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Jan 2020 Astrolights

January 2020 Astrolights

There are three very important transits occurring this month. First, we have the Lunar eclipse happening on the 10th in Cancer. The day after we have Uranus turning direct on the 11th in Taurus and the day after that we have Saturn and Pluto consummating a conjunction in Capricorn on the 12th.

Also, in numerology 2020 is a four universal year coming from the number 40. The foundations we arrive at this year will stay with us for at least the next five years or until we move into another one universal year. This is a pivotal year for us personally and nationally.

The Lunar eclipse brings us to a low energy point in the areas of tradition, family and nurturance. The traditions we have held in place thus far are subject to change. Those traditions may be both positive and negative. They mark how we are nurtured and how we nurture others…or not. This comes on the heels of a solar eclipse in Capricorn which is making major changes in how we discipline...

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Sandy's December Astrological Predictions 2019

Aries -

You are feeling like your freedom is at stake, and perhaps it is, Aries. Friends will be wonderfully supportive of all your choices this month as you weave your way through the myriad of opportunities surrounding you both at home and in your career and worldly aspirations. If you seek professional advice you will find the right person to trust. There are tensions all month long coming from family matters and finances. It's important to get in touch with what's in your heart and make that your goal, listening to the advice of others but taking only what resonates with your own intuition. You may split the holidays this year, even doing some travelling, as you feel pulled to two different places and two different family groups just as you feel pulled towards a more restrictive life experience but must overcome a lot of inner resistance if you walk down that path into 2020. Living a double life has its challenges.

Taurus -

Relationships and relationship issues are certain to...

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December 2019 Astrolights

This will be an extremely important month, personally and nationally. First, Jupiter moves from Sagittarius, its rulership, into fall in Capricorn. This severely weakens it influence as Saturn is in dignity in Capricorn.

Any lightness or expansive qualities that Jupiter normally brings will be severely curtailed and conservatism and regulation will become the rule of law. However, because Saturn currently is in Capricorn, Jupiter will bring an easing of the severity that Saturn normally brings.

What this means personally and nationally is that all the circumstances that have been blown way out of proportion will be brought back within acceptable, or at least sensible, limits. It will be a sobering time for a lot of people on both sides of the fence and between squabbling family participants.

You might say that cooler heads will begin to prevail. Accusations between opposing forces will be brought more down to earth and the demand for proof will become much more prevalent. Things...

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Sandy's Astrological Predictions Nov 2019

Aries -
This is an important month for you Aries, filled with potentially life-changing choices.  Do you have the courage to move forward now?  You’ve got some major financial considerations and you are now realizing these need to come first in this moment, and need to be handled in the best way possible for your own future to be what you want it to be.  After that you can get back to that balancing act you’ve been doing between home needs and concerns and your personal aspirations and career goals.  If married, your mate is also on the see-saw of life and you’ve been trying to take that ride with them.  You are finally realizing that though you may sometimes share that ride, ultimately their choices are their choices, just as yours are yours. Meanwhile old opportunities, with a new slant, are returning all month long.  This moment where self responsibility, both yours and theirs and everyone else’s too, is clearly understood is...

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Happy Birthday Scorpio

Pay attention to your urges in relationships. If you’re doing what you need to do, you will feel no ill effects. But if you’re not, you may find that your lower back may feel some discomfort. Any stress that you feel this month will show itself in your lower back or in the head. Be careful moving around as you may have the habit of moving a little too fast and bumping your head or worse. Begin slowing down.

You’re feeling like you could charm the pants off anyone. As this may be the case this month, don’t get carried away and allow the assumption to carry on more than this month. This “charmingness” will also have the tendency to pull in more than your share of potential new relationships. Don’t let it go to your head because as quickly as they may appear will be as quickly as they vanish.

In general relationship issues, you appear to be going through a landscape shift where some people just seem to drop out of sight and others may just pop...

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November 2019 Astrolights

We begin the month with Mercury turning retrograde on October 31st in Scorpio. All the periodic communications glitches will begin as usual. Don’t sign contracts and don’t begin new projects. However, all the communications behind closed door will continue and even intensify.

The rub is that even with the Sun and Venus in Scorpio with the Mercury retrograde we will know things are going on behind closed doors but will be unable to do anything about it. There is and will be an intense need to bring things to the surface to clear up a lot of misconceptions and even deceptions.

Neptune in Pisces and North Node in Cancer, creating a grand trine in water, serves to further exacerbate the tension by contributing a lot of unwarranted emotional energy. Cooler heads will have to prevail if we are to hold an even and steady course.

At this point, being above board in our dealings will go a long way to dissipate the fear and anger. Yet, there are many whose position and status...

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Astrological and Psychic Predictions for October 2019 - Sandy Anastasi

Aries -
This month finds you focusing on finance and gaining support for a project or activity that will further your life goals and career path.  Look to your one on one relationships, especially your significant other, for direction and support in your endeavors.  You have been feeling blocked, as if running in place regarding family issues, finance, even relationships, for some time.  This month the focus needs to be on partnerships and healing finances for the work you’ve been doing on yourself to move forward.  Your goals are closer than you think.  Hang in there and you will soon be seeing the results of your efforts.

Taurus -
If you are in the health field this is a good month for you in your career.  If you’re not, you will still find health issues around you.  These could be your own or those of someone close to you.  That may possibly be an older woman or your significant other if you have one, or someone closely...

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Happy Birthday Libra 2019


Pay attention to your urges and intuition. They will come through the body, especially, if you don’t pay attention to them. Also, health issues may pop up with seemingly no apparent cause. Just trace your steps back to when you first encountered them. Those circumstances will be instrumental to their manifestation.

Responsibilities at home seem to be building. But on the brighter side, your ability to handle things in a practical way is strong and your intuition on how to do things is equally as strong. Just make up your mind to do what is needed and trust your gut. It will all come out in the wash.

The energy required for your career and home responsibilities are both building. To prevent one from interfering with the other begin making lists of things you need to take care of in each domain. This will get them out of your head, put them on paper so you won’t forget them and permit you to think clearly without getting distracted by each during the other. You do...

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October 2019 Astrolights

October 2019 Astrolights

Our most potent aspect is the conjunction of Saturn and the south node in Capricorn. This is the trigger for many things hitting the fan right now. These are personal and public. What is unfortunate is that there is also complete confusion in terms of what values should be dominating now by virtue of Jupiter in Sagittarius squaring Neptune in Pisces.  With Pluto turning direct in Capricorn on the third, the confusion is growing. People who support the means justifying the ends are meeting head to head with people who believe the ends justifies the means. Think about this and let it settle in. Does how we handle ourselves outweigh the ideals we’ve been trained to envision for ourselves or vice versa? Do we follow the expectations of others (the law) or our preferred narrative? Even so, everyone seems to have a different interpretation of what the law is, even at the governmental level regarding the Constitution itself.  Many of us are at odds...

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September 2019 Astrological and Psychic Predictions

Aries -

The personal healing you are going through right now Aries may need to be put on hold temporarily as you turn your attention to helping someone else. This may initially seem like an unwelcome delay and frustrate you, but realize that the actions you take now to help and serve are going to pave the way to your personal healing and achieving what you want, later. A decision needs to be made. Strong action is needed. What should you do? A close friend or life partner will give helpful guidance as will a review of how things were going during July. If you kept your eclipse journal from June 18 through July 31st that will give you your best indicator of how to proceed now. In your career there is also a strong need right now for action, and you feel pulled between the needs of your career and your own aspirations, and responsibility to a family member, perhaps a mother or spouse. Don't miss the signs. They are all around you. There may still be resistance and you may need to...

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