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Happy Birthday Virgo 2019

What comes out of our mouths might not necessarily be what we’re thinking or want projected.  It may also come from an egotistical side. Remember also, a lot of what comes out of our mouth was begun within our early family experience. So, we also may have some surfacing memories from childhood coming up.

This is a good time to look at our career and see if it is in line with what we want to see about ourselves. This will also be a good time to look at those childhood memories and ask ourselves, is this anything that we thought we’d be doing? Do we feel ok with it? Or is it just something that falls in line with supporting ourselves? What do we really want out of life?

In a different vein, where does perfection fall in with our achievements and goals? Currently, there is a drive to redo everything until we believe it is the best that we can do. But please realize that when we keep revamping, redressing or “improving” what we do, we might be missing...

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September 2019 Astrolights

This month’s issues begin with a new moon in Libra and will mostly concern relationships and how we share our resources and deal with who and what we serve. We have a lineup of Mercury, Sun, Mars and Venus all in the sixth house in Virgo. We must first ask ourselves, who or what do we believe are necessary to serve?

If you’re in the helping professions, this question is easy for you. But you are among us ordinary people, we must first ask what it means to serve. Do we serve what people ask for, do we serve what we feel someone needs or are our actions and inactions just in their space that provides service.

I will cop out and say it is all three. It depends on how we look at our responsibility to others…if we believe that there is such a thing.

This month will help us to define what of this pertains to us personally. All these planets oppose Neptune in Pisces and square Jupiter in Sagittarius. This T-square opens into Gemini. The way this gets resolved is, you...

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Astrological and Psychic Predictions for August, 2019

Aries -

This entire year is about what you want to do with the rest of your life, Aries, and how to balance your needs and desires with those of your home and family. Everywhere you turn there is more responsibility yet less control. What do YOU want? Because the eclipse late last month has retargeted all these issues, you are feeling a lot of pressure right now to figure it out, to make those choices, to take that big next step in your life journey. You are like the butterfly coming out of its crysalis. You are ready to spread your wings and fly. But where fly to, and how to make it happen? Think back to the beginning of the year. What plans were discussed then? What ideas did you really resonate with? Right now your emotions are overriding your good sense so slow down, take time to have some fun and clear your head, and get back on track. A younger person - a family, close friend or colleage, is stirring things up. This could be good or bad! Also, there is emotional pressure from...

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Happy Birthday Leo 2019

Happy Birthday Leo 2019

There is an urge to put yourself out front. Think twice. Be careful you don’t let your mouth overload your potential. Most of what comes out of your mouth automatically will be a knee jerk reaction to your own need to maintain your position and security.

You may also find that in your work environment you will be receiving challenges from those who will demand that you to prove yourself. Don’t fall for it. It’s a play for power. And if you let yourself get dragged into a “I must prove myself” battle, you will become totally distracted from the heart that you need to pay attention to and find yourself dealing with the restrictions of political correctness.

You must lean heavily into your own values to keep your grounding. This year will challenge you to “walk your talk and talk your walk” in the face of no visible or auditory understanding of those around you let alone their recognition.

And if you are in need of...

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August Astrolights

August 2019 Astrolights

We begin the month with a new moon in Leo on the 1st. First question I must ask is whose rules are you following? Are you being politically correct and following what’s good to keep the status quo or have you made decisions based on your own experience and your own values?

Hopefully it’s the latter because if it’s the former you will find yourself in untenable situations for which you have no recourse but to follow the wishes of the power-hungry people around you.

The 1st also brings Mercury direct in Cancer. Now you have a better idea of what part security plays in the decisions you’ve been making. Make your decisions accordingly.

As Mercury moves into Leo on the 11th, Jupiter also turns direct in Sagittarius. Issues that encompass cultural differences and differences in religion, philosophy and lifestyle are now moving more on a track that is commensurate with your own values, that is, if you haven’t given into...

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Astrological and Psychic Predictions for July 2019 - Sandy Anastasi

Aries -

This month your energies are mostly focused on home and family Aries.   You can expect a return of previous challenges and  you will have the chance to overcome and heal them.  This is especially a healing time for the man you are closest to, and also for your own past actions that you may regret.  Travel also is a powerful possibility this month.  Be sure to state your own desires to avoid that feeling of “I don’t count”.  All too often you are just going along for the ride and then becoming resentful that your needs aren’t being met.  Now is the time to change that.  You are continuing to do a balancing act between your outside activities or career and your family.  Although it’s difficult, it’s not yet time to make choices.  Enjoy a happy 4th of July, wherever you are!

Taurus -
Relationships and money are both on your mind in equal measure this month Taurus.  It may be...

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July 2019 Astrolights

 We begin July with one of the most important eclipses of our lives and of our country. On the 2ndwe have a solar eclipse in Cancer and on the 16thwe have a lunar eclipse in Capricorn.

In its most materialistic meaning, Cancer rules home, real estate, food, and our personal roots. In a less obvious sense, Cancer rules tradition, family, and what and how we nurture what we value in our lives. In also a mundane sense, Capricorn rules authority, government and what we produce in the eyes of the world. In a more subtle meaning, it’s all about how and what we structure in our lives and the recognition of the patterns we create.

We are at a crossroads.

We can either allow ourselves to become obligated to be the providers for the world, or we can invest in our own growth without feeling the responsibility to give away what we have earned to those who have no idea of the cost of our earning what they demand of us. Feeling this responsibility is at the core of political...

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Happy Birthday Cancer 2019

 Knowing what you want might be a bit difficult now. Be careful of basing it on what others want or expect of you. You’re not here to make life easy for others, although you can if you choose to. You are here to develop and grow in a way that contributes to your own happiness. If you get caught up in believing that you are here to make life easier for others, you will be distracted from living your own path. Follow your heart NOT your learned obligations.

Your urge to action will, now, almost always take you to issues involving you home, family and security. The key word to attend is security. But the objective is nurturance. Better to look at things in terms of expansion rather than in terms of preserving. Unevolved Cancers generally run their lives in terms of what will produce a consistency in the support and nurturance that they receive from the outer world.

Evolved Cancers look at life in terms of what they can add to a person or project that will grow a process of...

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Astrological and Psychic Predictions for June 2019 - Sandy Anastasi

Aries -

This is a great month for healing miscommunications with friends and siblings, and for making some changes in your financial budget and spending habits that will go a long way towards repairing those credit card problems! If you have been thinking of making a career change or opening your own home-based business, it's a good month to move forward with those things too! This next few years will be filled with financial ups and down so setting up a budget you can live with personally as well as with your mate and regarding business affairs is a very good idea, and now is the perfect time to do that. Don't miss this opportunity to sit down with your mate, spouse, or business partner, and flesh out your future together. You need to both be on the same page! If you enter into a business agreement right now, or are thinking about renovating your home or even buying a property, expect some major unplanned and unexpected issues to occur along the way. Putting a little extra money...

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June 2019 Astrolights

June 2019 Astrolights

On the 3rdthe moon becomes new in Gemini. In addition to the usual communications cautions we also have “travel advisories.” This is due to the fact that Uranus is still in Taurus in Gemini’s 12thhouse and with the moon moving into square with Neptune in Pisces for the next couple of days, we need to be much more cautious about being in a hurry in our daily short distance travels. We will have a tendency to be not quite as observant as we should be. Uranus’ presence in Taurus will make the result, undoubtedly, more tangible.

As Jupiter in Sagittarius makes a closing sesquiquadrate (135 degrees) to Uranus in Taurus on the 6th, our task is to reconcile our current circumstances, unexpected or otherwise, with the values that we want to see manifested. Uranus’ sojourn into Taurus is a lesson in recognizing and adapting those outer circumstances with our vision of ourselves and to come to accept them as a direct result of the forces...

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