WANT these abilities, at some point during the progression of our many lifetimes they will develop. I believe in reincarnation, and it takes many lifetimes to develop all these skills naturally.  If someone is a 'born' medium, they have spent many lifetimes prior to this one developing that skill either naturally or through taking classes like those I teach.
If you want to know more about mediumship, stay tuned for future tips like this one, and check out my webinar on Mediumship.  
If you really want to speed up your own development and learn mediumship in this life, take my classes that are offered in January every year.

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