October 2020 – PD Tip #26 – Protect!


This is a good time to talk about psychic protection.  Many psychic development teachers don’t spend much time on this subject, believing, I think, that if you are opening to your psychic abilities you are doing the work of pure spirit, and God and the Angels will automatically protect you. For some people, that may indeed be true.  I cannot speak for everyone.  What I know from direct experience, is that is not true for most of us.   

Way back in my early 20’s I used to believe that myself, until I made the mistake, not just once, but several times over, of thinking that just because I believed in God, put myself in white light, and said a prayer I was protected from all evil and all bad people.  Well, the School of Hard Knocks quickly showed me my error, and I consider myself lucky that I came through many scary experiences and some outright psychic attacks and even magical attacks unscathed. 

Along the way I met many other people, like myself, who had learned the need for psychic protection the hard way.  Once I did understand the need for protection, I became very good at it, and now I teach protection to all my students, increasing the level of protection depending on how much they are ‘opening’ to energies outside of themselves. 

So when you study the Anastasi System of Psychic Development, you begin to learn how to protect yourself from the very first lesson and you learn specific protection techniques that apply to each psychic thing that you learn to do, so that you automatically associate the protection with the tool. 

This is one reason why my psychic development system is so popular, and has become the world-wide standard in psychic development education.   

If you are already studying psychic development with me, you are already getting my protections as I teach each class.  I also have a video series on my ‘Courses’ page on my website called “Psychic Protection – 52 Weeks of Protection Techniques” that you can download.  The way the program is dripped to you makes the techniques easy to learn and to listen to and watch on any internet capable device.  You can also hunt for my many psychic protection tips on YouTube, purchase my Anastasi System of Psychic Development 6-book series on my website or on my Amazon.com author page, join my VIP Membership program, or order my video series for the Anastasi System of Psychic Development available on my website.  To study with me in person, sign up for my live online Psychic Development program that I teach starting each January.  All of these options will help you to learn psychic protection.  

I also recommend some books if you enjoy reading.  My favorites are “The Art of Psychic Protection” by Judy Hall, “Psychic Protection” by Ted Andrews and “Psychic Self Defense” by Dion Fortune.

The most important times of year to employ strong psychic protection are around the solstices and equinoxes, at Halloween, and during the full moons.  These are times that psychic energies are more powerful and invasive and so if you are very sensitive or are doing some psychic work that causes you to open vibrationally to energies outside of yourself, it’s important to protect yourself psychically.

Many sensitive people also find it helps to protect themselves psychically each night before retiring for bed, in order to get a good, full night’s sleep.  I think that is a great idea.  Try it, see if it helps you sleep!

To get you started, I have two psychic protections that are easy to use that I’d like to share with you.

The first involves visualization.  If you have difficulty visualizing you can ‘feel’ the imagery around you and it will work just as well.  Visualize or feel yourself in a big blue bubble, whose outer surface is a mirror, reflecting everything away from you.  Use that whenever you feel uncomfortable with a person or situation, and leave it around you until you feel safe again.  Then just tell it to disappear and it will.

The second is my all-time favorite protection.  When I feel in danger, physically, emotionally, mentally or psychically, I call upon the Archangel Michael.  I visualize him as a fiery angelic being and feel his shades of red and green fire settle over me, ready to embattle anything that is attempting to invade me.

Give these a try, and if you truly want to develop your psychic abilities, please remember that learning to protect yourself psychically is a big part of that.

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