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Psychic Development Tip #43 – Clairsentience and the World of Energy


 Clairsentience is so important for everyone who wishes to truly understand the world we live in, and participate fully in it, that I devote and entire level to it in my 6-level psychic development system, The Anastasi System of Psychic Development.  It is certainly imperative that you work hard to develop this sense if you wish to be a professional psychic, or even if your desire is to just develop and use your psychic senses to help family members and friends.

This is the most versatile of all of the “claire’s”.  Your clairsentience is your ability to feel, “read”, and manipulate life-force, electro-magnetic energy.  As you understand and develop this skill, you’ll be able to feel the auras or energy fields around people and things, as well as the energy in a place.  You’ll be able to use your clairsentience to enter what I call the world-wide psychic web, to track where something you feel energetically is coming...

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Psychic Development Tip #40 - Trust Yourself


This psychic development tip was inspired by tip #39, which is about observing and choosing your thoughts carefully.  When I channeled that tip from my Guides, it prompted me to remember a grave mistake I once made that had multiple consequences.  You see, because I respected someone, I accepted their statement and belief over what my intuition and instincts told me was true.  Here’s what happened.

I was studying Tai Chi Ch’uan with a teacher I deeply respected both for his ability and his teaching skills.  One day he introduced me to a couple who had made him a business proposition.  On the surface they seemed very nice, friendly and honest.  But there was an undercurrent that made me very uncomfortable.  I knew I wouldn’t trust them.  I had a strong feeling that they were an unscrupulous pair.  My psychic skills were only budding back then, so I was hesitant to say anything about my strong feeling of distrust, until he...

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Psychic Development Tip #32 - Following Your Feelings

This psychic development tip is one of the most important I will ever share with you.  It is about paying attention to, and following, your feelings.  They will never mislead you.
I am not talking about the feelings you feel with your heart, although to some it may at first feel like that.  I am not talking about the feelings you feel with your body, although, again, for some it may start like that.  I am talking about paying attention to and following your gut feelings.
Let me give you an example.  Let’s create a girl and call her Sarah.  Sarah, like you, is just learning to identify and follow that gut feeling that tells her what is always right for her.  Sarah is doing a job she doesn’t like and doesn’t feel she is paid enough for, but the thought of moving to a new job, leaving her friends behind, and hunting for a new one, is keeping her in this job.  Every morning when Sarah gets ready to go to work she...
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December PD Tip #28 How to Remember Your Dreams


Dreaming is an important part of psychic development as for the average person it is in the dream state that we usually make first contact with our Higher Self and our Guides.  Some people are even able to receive dreams about their deceased loved ones, and even dream about future events. That is because when we are dreaming, our conscious mind is relaxed into the dream state, so it’s normal tendency to question and resist is gone.  Our Higher Self and our Guides can send us messages.

Dreaming is a great way for all psychics, beginner through adept, to make these connections and get great insights. The problem is that beginning level psychic development students often have difficulty at first remembering their dreams.

Here are some pointers to help you out:

1) Stress is the greatest hindrance to remembering your dreams.  When we are stressed, our bodies are tense, our mind races and doesn’t want to shut down, sometimes we even suffer from insomnia. ...

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Psychic Development Tip #11 - Telepathy Tip #3


The best way to learn anything is through practice and feedback. To develop your skill in telepathy you must first begin to recognize it through feedback.  Then, when you can clearly see it working for you, you can begin to deliberately practice it, expand it, and let people’s reactions continue to be your feedback. 

Here are some of the ways you can recognize when YOU are initiating or generating telepathy:

  • You are admiring someone’s attire from the back and they turn around and look at you.
  • You are admiring someone’s bracelet and they raise their arm to look at it.
  • You have a problem you know a certain friend could help you with.  They call you.
  • You are planning what to bring to a dinner party.  Your good friend shows up with the same thing saying they just had a sudden urge to bring it.
  • You are about to say something you’ve been wanting to discuss and your associate starts talking about it.
  • You are just about to change lanes in...
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Psychic Development Tip #7 - Divination


Psychic Development Tip #7 - Divination

I encourage my psychic development students to learn some form of divination to augment their psychic development. Many psychic development teachers only teach psychic development itself, and don't include learning to use tools such as a pendulum or psychometry or tarot cards or astrology or numerology.

When you are first learning to open your psychic senses it can be overwhelming to open to feelings and impressions and visions and messages that don't make a lot of sense to you yet; learning to use a divination tool can help to keep you grounded and focused. Because of this, I don't insist on it, but I do encourage, all of my students (including you) to reach out and learn one or more tools to augment their ability.

Even experienced psychics benefit from having a divination tool they can use in addition to their own psychic skills. Many times the information provided by your psychic senses, and even by your Guides, may be unlcear. Using some...

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