Sandy's Blog

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Monthly Specials for May, 2024


Special #1

     Most of us are primarily focusing on our futures right now.  We see upheavals in every area of life around us, we know the World is changing, and of course we hope and believe that will be for the better.  But how are we and our loved ones going to fit into this New World? How much money will we have, where will we live, what will happen to our work and career?  How will our health be, and how will our relationships be going forward? What about our debts, and how do we get out of debt and stay that way? What are, were, and will be our and our family’s greatest challenges in the future? How should we plan to easily overcome them?   My Guides and I can help answer these questions.  We have the ability to help you to see your future clearly enough to know what is coming for you and your family’ specifically to help you to achieve freedom from worry, and happiness, both now and in the future. 


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Astrological and Psychic Predictions for May 2024


First, let me wish all mothers a Happy Mother’s Day!

Now, Here’s an Overview of May 2024 Transits and How They Will Affect You:
On May 2nd Pluto begins it’s retrograde back into Capricorn, where it spent the last 19 years.  Our window into the next 19 years that it gifted us with between January 22nd and May 2nd is gone.  If you have important points in your astrology chart (Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or Sout Node) in a cardinal sign – Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn, get ready to experience Pluto’s ‘last licks’ as it begins to move through it’s retrograde.  It will bring back events, things, even people and situations from your past…some good, some bad…but you will have to deal with them and make decisions about them all over again.  Remember to take care of what you need to, but don’t get over-emotional.  If you do, you’ll drag those things into your future. On September 3rd Pluto...

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Tarot Tip #17 โ€“ People in Love


 In my Tarot Tip #16 I talked about the various cards in the deck that show you a love relationship is happening in your reading, and I promised to talk about the people involved in those relationships in my next tip.  So, let’s get started.

     Obviously, the Court Cards of the Minor Arcana and certain of the ‘people cards’ of the Major Arcana, will be the actual people in your client’s life that the cards might talk about.  The Court Cards would be the King, Queen, Knight, or Page of each suite.  The ‘people’ cards of the Major Arcana are the High Priestess, The Empress, and The Emperor, and occasionally I have seen the Magician and the Hermit also representing people in my client’s life.

     When you have one or more of the ‘love’ or ‘relationship’ cards I spoke of in Tip #16, and two or more ‘people cards’ all falling near one another in the...

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Editorial-Blog for May 2024


Hello Everyone,

     First of all, I’d like to take a moment to wish all of my readers who are nurturers, a Happy Mother’s Day.  You deserve a wonderful day of celebration, and an especially happy month filled with the love you deserve, coming back to you, from those you’ve given so much to.

    I promised I’d spend a little time in this editorial talking about Neptune.  That planet, seldom talked about, has contributed in a big way to our changing world, and will continue making contributions for some time to come.

     Neptune is in Pisces right now, at a critical 29 degrees.  In astrology we consider the 29th degree of a sign the critical degree as it is the last degree before the next sign begins. The 30th degree of a sign is the same as 0 degrees of the next sign.

     Neptune, in astrology, is said to ‘dissolve’ whatever form it is touching, leaving in...

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Monthly specials for April, 2024


Special #1

     Most of us are overwhelmed and worried about our struggling economy and the high prices of everything right now. We are concerned about paying our bills, feeding our families, and worried about how we might meet unforeseen future expenses.  It seems, more and more, that our primary focus is money.  It seems that everything in our world that concerns money is changing.  We are all wondering how far our dollars will stretch, and even what currency we might be using! A secondary but related concern is what’s happening in the world, and more specifically, how it will affect us and our family’s and loved ones.

     If you find you are focusing far more than usual on how much money you have, how much you need, how to handle it, and how and where to get it, rest assured you are not alone.  Nearly every one of my clients, friends and colleagues is feeling the same thing you are.


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Astrological and Psychic Predictions for April 2024


An Overview of April 2024 Transits and How They Will Affect You:

     This month will be an important one, folks, for getting a look at things to come.  You should still be keeping your Pluto journal, that you started on January 22nd and will finish on May 2nd, that gives you a look at the next 19 years, especially regarding world changes.  But this month we also should keep our eclipse diary, that offers us a look into the next six months of our own lives.  Your eclipse diary should begin back around March 11th and continue through April 22nd.  The astrological chart for the month is scattered and shows efforts in a lot of diverse directions, but also many distractions.  A cardinal T-Square is likely to keep us focused on home and family issues for most of the month, and domestic things relative to world events. Tensions will build but we’ll mostly be running in place in our lives until near the end of the month, when we can...

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Editorial-Blog for April 2024


Hello Everyone,

     I want to wish all of you a Happy Spring as we launch wholeheartedly into what is undoubtedly the most dynamic time of the year.  March 21st, when the Sun moved into Aries, was officially the first day of Spring; but I feel like it’s really just beginning now.

     As a long-time teacher of the Tarot, and of Astrology, I have come to have a deep relationship to the four elements – air, earth, fire, and water.  Each of those elements rules it’s own season of the year.  As you can imagine, the Spring season is ruled by the element of Fire, as Aries, the first sign in the zodiac, appearing on the horizon at this time of year, is a Fire Sign.

     So, what does that mean? In my Tarot classes I teach that the Suit of Wands, which is the suit in the cards that correlates to the element of Fire, is about change and transformation in every sense, but especially physical....

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Tarot Tip #16 โ€“ โ€œLove in the Tarotโ€


 In my last tip I talked about several ways you might see a marriage in the cards.  In this tip I’ll talk about love.

     There are many types of love, and the tarot cards do a great job giving us insight into all of them.  In fact, the tarot dedicates an entire suite, the suite of Cups, to the subject of love!  Any time you see cups in a reading, you can assume the cards are speaking about strong emotions concerning something.  If upright, that emotion is usually positive; inverted, negative.  The cups in the tarot deck can show us the entire gambit of human emotions, ranging from the negatives of anger, hurt, depression, and loss, all the way to love, happiness, joy, bliss, belonging and nurturing.

     Let’s focus on love, and specifically, romantic love.

     It’s fun to note right off that the cards wisely recognize that sex and love, even romantic love, are not...

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Monthly Specials for March 2024


Special #1    

    This month I am offering a reading/coaching special you won’t find on my website.  It’s Finding Your Right Path.  

My Guides and I are offering it because we are seeing so many people who are confused, disillusioned, and in need of guidance about their future right now.  The social, political, economic and financial events we are living through have taken their toll.  Many people’s lives are in turmoil.  Some lost family and friends, homes and jobs.  Most have had their values, ethics and beliefs challenged.   What does the future hold? There is fear and insecurity as we all move forward now.  My clients are asking questions like, “Will I find a new job? If I can’t find the same type of work, what should I do, or, “Should I look for a home and a job in a different state or country?  Would I be happy there?  What about my family?” or...

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Astrological and Psychic Predictions for March,_2024


An Overview of March 2024 Transits and How They Will Affect You:

   First, a reminder - you should be keeping a journal that you started on January 22nd and will continue through May 2nd, to get a preview of how Pluto will be affecting your life for the next 19 years.  This is important, folks!  Do it!  This is about the world entering the Age of Aquarius, and your opportunity to get a peek at how it’s going to affect you! 
    Now, for a quick overview of the astrological transits for March for all sun-signs.  There will be a great deal of fear and uncertainty in the World all through March, which is likely to affect our daily lives, our homes and families, our work, and even our health.  You can approach all this with a victim mentality if you want, and be pretty miserable all month, or you can see all this as an opportunity to find new solutions, and alternate routes to your success. Emotions will run high all month,...

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