Sandy's Blog

Welcome to Sandy Anastasi's Blog. Read on to find out information about Upcoming Events, New Courses and Monthly Astrological Predictions. 

Psychic Protection Tips Course

Sandy's October Monthly Special for 2018

One of my top priorities when teaching my students and working with my clients has always been to create a safe and secure environment psychically. It is a fact that everyone grows, flourishes and evolves best in an environment that is nurturing, healing, and safe. In my field that is especially true.     

Over the years I learned that psychic protection, especially during formative growth times or when someone is going through any kind of trauma, is so important that in my psychic development classes my students learn psychic protection techniques even as they learn to open to their psychic gifts. 

I believe, in fact, that psychic protection is so important for everyone that I have posted my psychic protection tip videos on YouTube for almost five years.  It is a fact that when you apply my psychic protection techniques everything in life flows more smoothly - from your relationships, to your work, to your...

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Sandy's New Course - A Year of Psychic Protection Tips


Sandy's October 2018 Editorial

Hello Everyone,

I want to thank all of you who purchased my new online programs, the Tarot Part 1 and Tarot Part 2 that I talked about last month in my editorial.  Because of your support, I have been able to go on to create another amazing program for you that launches this month! 

My new program is focused on psychic protection - perfect for this month, and always one of my biggest focuses for my students, no matter what I am teaching. More about that in just a few more moments.

But first - I promised last month that the first 10 people to order my new tarot programs would receive a very special gift from me.  My assistant Lisa is about to notify you if you were one of them!  

If you were, I hope you are reading or watching this now, because you are going to receive a FREE personally signed copy of my soft cover Tarot Reader's Workbook right in your mailbox! Of course, the PDF of the book is already yours as you got that...

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2019 Psychic Development Online Course with Sandy





16TH – PDL 1 – CLASS 1
23RD – PDL 1 – CLASS 2
30TH – PDL 1 – CLASS 3
  6TH – PDL 2 – CLASS 1
13TH – PDL 2 – CLASS 2
19TH – PDL 2 – CLASS 3
27TH – PDL 3 – CLASS 1
  6TH – PDL 3 – CLASS 2
13TH – PDL 3 – CLASS 3
27TH – PDL 4 – CLASS 1
  3RD – PDL 4 – CLASS 2
10TH – PDL 4 – CLASS 3
24TH – PDL 5 – CLASS 1
  1ST – PDL 5 – CLASS 2
  8TH – PDL 5 – CLASS 3
15TH – PDL 6 – CLASS 1
22ND – PDL 6 – CLASS 2
29TH – PDL 6 – CLASS 3


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Astrolights - September 2018

Our finances and resources have been on shaky ground for a while now. Now is the time to take a good look at how we want our security to stack up. A lot of this shifting has been happening through our career and the public things that we have been attempting to accomplish. With the Sun having moved into Virgo, earth take precedence in the elements and practicality is easy to see and plan for. Use this time wisely while things are in full view.

On the 11thMars moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius. Look at love received, and resources earned from your career. Is it how you want it to be? If not, now is the time for negotiations.

With Saturn and Pluto remaining in Capricorn in the house of career, whatever you decide to do should fit the rules that apply to your career and your social standing. Political correctness is in the forefront, but you must judge how much you will allow it to influence your public actions.

Children are coming more and more into the limelight. The nodes are...

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September 2018 Tarot Special


Hello Everyone,

Since I am launching my new Tarot Course for self-study this month, I wanted to focus on a couple of my favorite ways the Tarot can be used for Psychic Readings. 

I’m also including an overview of my favorite readings, and the costs.  Yes, I am still available for private sessions!

My very favorite use of Tarot  is to explore past lives. 

In my new online self-study program, The Tarot Part 2,  I teach my students how to use the entire deck of cards to track a karmic pattern from the lifetime of its origin all the way up to the present lifetime.  This is such a valuable reading when I do it for my clients!  Often they find the roots of present day phobias, or repetitive patterns in their relationships, or finally understand the reason they don’t like certain types of people, or have an uncanny sense of “I know you” regarding someone in their lives. 

When I do this reading the cards come alive in my hands...

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Sandy's September 2018 Editorial


Hello Everyone,

It is with great pleasure that I am officially launching my latest online venture this month – Tarot Part 1and Tarot Part 2 are now available as a weekly self-study program that can be viewed on any device, from your Smartphone to your tablet, to your PC or Mac, and even on you TV if it’s internet capable. 

I can’t imagine a more convenient, easy and valuable way to learn the cards and even advanced layouts!  I am so excited to share this with you that I am offering some of the very best deals on these two programs that you have ever seen, anywhere! (Not to mention that both programs are totally cutting-edge technologically.  You’re gonna love them!)

Can you feel my excitement?  This is one of my dreams that I am thrilled to see completed and am eager to share with you!  I can honestly say I ‘saw’ this in a vision over 30 years ago, some eight years after I’d begun teaching the Tarot in my...

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About Sandy Anastasi


About Sandy Anastasi

"My vision is to help each man, woman and child connect with their inherent psychic ability. I believe that each person has the potential to tap into their abilities and access them to empower their life and reach their full potential. - Sandy Anastasi"

Like many who realize their psychic gifts later in life, Sandy Anastasi awakened to her abilities in her late 20’s. She understood that many people develop deep psychological problems because their psychic abilities are misunderstood and often blocked. These insights and an inner need to pass on her knowledge and abilities led her to begin teaching others to develop their own psychic gifts. She believes that if you are psychic, you MUST use your gifts, or at least learn to control them, or they will use you!

Major Media Appearances

Sandy has appeared on national TV along side friend, colleague, and former student John Edward.

Sandy has many psychic gifts, but she believes her greatest to be the ability to...

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