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Happy Birthday Aquarius

Happy Birthday Aquarius 2019

With the lunar eclipse occurring in your sign on January 21st, there are a few adjustments that have been made to your core directives. To begin with, how you respond to rules and their making has gone through a shift. In this your attitude toward service and the need for your participation has become a lot more prevalent. This is not to say that there is more of a requirement but that you’ve gained more awareness of what others around may need or want to make their lives easier and more fluid.

Whether you decide to contribute or not is solely up to you but your conscience will not let you slide if you feel the urge and ignore it. Second, your relationships and your acknowledgment of them has become a lot more poignant. You may no longer just strategize and follow your plan but you must be much perceptive of how their requirements and needs are shifting. That is, your participation cannot remain static according to any plan but fluid according to...

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February Astrolights

February 2019 Astrolights

Mars is very slowly coming up to a conjunction with Uranus in Aries. This is a time for all of us to take our time and think before we act. Tempers will flare very easily and our impulses will tend to take dominance over thoughtful action. These impulses tend to put us in risky or even dangerous situations. Jupiter’s presence in Sagittarius and in trine will add to the push and intensity we will feel from these impulses. To add insult to injury, Mars is squaring Pluto in Capricorn which will contribute the feeling of rightness and properness to the impulsive actions we might take.

The Moon begins the month in Capricorn with Saturn, Pluto and the south node. As the Moon closes on the Sun brining a new Moon in Aquarius on the 4th it passes over Saturn, Pluto and the south node bringing political and career issues into the limelight. Our country is a Cancer country (July 4th). Hopefully, this will trigger north nodal activity in Cancer and bring our...

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January 2019 Astrolights

We begin this month with a set of eclipses. The solar eclipse occurs in Capricorn on the 6thand the lunar eclipse in Leo on the 21st. With Uranus having retrograded back into Aries, this completes the power triad. This means that all forms of power and independence will go through some changes. This can be both personally and publicly.

Publicly, we can see that this will have a very close bearing on the shifting of the House of Representatives to a dominant Democratic presence. We all know the gridlock that will ensue. In a personal sense, we will feel a challenge to our wills between things we want to do and things we think and know we can do.

Since we look at the New Year as a challenge for new beginnings and endings, this will not veer far from our expectations. However, we should also remember that eclipses bring low energy to the endeavors that we apply ourselves to, so, it may take a little more effort than we anticipate.

Capricorn also represents the qualities of authority....

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Happy Birthday Capricorn 2018

It’s time to take a good look at your work environment. At this point you’re probably working in more than one now. You may also find that there are people in that environment that are either chattering at you or distracting you with minutia. This is just nature’s way for forcing you to become more focused in what you are doing. If you allow yourself to react to others who distract you, you will only cause yourself more aggravation. The trick is to ignore them.

Health issues are in the focus for you now. Your nervous system and limbs will be where you feel or find any illnesses or difficulties. Take care not to scatter your energies. There will probably be many people and issues pulling you in different directions. Pick one issue and solve it. Meet them each one by one rather than trying to multitask. Then, you’ll feel much better in dealing with them.

You’ll probably find that dreams are becoming much more prevalent now. These will be exacerbated by...

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January 2019 Astrological and Psychic Predictions including Overview for the Year


Aries 2019 Year Overview:

2019 is going to be a year filled with challenges that will lead you to amazing transformation as you surmount each. For many, the constant movement from handling one issue before moving to the next would be tiring. For you Aries, it is going to be exciting and even exhiliarating as you find new depths of insight, understanding, and ability within yourself as you embrace and move past each challenge! Your career and outer world is either well defined or soon will be, but requires a lot of work and responsibility. You will be called upon to put forth large amounts of personal energy to keep things moving forward throughout the year, sometimes carrying the work of others on your shoulders. How you handle things is often more important than the actual outcome. Attitude is everything. Many shared agreements will need to be reached to achieve the life you are seeking. Changes in how you relate to others and your position both at work and at home will be...

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Sandy's January 2019 Editorial

Hello Everyone, 
First off, I want to wish all of you a very, very happy, successful, and fulfilling 2019 year! I am so excited to be beginning this New Year with you!  I believe our lives and our world are going to take a giant, wonderful step forward this year towards creating world peace, better economies world wide, heightened awareness on all levels, and more.
I think we are finally over the hump of discord many of us faced in 2018, and we will see people world-wide beginning to work together towards creating a world we will be proud to leave to our progeny.  

2019 is a Universal #3 Year in Numerology.  That means, superficially, that everything that was begun in 2017 (the last #1 year) will be expanded.  That’s in your own life, as well as the lives of your friends and families, and also the town and nation that you live in.  But on a deeper level the number 3 is about nurturance, and...
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December 2018 Astrolights

We begin the month with Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces in the twelfth house.  This does not bode well for our ability to keep our impulses under control.

I expect the full Moon on the 22ndin Cancer to be a real doozey since Jupiter in Sagittarius, ruling both Sagittarius and Pisces, squares the Mars Neptune conjunction in Pisces. Whenever Mars and Neptune get together, there emerges a tirade of irrational actions.

By themselves, they create enough discord but with Jupiter augmenting the mix, the full Moon will be a hard influence to overcome. Since the Moon’s north node is in Cancer, ruled by the Moon, the best place for our attention will be in the activity of nurturance.

Since Jupiter is involved and with the combined added irrationality of Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces, we must guard against giving everything away under the expanded “demands” of compassion and must be wary of being taken advantage of by those who would attempt to make us feel guilty...

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December Astrological Predictions 2018


Healing comes from unexpected sources this month Aries. This could be healing that you are hoping to receive for yourself, or for a loved one. It's important to focus on staying tuned into your intuition all month long, difficult though that may be at times. Trusting your instincts will help you to avoid many potential fopahs this holiday season! Relationships and romance, children, and your creative and fun activities, are your priorities this month, pretty much in that order! As long as you remain flexible and stay in the flow this should prove to be a magical time for you and yours.

Take care of minor health issues immediately so you can fully enjoy your time this month. Meanwhile, in the back corner of your active mind is the career issue. You know something is coming, but not what or when. Look for a change that will bring greater responsibility but also greater possibility after the first of the year.

Yes, it will involve negotiation, and politics, and some...

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November Astrological Predictions 2018

Sandy's November 2018 Astrological and Psychic Predictions


A rare month of introspection is ahead of you Aries. Your outward focus is on what you want, and specifically what you want from or for that person who is closest to you. Or perhaps it's on the person you wish to be closest to you. Saturn is about to cross your solar midheaven and that indicates a major change is coming into your life as a result of choices you are making now. Are you thinking of renovating your home, or of moving? Changing your job or retiring? Changing your relationship patterns with family members or friends? But you've got to face down your fears and insecurities to take the leap to get what, or who, you want. You've got to be willing to leave the things and Speople that no longer fit into your life behind. Can you do that? We are entering the Holiday season now, and for you, this years holidays will be a bit stressful. Take time to truly get in touch with what YOU want. That knowledge will...

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November 2018 Astrolights

November seems to be an active month for shifting focus and perception. We begin with Uranus continuing to move retrograde but reentering Aries. Adjustments that were made over the last seven years concerning how independent or true to ourselves we have been are receiving an opportunity for review. Are you alone more than you’d like to be, or do you feel that you are you in a good place with how you pioneer your own character and abilities?

Take a good long-range overview to assess whether your inclusion or not of others is in a comfortable space for you. The new moon in Scorpio, ruled by Aries’ ruler Mars, will bring much of this to the surface for you. It will tell you actually how much assistance you really do need and how much you rely on others to quell the doubts you have in depending solely on yourself. Jupiter’s shift into Sagittarius on the 8thshould aid you by producing a bit more confidence in your own abilities.

On the 15ththe first quarter moon in...

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