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Happy Birthday Capricorn 2020

How you see yourself and what you value is and has been slowly manifesting toward a new coalescence. You are not finished with your tremendous shift. Perhaps the physical emphasis that has been so strongly with you for the last three and a half years is not meaning so much anymore. Granted, you are an earth sign but the emphasis on earthly circumstances has been morphing into a more social or even humanitarian perspective. No, you won’t lose your down to earth practical viewpoint, but your focus will now be more on how your mind prepares you for your new goals during your daily concerns. Your tendency for sacrifice is being expanded to include a much wider group of people than just your family and co-workers. Since what you’re working toward is shifting, your values concerning how you get there is also. For a Capricorn, this is an earth-moving blossoming. If you resist, you will be left in the dust dealing with minutia and at the same time end up questioning why...

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September 2020 Astrological and Psychic Predictions

Aries –

It’s important to pay attention to the ordinary things, including health issues, this month Aries.  Things that have been hidden until now are coming to light.  Your solutions are in the details.  Take some time to go back over past situations that to relate to whatever you are concerned with, and consider them from a fresh new perspective.  This can be a month of great healing for you regarding your home, your health, your career, your finances, and even the health issues of another person you care a lot about.  If you have children this is also a good time to have some important conversations with them about things you’ve both been burying that have affected your relationship.  Take some extra time during the month to catch up with those special projects you’ve wanted to do, and don’t forget to spend some good quality time with yourself.  After all the hard work, that’s a reward you need!  Happy...

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Sandy's Feb 2020 Astrological Predictions

Aries -

This month a lot of your emotional focus will be on your money as well as that of others, on investments, and possibly even legal issues, Aries. There may be an action you've taken at another's suggestion that you regret and now have the opportunity to rectify. One thing is sure; whether you are asking for a raise at work, or setting up your Will, or meeting with your tax accountant, this month your emotions are running high and as your situation is clarified you will be quick to take action! Just don't be so quick that you don't think about where your actions will lead. Meanwhile, things regarding your career and your worldly aspirations and future goals are moving ahead nicely, and it's important that you don't get so distracted into the family and financial issues being presented to you this month that you miss some of the personal opportunities you've been planning and waiting for. One of the major distractions, especially if you're single, is going to be a romantic...

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Astrolights Feb 2020

 February 2020 Astrolights

With all the eclipses finally finished we now have a solidified landscape for determining how we would like our career to progress. Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter are all perched in our tenth house of career. Rules, who makes them, who breaks them and who ignores them are becoming increasingly more evident and important. Doing well in a career is no longer just a function of who does the best job and who notices it. Many more nefarious elements have taken over due to the lack of faith that people in general have evolved into feeling as a result of rampant corruption.  Those who follow the rules and try to do the right thing seem to be more the exception to the rule. This is a challenge to all of us to listen to our “better angels” in determining how we will act and respond to those of us who are left unanchored by our conscience.  When Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces on the 17th it will become easier to recognize how the landscape...

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Happy Birthday Aquarius

 Happy Birthday Aquarius 2020

Your unconscious is loaded for bear. Everything that comes to mind seems to be coming from a place that you have no direct access to. It’s like you’re in the flow but have no control over how it comes forward. This is a tremendous lesson in learning to let your intuition have the wheel. This is completely foreign to you and you resist at every turn. This causes tremendous pain and frustration. You must let go or you will burn yourself out through resistance.

What is it that you don’t trust about yourself? The mind is only a tool. Yet, you feel that it must be the vehicle in charge. Your sign is ruled by two planets: Saturn and Uranus. Saturn is connected to the logical, practical and earthy world. This has been your foundation for action for many years. But Uranus, which is the planet of intuition, is now in an earth sign and it must be given equal shares on how you run your life. Yet, you still struggle to make and see every...

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Sandy's Jan 2020 Astrological Predictions

Aries -
2020 Year Overview -
This year will be a year to focus on all of your relationships Aries.  In fact, the success, happiness, and satisfaction you experience this year will depend on how well you balance your relationships in all walks of life going forward.  You have a tendency to allow yourself to fall into the role of a victim, feeling like all the work and responsibility always falls on your shoulders alone, and perhaps it has in the past.  But the only way forward and out of that state is to begin to work with others which will require sharing, diplomacy, listening skills, and even arbitration.  It’s time to really take off your rose colored glasses and put your feet firmly on the ground.  Set boundaries where they are needed.  Be conscious of surrounding yourself with the ‘right’ people.  The right people are those you respect and see as achieving the life success you would like for yourself.  Your life has been...

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Happy Birthday Capricorn 2019

Happy Birthday Capricorn 2019

Many things are coming home to roost now. Among many results you may also find that you will have a low energy point on December 26th, and one not so low on January 10th.  This is not only a birthday time for new endeavors but a pivotal point in many of your lives.

On the world stage authority, social image and career are going through paces for many people. New twists on decisions that must be made are coming to light. This is especially true for Capricorn and Cancer.

Just look at the current headlines if you are unclear as to what kinds of issues and how they are being presented are coming to light. In years past, just working, keeping your nose to the grindstone were enough to bring you to success in the material world. Following the rules is no longer the direct path to a good future. Strategy and deception have become much larger deciding factors determining who makes it to the top, let alone who become materially successful....

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Jan 2020 Astrolights

January 2020 Astrolights

There are three very important transits occurring this month. First, we have the Lunar eclipse happening on the 10th in Cancer. The day after we have Uranus turning direct on the 11th in Taurus and the day after that we have Saturn and Pluto consummating a conjunction in Capricorn on the 12th.

Also, in numerology 2020 is a four universal year coming from the number 40. The foundations we arrive at this year will stay with us for at least the next five years or until we move into another one universal year. This is a pivotal year for us personally and nationally.

The Lunar eclipse brings us to a low energy point in the areas of tradition, family and nurturance. The traditions we have held in place thus far are subject to change. Those traditions may be both positive and negative. They mark how we are nurtured and how we nurture others…or not. This comes on the heels of a solar eclipse in Capricorn which is making major changes in how we discipline...

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