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PD Tip #41 - Your Psychic Senses Mirror and Expand Your Physical Senses


In my psychic development tip #40 I told you how important it is to trust your intuition.  I described how the world became colorless to me when my psychic senses turned off when I chose not to trust them.  Let’s explore how your psychic senses both mirror and expand on your physical ones.  This is a natural byproduct of your psychic and spiritual development, and you should both expect and welcome it. 

Often as your new senses grow it feels like your powers of observation are just improving.  The growth of your psychic senses is so seamlessly integrated with your normal physical senses, and happens so gradually, that it is often not even noticeable. If you suddenly lose them, as I did, you are made to see the difference when you experience life without them, or you may see their gradual development if are paying very close attention to the process.  I recommend journaling.  In my Psychic Development Level 1 course I talk about keeping a...

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Psychic Development Tip #39 – Observe and Choose Your Thoughts Carefully


Psychic Development Tip #39 – Observe and Choose Your Thoughts Carefully

One of the first things my Guides taught me was that our Universe was created by the mind of God, and that all of the thoughts, ideas, and inventions that ever were and ever will be were born at that moment.  This concept explains why ‘inventions’ often pop up on different parts of our planet at the same time.  When we are ‘evolved’ enough to ‘receive’ a new idea or concept, several people may very well be able to receive it at the same time.  So, of course each thinks the other has stolen his or her idea!  Meanwhile, in truth, that idea was hanging out for a millennia waiting for the mind, or minds, that would be able to understand it and use it.  So, you see there really is no ‘original’ thought – but there is the creative use of concepts that are newly appreciated and understood.

When you are capable...

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Psychic Development Tip #38 – Thought ‘Layers’


Recently I was asked a question about the invasiveness of telepathy.  That prompted me to create this psychic development tip.  It may very well be the most important tip I’ve ever given.

As mankind’s evolution continues, we are all becoming progressively more telepathic, so this tip really is for everyone, not just psychics.  For anyone who is already using psychic skills, or is learning to develop and use them with full awareness, this tip should be one of your Golden Rules.

It’s important to understand first that thought is vibration, and that vibration goes through three major transitions before it is projected out into the world, usually in the form of verbal communication or physical action.

You are probably aware of that first stirring of thought, when an idea begins to ‘bubble up’ from your unconscious.  You are aware of it as it formulates itself, but you haven’t said it to yourself yet.  This is the deepest level...

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Psychic Development Tip #37 Eating Tips


Many people who are working hard to develop their psychic skills are totally unaware of how their diet and eating habits might be affecting their developing abilities, and vice versa.  Some psychics even end up putting on a whole lot of weight overeating or eating the wrong things because they have become too sensitive and are unwittingly using the digestive process to help them ‘shut down’ instead of using the many psychic tools available to them.

There are a few basic truths you should be aware of, regarding food, and also a few pitfalls you can easily avoid that will help both your readings and your health!

Firstly, not all food has the same density, energetically speaking.  If you are getting ready to do a reading and you enjoy a big steak before doing it, you’re going to have a much harder time keeping your energy up for the reading than if you’d just had a simple salad instead.  You will also probably have to work harder to connect with...

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PD Tip #36: Communication


As psychics we need to learn a whole new way of communicating.

A psychic ‘hears’ with their physical ears, and also with clairaudience – that is, psychic hearing.  We psychics also ‘hear’ with our clairsentience – that is the sense that allows us to feel and interpret vibrations. Sound is, after all, vibration. 

We also ‘hear’ with our eyes – our clairvoyance.  That is to say, that people who are psychic actually see a lot more than non-psychics.  They will catch a fleeting facial expression that is gone before a non-psychic person would even register it, or see and absorb information about someone’s posture and demeanor that all but a person trained in body language would miss.  What I am saying is that a psychic person ‘hears’ with all of their physical and non-physical (psychic) senses.

Because of that, psychics often know more about their friends, family members, and loved ones than...

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Psychic Development Tip #35 Your Higher Self


This psychic development tip is a bit unlike my usual tips, but will probably serve you better than most, and for many, many years to come you’ll be glad you learned it.

You’ve heard me talking for years now about mankind (that’s all of us, folks) moving to a higher vibrational level, meaning, of course, that we are all evolving very quickly right now.  But not quickly enough.

A lot of the turmoil and strife on our planet at the moment is due to this change in vibration.  It feels like everyone is going in a different direction while running a race.  Chaos has ensued.  You should be asking yourself, is there a way that I can change my own vibration more swiftly?  Is there a way that I can make my own journey, and that of my loved ones, as we find our way through this planet-wide chaos, easier and less painful?

There certainly is.  If you’ve been asking yourself this question, give yourself a big pat on the back, because that...

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Psychic Development Tip #34 – Your Clairvoyance


Clairvoyance is also known as ‘clear seeing’.  Everyone is clairvoyant to some degree, and this particular ‘clair’ is becoming more and more common and developing to a higher degree too, as people continue to evolve.  Right now, for everyone on our planet, the development of this particular ability is becoming widespread so it’s good to have some understanding of it so you can recognize it in yourself.

     When your clairvoyance first appears it is so subtle it’s almost not noticeable.  That’s why so many people who are naturally clairvoyant don’t know that they are!  You see, psychic seeing overlays physical seeing in a way that adds something extra to it.  As you begin the exercises to develop all of your psychic skills, clairvoyance will develop quickly on its own.  First you will gradually become aware that the colors you see are somehow deeper and richer than they used to...

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Psychic Development Tip #33 – The Universe is Talking to You!


One of the first things I begin teaching my psychic development students in the Anastasi System of Psychic Development is that the Universe is constantly talking to you, constantly seeking to transmit information to you that will help you to improve your life, keep you and your loved ones safe, even reach your most lofty goals.  Some people understand this as their Higher Self talking to them, or their Guardian Angel, or even God.  I don’t care what you call it, the important thing is for you to accept and recognize that it is happening, and learn how to hear what’s being said.

The Universe speaks to us in a language of symbols, and symbols can be visual, audible, feelings, telepathic or empathic responses, even scents or tastes.  The trick is to become receptive to these communications without becoming controlled by superstition.  I once had a student who took it to the extreme, returning an hour drive home to change out of her pink shirt because she...

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Psychic Development Tip #31 Sending and Receiving Ethics


By now you understand that telepathy is a natural human ability and that we all do it, although most of us are unconscious about it.  You also now know that empathy, that is sending or receiving emotions to or from another, is also a natural human ability that is closely linked to telepathy, and often just as unconscious.  In my last few Psychic Development tips you learned how to become conscious and aware when you are sending or receiving energetically via telepathy or empathy, and how these skills can be developed and controlled. 

Now it’s time to consider some ethics that conscious telepaths and empaths need to learn and employ.    

The first thing to understand about ethics is that when you wonder whether something you are doing is ethical or not, just ask yourself if you would like it if it were done to you.  Let that honest answer guide all of your uses of telepathy and empathy.  

The second thing you need to remember is...

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Psychic Development Tip #30 - Being a Good Sender


In my last Psychic Development Tip, I talked about being a good receiver, and mentioned that we are all already good empathic and telepathic receivers and senders, but most of us just don’t know it.  To learn more about being a good receiver, look back over Tip #29.  In this Tip, I’m going to talk about being a good sender.

Most of us are already good senders, but we don’t realize it because we lack the control to send thoughts and emotions consciously.  Some of you hearing this already know you are a good sender, and some have even developed some conscious control. Good senders are often the leaders and the in-charge people in our world, so you already know who you are!

For most of us the problem with recognizing when your being a good sender is that usually in those moments when you are sending well, you are so self-involved you don’t notice that the people around you are reacting to your thoughts and or emotions!  I used a good example...

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