Sandy's Editorial December 2018


Hello Everyone,

What is the gift you are giving to yourself this holiday season?

The Christmas Season is a time most of us seek to come together in sharing and gift giving with friends and family in a positive, supportive and loving space. It's a time we can set aside strife and our personal differences, and join together in happy, joyous reunion with the people we care about.

It's the perfect time to step back from the struggle of day to day life, and step into joy and love and harmony in a happy space we create for ourselves.

Even if you are spending Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hannukah, or whatever your holiday is, alone, or are separated from your loved ones, you can choose to celebrate it in reflective joy and harmony.

Let that be the first gift that you give yourself this holiday season. Plan time for yourself that fills you with joy and happiness.

Let your second gift to yourself be a moment of reflection into what you really want in your future life.

If you read my Psychic Development Tip #3 you will fully understand that you can certainly create what you want using positive thinking. So just what is it that would complete you in a way that nothing else would?

Take your time with this. You may find yourself, like I did, thinking of one thing after another, and then discarding it as you realize that it would only bring you momentary satisfaction.

Look deep into yourself for that one really important thing that either you don't have now, or you want more of. You may believe that the thing or person you require to be present in your life, if you are to be fully happy, can't possibly be yours. And that may even be true.

But when you look deeper into yourself, you will discover that what you are really seeking is that special FEELING you expect would be yours if that person or thing was yours. So isn't it really the FEELING that you are seeking? So hold that FEELING close as you continue to think about what you really want, something that you can have now, and that would complete you like nothing else would, that would surround you with that special FEELING, that you can gift to yourself this year.

When you consider buying or doing or having or experiencing that thing which will get you closest to what you really, really want, that special FEELING will explode within you. Like a compass, your needle will be set towards North; but your north will show you what it is that would bring you the most joy in your life right now.

You can keep following that compass as you move into the New Year, and you will be beginning a journey that will lead you to more and more of what will bring you that special fulfilling FEELING you want to define your life. You may end up being very surprised when you do this little exercise and discover that what you really want is something completely different than what you thought you did.

And that, my friends, is MY first Christmas Gift to you!

For more special gifts from me, please check out my December Monthly Specials in my newsletter and on my website.

One of them is the most special thing you could ever do for yourself. If you want to learn to be more in touch with your own true needs and feelings, to be able control your conscious thought patterns, to really, really know what YOU want and what will bring happiness and wholeness to you, you will want to join me in my live online Psychic Development program that begins in January.

If you register now there are a host of special discounts and perks. Do you want to recognize the thoughts and feelings of others as separate from your own, even to be able to communicate with someone telepathically? You can, you know.

Do you want to be able to feel and see the world of energy that we live in? It's easy, and I can show you how.

Do you want to find out if you've lived before, to learn to meditate, to connect to that highest part of yourself, and even your Guides? That's all part of this six level course. Do you want to connect with people who have crossed over, or to understand a loss you have or are suffering? You will learn how.

Do you want to create a life for yourself that you will love? The Anastasi System of Psychic Development is about all of these things, and far, far more. Believe me, there is no other gift you could give to yourself that would deliver so much, and so well.

I wish you and yours the happiest Holiday Season ever!
Love and Light, Sandy Anastasi

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